Chapter 64: Awake!

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Phillip's POV:
     I was at the hospital visiting my dad. I'm almost always here now. I feel like I'm the only one that visits. Mom and Victor are too busy being evil and Jackson's too busy trying to save therm with our cousins. I sighed as I watched him. He looks like he's sleeping, but he can't wake up, maybe not ever. I let a fee tears drop off my face. I hear the door open, so I wipe my tears and sniff. I took a deep breathe and turned to face the person. It was a nurse, so I stood up. She was wearing a white robe and a blue hat, with her brown hair in a bun, and a face masked. I pushed my eyebrows together as I looked at her confused. "Why are you wearing a face mask?" I asked. "It's none of you're business, kid." The nurse stated and I glared at her. She looks a little familiar. "If it's about my father, then it is my business, lady." I stated. This nurse is rude. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Your father is fine. Now go home and rest. You can come back tomorrow." The nurse stated. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine." I agreed angrily as I crossed my arms. I looked at my father and sighed as I held back tears. Then I left.

Emilie's POV:
     I sighed as I watched Phillip leave. I took of my face mask of and took off my nurse robe off, revealing my black T-shirt that says 'bite me,' in bold red letters and pair of jeans. I waved at Ron, Scar, and Will to come in. They all three entered and then I took my hair out of the bun it was in, letting it fall down my back and shoulders, going down to my waist. "You could have done it nicer." Scarlett stated. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Bite me." I stated and we all walked to Great Uncle Andy. I took out a folded up piece of paper out of my pocket. I unfold it and took a deep breathe as I looked at it. "Are you sure it's going to work?" William asked. "Yes." I replied as I continued to look at the spell. "But Great Aunt Piper told us about when Great Aunt Prue and Great Aunt Phoebe used it on her. It was disastrous and almost got innocent people killed." Ronald explained. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I look up from the spell and to my cousins. "I know. But that was different." I stated. "How?" Scarlett asked. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe as I tried to calm myself. I open my eyes again. "Look. The spell backfired on them because Grandmama had a disease. Great Uncle Andy is just in a coma. This spell won't get everyone in a coma, it can't, I double checked. The Awakening spell will work." I explained and everyone nodded.

Melinda's POV:
     "Aunt Prue. Vic. Don't do this." I begged with tears in my eyes. "What are you going to do?" Aunt Prue asked with a smirk and I sighed. "I-I don't know." I replied as I put my head down. "You're pathetic. What's your powers? Empathy, and the future kids said you'll get telepathy soon? You're not a real witch." Victor stated. "I also have channeling. I can channel your powers and be evenly marched as you." I stated as I stood in front of everyone. They were all starring at me, shocked and confused. "First you have to learn to control them, so you're not quite evenly matched as you think." Aunt Prue stated and I gulped. "Besides, it's not your power, you're using other people's powers. You're using bowered magic, in a way, you're stealing the magic. Your only power as of now, is empathy." Victor explained. I put my head down and stepped back. "That's what we thought." Aunt Prue stated with a smirk. They both conjured up fire balls, ready to throw at us and kill us. Then a fairy flew threw the window and they put the fire balls out as they're confused. Scarlett? Then she turned back into a human, but still had giant wings on her back with her long brown hair dropping over them. She threw sleeping powder at them, but it came out of her hands, and then they both fell to the ground. They're asleep. I look at the girl. It's not Scarlett, she has blonde hair and this girl has brown hair. She turned around and it was.... Danielle? Everyone, except Patty, gasped. "Danielle?" I asked. I looked at Patty, who was grinning, and back at Danielle, who had a shy smile.

Patricia's POV :
      "Dani!" I exclaimed happily. "Hey, Patty." Danielle greeted. "Thanks for the help." I stated. "Anytime." Danielle stated. I looked at Mel and saw her looking between me and Dani. She looks very confused and deep in thought. She's probably thinking.... Again. I shrug it off and looked back at my girlfriend. I looked up and saw Wyatt and Chris trapping them in crystals. I smirked. Looks like they're getting along, that's good, we don't need any more family drama then we already have. "So, are you guys friends again?" I asked. Everyone chuckled, except, Chris, Wyatt, Bianca, and Melinda. So, pretty much Aunt Piper's kids and Bianca. "Not even close." Wyatt stated. "Never going to happen." Chris stated. Chris walked over to Bianca and Wyatt sat on the couch. "You guys need to get over this feud, and soon." Parker stated. "She's right." Danielle stated and we smiled at each other. "Stay out of this twerp!" Wyatt exclaimed and I gasped. "Leave her alone!" I exclaimed. I walked over to her and put my arm around her shoulders as she put her arm around my waist. I gave a nervous smile as my heart was beating fast. I-I can't let them know we're dating. No one can know, not yet anyway. It's a secret, for now. I'm afraid how everyone's going to react to this. Jackson stepped up and everyone looked at him. "Whatever is going on needs to stop. We can worry about our family issues later, right now we need to save my mother and brother." Jackson stated and we all nodded in agreement. I let go of Dani and I sighed.

Emilie's POV:
      We stood around Great Uncle Andy's bed. We all held hands and closed our eyes. "Troubled blood with sleeps unease, remove the cause of this disease. Sleep eternal, nevermore, and shirt the source of illness borne. To this poppet whom none shall mourn." Ronald, Scarlett, William, and I chanted in unison. We put our hands down and opened our eyes. We starred at him and waited. I opened my mouth to speak when Great Uncle Andy opened his eyes. I closed my mouth and everyone smiled. "He's awake." Scarlett stated. "Of course he is." I stated. Andy sat up and rubbed his head. He looked at all of us confused. "What happened?" Andy asked.

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