Chapter 41: Awkward Meeting!

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Bianca's POV:
     I was in my room and I sighed as I was writing in my journal. I locked my journal and put it and my pen and put it under my pillow as my mom walked in. "Hello, darling. How are you doing?" Mom asked. "Fine." I replied. "Are you sure?" Mom asked. "Yeah. I am. You can go now." I replied and I turned around so I wouldn't face her. "Darling." Mom stated. "What?" I asked. "I know it hurts now. But it really is for the best." Mom stated. I sat up and turned to face her. "How dare you bring that up?" I asked. "I was just saying." Mom replied. "Well don't. Just go. I don't want to see you." I stated. I disappeared and then reappeared outside. I went to my motorcycle and got on it. Then I drove away.

Melinda's POV:
     "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Looking for you." Mom replied. What do I do? What do I say? "Mom. It's...." I started. "Don't. Just don't. We're leaving." Mom stated and I took a deep breath. "No." I stated and they both turned to look at me. "Excuse me?" Dad asked. "I love Ian. I know you don't like that.... But mom, you married your whitelighter, and then had two kids with him before he became a human. Grandma fell in love with her whitelighter and had a kid with him. So, I should be able to be with my whitelighter." I explained. "But mom was an adult and so was I. You're a teenager." Mom stated. "I don't care. You can't change how I feel! Nothing can change how I feel!" I exclaimed. "We're leaving now and we're requesting a new whitelighter." Dad stated. I had tears in my eyes. "Lets go." Mom stated and I sighed. I ran up to Ian and kissed him passionately. "I love you, and I will fix this." I stated. "I love you too." Ian stated and I kissed him again. Then I walked out with my parents behind me.

Mason's POV:
     Mom's boss left and mom had just finished cleaning up my blood off of the floor. Mom made Christy get off of the couch so she could sit next to me. "Are you okay?" Mom asked. "Yeah." I replied. "How are you doing?" Mom asked. "I said I'm fine." I replied. "Good." Mom stated. She kissed my head and then she sighed. "Are you okay, mom?" Christy asked. "Yeah, it was hard to explain to my boss about what happened and why she had to leave. Lets just hope I still have a job tomorrow." Mom replied with a sigh.
     Patricia beamed back in here with the book of shadows. She sat it on the coffee table and sat on the floor. She started flipping through. "What are you doing?" Mom asked. "Looking for the demon that attacked us." Patricia replied. "You can't right now." Mom stated. "Why not?" Patricia asked. "Because we have to get ready for when my boss return." Mom replied. "Well, then I'll leave and figure this out." Patricia stated as she stood up and grabbed the book with her. "You can't leave." Mom stated as she stood up. "Why?" Patricia asked. "You have to stay for dinner." Mom stated. "No, I don't." Patricia stated. "Yes, you do. My other kids are staying." Mom stated. "But that's the thing, Billie. I'm not your kid. You are not my mother. I am here for my father and siblings. That is all." Patricia explained and I saw the hurt in mom's face. Then dad stood up. "That's enough, Patricia!" Dad exclaimed and Patricia looked up at him hurt. "Yeah, choose your new family, like always. Because your old family, me, means nothing to you, compared to them." Patricia explained. "Patty." Dad stated. "Don't." Patricia stated. Then she beamed out.

Chris's POV:
    I was walking in an alley when I heard a motorcycle. I exited the alley and saw a girl next to a motorcycle. "Need any help?" I asked. "As if." The girl replied and I laughed. She sounds familiar. She turned around and sighed when she saw me. "Of course it's you." Bianca stated. "Hey." I greeted. "Hi." Bianca greeted. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Just roaming around. Trying to avoid my mom." Bianca replied and I laughed. "I know the feeling." I stated as I walked closer to her. "Yeah. So, what are you doing?" Bianca asked. "Thinking." I replied. "About?" Bianca asked. Does she really want to know? "You." I replied and she nodded. "Of course." Bianca stated. "Bianca. I don't want us to be like this anymore." I stated. "I don't either." Bianca agreed and then I walked closer to her. "Then let's change things." I stated. "We can't be together. As much as I want to, I just can't." Bianca stated and I nodded. "Okay, then we won't exactly be an item." I stated. "What do you mean?" Bianca asked. "We could be friends, and maybe one day.... We can be together again." I replied. "What about your parents? Your mom?" Bianca asked. "I'll deal with them. They can't change this, any of this." I replied and she nodded. "Okay." Bianca agreed and we hugged.

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