Chapter 60: Secretly Evil!

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Penelope's POV:
   I shimmered to the Underworld and saw a bunch of demons gathered around and I walked over to them. "What's going on here?" I asked and they all turned to face me. "Where looking for a new source." A grimlock replied. "Of all evil?" I asked. "What other source would we be talking about?" A harpie asked. "Right." I replied. "We made our decision. There is only one person good for the job." A shapeshifter stated. "So? Who is it?" I asked. "You." A scaly demon replied. "Me?" I asked. "Of course, you." Another harpie replied. "Well, I think I'll like this position." I stated with a smirk.

Piper's POV:
   I was in my room of the manor. I just called for an elder and I sighed as I was pacing. What is taking them so long? Then a female elder orbed in and I stopped pacing. "You rang?" The elder asked and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. I asked you to switch my kids whitelighter, I want to cancel that. I decided to try and accept my daughters relationship with Ian." I replied and she pushed her eyebrows together, which made me do the same thing. "Didn't you already ask for that?" The elder asked me and that made me even more confused. "No, I didn't." I stated. "But Melinda talked to me and said you didn't want a new whitelighter after all." The elder stated and my confusion turned into anger. "She did what?" I asked. "I'm guessing that's not true." The elder replied and I sighed. "You're dismissed. I have a daughter to kill." I stated and then I left.

Melinda's POV:
     We were all still in the attack trying to find a way to get the Book of Shadows back. "Melinda!" Mom yelled and my eyes widend. Everyone's head turned and looked at me. "Mel." Wyatt stated and I looked at him with a fake smile. "Yes, dear brother?" I asked as I acted all sweet and innocent. "Don't act all sweet and innocent." Chris stated and I glared at him. "Stay out of my mind." I stated. "What did you do?" Wyatt asked and I sighed. "I may or may not have called an elder and told her that mom doesn't want us to have a new whitelighter." I replied and my brothers sighed. "Melinda." Wyatt stated and I rolled my eyes. "Don't." I stated and he sighed.
    Then my mom stormed in and looked around. Tamora, Katerina, and Samuel were blocking the place that the Book of Shadows goes so she doesn't know that it's missing. Emilie, Ronald, William, and Scarlett are all hiding. "What are you guys all doing here?" Mom asked. "Just hanging out." Parker replied and I nodded. Then Penelope shimmered in. There she is. Where did she go? "Sorry I'm late. What's going on here?" Penelope asked. "Melinda's in trouble." Parker replied and I glared at her and she just shrugged. "Shut it, Parker." I stated and I turned back to my mom. "How could you?" Mom asked. "I was possessed by a demon." I replied and she glared at me. "Don't make jokes. That was uncalled for. Maybe I should forbid you for seeing him now." Mom stated. My eyes widend and I gasped. "You can't do that!" I exclaimed. "I can do whatever I want, I'm your mother." Mom stated. "Then I'll run away. I'll run to the Underworld if I have to." I stated. "We'll talk about this later." Mom stated and then she left. I sighed and saw everyone still starting at me. "Stop starring at me!" I exclaimed and everyone looked away.

Prue's POV:
     I had put my wand in my boot and walked into the hospital. I walked to a certain room and was shocked to see Darryl there. He looked over at me and his eyes widend. "Prue? What are you doing?" Darryl asked. "Visiting my husband." I replied. I grabbed my wand and waved it around as he backed away. Then I made him fly out of the room and closed the door. I put my wand back in my room. I went up to Andy and kissed him on the lips. "I love you, and I'm sorry. But I have to get revenge for you. For what happened." I stated. I held back my tears. I refuse to cry. I grabbed my wand and waved it again. Then I disappeared in a tornado. I'm going after Andy's killer's, they're going to pay.

Penelope's POV:
  Scarlett walked to Melinda, who was by herself right now, and I followed. "After everyone found out we were Halliwell's, why didn't you say that you already knew?" Scarlett asked and my eyes widend. "I almost did, but then I remembered I made a promise not to." Melinda replied and Scarlett nodded. They sat down and started talking as I gave an evil smirk. I've been wanting to turn them against each other, this is how I'll start. They'll get mad at Melinda. After that, I'll do Wyatt, Chris, and Bianca. I shimmered myself to the attack.
     "Hey, Penny. Where have you been?" Patricia asked. "No where. So I was downstairs and I overheard Melinda and Scarlett talking, and apparently Mel knew that the future kids were Halliwell's." I replied and they all gasped. "What? Are you sure?" Jackson asked. "Yeah, and I think she knows how they're related too." I replied. "Why wouldn't she tell us?" Katerina asked and I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe she doesn't trust us." I replied and they all started talking at once as I smirked. Then Melinda walked in with the future kids behind her.

Melinda's POV:
      I walked into the attack with the future kids behind me. Everyone was talking, but then they just stopped and starred at me. Confusing. "Why is everyone looking at me?" I asked. "Because you lied to us." Penelope replied. "She technically didn't lie to us, she just with held information." Chris corrected and Penny rolled her eyes. "Same diff." Penelope stated and I sighed. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked. "You knew that the future kids were somehow related and you know they're related." Wyatt replied and my eyes widend. The future kids widend their eyes too. They know. How do they know. Did some one over here me talking to Scarlett? This is not good. "Do you not trust us? Is that why you didn't tell us?" Parker asked. "Of course not.  I made a promise." I replied. "But we're family." Jackson stated. "So are they." I reminded and then we all started talking, yelling, and arguing.

Penelope's POV:
      I gave an evil smile as I watched the chaos unfold before me. My plan is working perfectly. Now I just need to do the next part of my plan. I walked over to Chris and grabbed his arm and dragged him outside of the attack and closed the door. "What is this about?" Chris asked. "I heard Wyatt and Bianca talking.... And it's not good." I replied. "What do you mean?" Chris asked. "Are you sure you want me to tell you?" I asked and I can tell he's getting angry. Good. The angrier the better. "Just tell me!" Chris replied and I nodded. "Okay. Wyatt told Bianca that she's no good for you and he was going to make her pay for walking into our life and she better watch her back." I stated and his face fell. "What? Are you serious?" Chris asked. "Of course. I wouldn't lie to you about this. Plus, I heard him talking to himself and he's trying to make a plan to make Bianca think you hate him." I replied and then he got I angry. I made the last part up, but it serves it's purpose. I walked into the attack as I smirked.

Chris's POV:
     I was beyond angry at this point. How could he do this to me? He's supposed to be my brother. Have my back. Be there for me. Support me. But if he can't do any of that, then maybe he's not my brother. I balled my fist and stormed into the attack. Everyone was still yelling and arguing. I walked over to Wyatt. I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around so he can face me. Then I punched him right in the face and everyone became quiet and gasped as they looked at me. But I was just looking at Wyatt witg anger as he layed on the ground.

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