Chapter 35: Protection!

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Samuel's POV:
      I was in an alley trying to protect a new charge. A demon threw a fireball at me. "Fireball!" I yelled and it orbed to the demon and he vanquished. I helped the girl up and she smiled at me. "Thanks." Lila stated. "Yeah." I stated. "I should get home. My fianceé is expecting me." Lila stated. "Who is he? Do I know him?" I asked. Why did I ask that? I shouldn't ask that. I shouldn't get involved. "It's a she and you probably don't know her." Lila stated and I nodded. "Oh." I stated. She's a lesbian. I've never met a lesbian, that I know of. "You're probably freaked." Lila stated. "What? No, no. I'm just shocked and caught off guard." I stated. "Yeah, well I need to go home." Lila stated. "Okay. Yell my name when you need me." I stated and then I orbed away.
     I was walking in the park and saw Patty and Christy talking on the bench. They hugged and then Christy ran off and into what looks like Coop's car. I walked over to her and sat next to her. "Hey. Where are you been?" Patricia asked. "Saving a charge." I replied. "Girl or guy?" Patricia asked and I rolled my eyes knowing where this is going. "Girl." I replied. "Oooh. Do you like her?" Patricia asked. "No. First of all, she's 21. Second of all, she's gay." I replied. "Gay?" Patricia asked. "Yeah, it shocked me too." I replied. "Yeah, I have to go." Patricia stated and she left.

Patricia's POV:
      I beamed into Sam's room at his house. I was looking in his drawers. Finally, I found two phone and address books. One was of people Sam hangs out with and the other one was of people Sam helps as a Whitelighter. I grabbed a piece of paper and one of Sam's pen's. I wrote down Lila. I know It's her, because it's the last name he had down, so it's the last person he helped. I put the piece of paper in my pocket and put all of Sam's stuff up. "Hey, mom!" Sam called and my eyes widend. I quickly beamed out before anyone knew I was there.

Dove's POV:
   I got out of work and picked up my siblings from daycare and drove home. My boyfriend is still at work for now. I sighed and put Marcus to sleep. He turns 1 tomorrow. I can't believe it. I put my hair in a ponytail and I started cooking. I walked into the living room and then an arror flew past me and hit the wall. I turned around and saw a darklighter. He threw another arrow at me and I ducked. Then Lindsay ran out of her room. He shot one at me and I dodged myself in front of her and pushed her out of my way. The arror hit my side and I screamed. "Go! Close the door and lock it!" I exclaimed and Lindsay did as I said. I heard something and looked up and saw orbs. After the orbs disappeared, Samuel stood there. I let out a small smile and took deep breaths to try and stay calm. The darklighter shot an arrow at Sam. "Arrow!" Sam exclaimed and the arrow hit the darklighter and he vanquished. He ran over to me and healed me. Then he helped me up and I smiled at him. "You can open the door now!" I yelled and Lindsay did. She ran out and hugged me and I hugged back. Then she ran back in her room and picked up a toy and started playing. I smiled at her and then looked at Sam and smiled. "Thanks." I stated. "Anytime." Sam stated and I hugged him and he hugged me back.

Samuel's POV:
     I had just saved Dove, Lindsay, and Marcus. She gave me a hug and I hugged back. Then we pulled away from the hug. "I'm glad to see you again." I stated. "Same here." Dove stated. "How have you been?" I asked. "Good.... You?" Dove asked. "I'm good." I replied. "Good.... Uh, Marcus turns 1 tomorrow. Maybe you could come over." Dove suggested. "Oh, I don't want to be a burden." I stated. "Oh, you're not. Lindsay and Marcus loves you." Dove stated and I smiled. "Okay." I agreed. "Great!" Dove exclaimed and we hugged. Then I orbed out.

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