Chapter 40: Whitelighter Love!

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Patricia's POV:
   The demon that stabbed Mason shimmered away as Christy bent down by Mason. "Daddy!" Christy exclaimed in tears. Tears are falling off my face too. Mason and I may not be close, but he is still my brother and I love him. Dad beamed down here. "Oh my gosh!" Dad exclaimed as he bent down to his son. I sniffed as I put my hands over my nose and mouth. "Ian!" Dad exclaimed. Then Ian orbed in and gasped to see Mason on the ground with blood. "Don't just stand there and do something!" Dad exclaimed. Ian went down and put his hand over his wound. Then Mason was healed. Dad and immediately hugged him and then I went down and hugged him too. I'm so glad he's okay.

Melinda's POV:
   Melinda was in Ian's apartment by herself. She was laying on his bed. She sighed as she was waiting for her boyfriend. She got a text and looked at her phone.

Mom: Where are you?

      Crap! What do I say? Where do I say I am? Kat's? But what if she wants to verify it? Kat would be so mad that I haven't told her. Maybe I should. She's my best friend. She's also my cousin. I Should tell her. She'll understand. She'll be more mad that I kept this from her then me dating our whitelighter. I don't know what to do.

Melinda: At Golden Gate Bridge.

       I texted my mom back. I told her I was at the Golden Gate Bridge. I can't believe I'm being forced to lie to her again. But I can't tell her that I'm still dating Ian after she told me I was forced to break up with him. My mom said to either break up with him or they'll request a new whitelighter. I don't know why. I mean, mom married her whitelighter Wyatt and Chris were both born when dad was still a whitelighter. It's not a big deal. I fell in love with my whitelighter. Like mother, like daughter.
      I sat up and stood up from the bed. I sighed and I sat on the desk chair that was at his desk. I accidentally moved his laptop and the screen turned on. I looked at it. There's a picture of a gorgeous burnett girl and she had mixed skin and she was wearing a spaghetti strap red and black dress and red heels with black straps. She was tall, skinny, long brown hair, wavy hair, and beautiful. I knew it was a bad idea, but she scrolled down anyway and saw him with her. I scrolled down some more and saw them kissing. I scrolled down more and saw her with an engagement ring. Then I scrolled down again and saw him in a suit and her in a wedding dress. I felt her eyes water.

    I saw orbs and stood up

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    I saw orbs and stood up. "Hey." Ian greeted. "Hi, baby." I greeted. "Are you okay?" Ian asked. "Of course." I replied and he nodded. He kissed my forehead and sat down at the desk chair. Then he noticed the pictures. "You didn't see these, did you?" Ian asked. "You mean, I didnt notice the pictures of you with the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen? No, I didnt see it." I replied sarcastically with tears in my eyes. "It's not what it looks like." Ian stated. "Yeah, right." I stated. "She was my wife before I died." Ian stated. "Because you died?" I asked. "We technically never got a divorce, but we're not together anymore. Probably because she doesn't know I'm alive." Ian replied. "So, you could still be in love with her?" I asked. "I'm not." Ian replied. "But you could be." I stated. Ian stood up and went towards me. He grabbed my hand and used his other hand to move my hair from my face. "She was from my other life. I have a whole other life here. With you. I love you. Before I died, I kept fighting with my wife. It's like we didn't agree on anything. I was ready to ask for a divorce. But that's when it happened." Ian explained. "When what happened?" I asked. "I was arguing with her over the phone when a drunk driver hit me. I died immediately. Last thing I remember was my wife screaming at me. Mila and I are over. Even if I survived, we wouldn't be together today." Ian explained. "So, she's still alive?" I asked. "As far as I know." Ian replied. "How.... How long have you been dead?" I asked. Ian looked down. "How long?" I asked again. "Ten years." Ian replied and I nodded. "Wow." I stated. "But I don't love her anymore.... I love you." Ian stated and I nodded. "I just need some time to think." I stated. "Of course." Ian agreed. Then I walked out of his apartment in tears.

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