Chapter 26: Helping the Run Away!

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Wyatt's POV:
     Violet left the apartment for a little while and my phone started ringing. I picked it up but I didnt recognize the number. I ignored it and threw it on my bed. It started ringing again and I answered it. "Hello? Who is this?" I asked. "It's Victor." Victor replied and my eyes widended. "Vic? Where the hell are you?" I asked. "I can't say yet. But, I may need some help and I was wondering if you could." Victor stated. Oh my gosh. Should I? "I, I don't know." I replied. "Please. You can't tell anyone." Victor stated and I sighed. "Okay." I agreed. "Great! Thank you so much. I'll text the address and what I need help with and you can send it to me." Victor explained and I sighed. "Okay. I hope you know what you're doing." I stated. "I do." Victor stated and he hung up. Then I waited for him to text me everything.
   He needs money or food. Which ever one he I can provide. I grabbed some food and and put in a box and put some money in an envelope and put it in the box. I mailed it away and went back home. I can't believe I'm helping him. I don't even know if this is a good idea. I want to help him, but I want to help Aunt Prue too. Ugh! I don't know what to do anymore.

Violet's POV:
     I got home late and Wyatt's TV was pretty loud. I knocked on his door. "Come in!" Wyatt called and I walked in. I saw him hugging a pillow. I looked at the TV and saw he was watching Insidious. "You like horror movies?" I asked. "Love them." Wyatt replied. "Me too." I stated. "You wanna watch with me?" Wyatt asked and I smiled. "Uh, sure." I replied. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a cherry coke and went back in Wyatt's room. He moved over and let me sit next to him. He handed me a pillow and I laughed and hugged the pillow. He passed the popcorn over and I started eating some. Wyatt looked at me with a smile and I looked back at him.

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