Chapter 14: Outgoing One!

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Tamora's POV:
    I was walking in the hallway of the school, with my group of friends, and I was in front. I am the leader. My friends are the girls in the cheerleading squad, which I'm the captain of. "There's your new boy." Rosie stated and I smirked as I saw Lucas at his locker. But then I frowned when I saw start to talk to Kat. "Why is he talking to your sister?" Lea asked. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Meet me outside in 10 minutes. If I'm not there, then Lucas is giving me a ride." I stated with a smile as they laughed and left. I looked at Lucas and Kat. I glared at them but then put on a fake smile as I walked over to them.

Katerina's POV:
      I went to my locker and put in my combination. I tried to open it but it wouldn't open. I sighed as I gave it one last yank, but it still didn't open. "Need any help?" Lucas asked. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, yeah it won't open." I replied. I moved to the side and gave him my combination. He put it in and managed to open it. "I guess, you have the magic touch." I stated, but then my eyes widened. I can't believe I just said that. "I mean...." I started but his laugh cut me off. "Don't worry about it, it's fine." Lucas stated and I nodded. "Okay." I agreed. We looked each other in the eyes and we were pretty close.
    But then Tamora got in front of us which pushed me and made me fall. Everyone started laughing as I got up. I looked at Lucas who looked at me sympathetically. I ran off with tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

Tamora's POV:
    Lucas tried to run after Kat but I stopped him. "Where are you going, baby?" I asked. "I'm not your baby!" Lucas exclaimed. "What?" I asked. "I don't know. She s your sister and you were horrible to her. Besides I...." Lucas started. "You what?" I asked. "Nothing. I'll talk to you later." Lucas stated. He shut his locker door and walked the same way that Kat did. Oh my gosh! Does he like her?
       I'm walking as I'm trying to find Lucas. Where did he go? And why did he leave? Did he really leave me for Kat of all people? I don't get it. I'm a lot better then Kat, in so many ways. The only thing is that she's smarter then me, when it comes to stupid school at least. I'm smarter when it comes to important things, like fashion and accessorizing. I'm cooler. I'm more popular. I'm awesome! Super sweet. A lovely person. Then the most important thing, I'm gorgeous and hot. She's not any of those things. I'm the full package.... Who wouldn't want me? I'm everything a guy could ever ask for. As I walk by people wave and smile at me. Girls want to be me. Guys want to be with me. My life is amazing!

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