Chapter 2: Moving!

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Wyatt's POV:
   I walked in my house with a big smile on my face. I have a big announcement for everyone. "Hey, Wyatt." My mom greeted and I waved at her. "You look happy." Mom stated. "I am." I replied. "Why are you so happy?" Mom asked. "I have an announcement." I replied. "I'll go get everyone." Mom stated as she got up and walked off.
     Mom, dad, Chris, and Melinda walked down the stairs and over to me. "What's up?" Chris asked. "I found an apartment near the college I'm going to and I'm going to move into it. You guys were right, a summer job the last four years paid off." I explained and they were all speechless. "That's great!" Dad exclaimed and gave me a hug.    "Congratulations!" Mom exclaimed and gave me a hug. "Good job, bro. I get my own room now." Chris stated as we shook hands. I rolled my eyes but still smiled. "Awesome!" Melinda exclaimed and gave me a hug. "Do you need help to pack?" Dad asked. But before I could answer mom cut in. "Do you have to move so soon?" Mom asked. "It's not soon. I've lived with you for 18 1/2 years." I stated. "You're right, it's time to start your life." Mom stated with a smile. "I would love if I had help to pack." I stated and they nodded. "Lets go." Dad stated.
   We spent all day packing, Chris and Melinda didn't like that. Melinda just seemed bored and Chris seemed like he wanted to leave. "Are these the last of the things to be packed?" Chris asked. "Yes. But we have to move all of this stuff to the truck and to my apartment and unpack." I replied and Chris moaned. "I'll be right back." Chris stated and walked out, but I decided to follow him.
      He was in the restroom and I was outside of the restroom. "Hey. I can't make it today, my parents won't let me leave because we are forced to help Wyatt move into his new apartment." Chris explained over the phone. A moment later he walked out and saw me. "Hi, Wyatt." Chris greeted. "Who was that?" I asked. "No one, just a friend." Chris replied and walked away. I sighed.
     The rest of the day we moved my stuff. I gave my siblings and parents a hug before they left and I took sometime by myself at my new place.

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