Chapter 50: Karma!

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Patricia's POV:
     I walked into Charmed, my Aunt Piper's restraunt. I saw Wyatt working, but Aunt Piper wasn't here. I was about to sit down when I saw Dani. I smiled to myself. Her long, shiny, brown hair and her chocolate brown eyes that glisten in the light. She was with her family and I didn't want to interrupt her or anything, so I just sat down. Wyatt walked over to me. "Hey." Wyatt greeted and I looked over to him. "Hi." I greeted. "May I take your order?" Wyatt asked and I looked in the menu. "Yeah." I replied as I knew what I wanted. I looked at him and he was looking at the door. I looked at his direction and he was looking at a girl. A crush. Of course. I snapped my fingers in his face and he looked back at me. "Are you done with your food?" Wyatt asked and I laughed. "I haven't ordered yet." I replied. "Oh." Wyatt stated shocked. "Who's that girl?" I asked. "No one." Wyatt replied. "Right." I stated unsure. "What would you like?" Wyatt asked. "A cheeseburger with ketchup and mustard. Some fries and a Root Beer." I ordered. "Coming right up." Wyatt stated and he walked off.

Pheobe's POV:
     "Good job with that spell." I told Piper. "Thanks." Piper stated. Paige just orbed Prue to Prue's bed and layed her down. Then Paige orbed back. "Is she okay?" I asked. "For now, yeah." Paige replied and I nodded. "What are we going to do?" Piper asked. "We have to come up with something soon." I replied. Piper walked to the Book of Shadows and startrd flipping through the pages. A few minutes later, Piper slammed the book closed and sighed. "There's nothing here that can help us." Piper stated. "Maybe the problem is that we don't know what to look for." I stated. Piper walked away from the book as Paige walked towards the book.

Jackson's POV:
     I walked into my house after visiting my dad in the hospital. I'm surprised mom wasn't there, so I'm kind of worried about her. "Mom!" I called. I walked upstairs and to my moms room. I knocked and waited for my mom to answer the door, but she didn't. I knocked again, and still nothing. I slowly opened the door and walked in. "Mom?" I asked. I saw my mom sleeping. I shook her, trying to wake her up. But she wasn't waking. It's like she's in some sort of spell.... Spell! Of course! Aunt Piper, Aunt Pheobe, and Aunt Paige must have put a spell on her. But why? I need to wake her up. But how? "The one who is sleeping in this bed, must once again wake up as all is said." I chanted. Then mom started tossing and turning and her eyes finally opened. She sat up and looked around. "What happened?" Mom asked. "I don't know. I found you like this." I replied. "Son of a...." Mom started. "Mom." I interrupted her and she looked at me. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "No. Not yet, at least. But it will be, soon." Mom replied. Then she got up and ran out.

Paige's POV:
     I was looking through the Book of Shadows. But then I came across a page that looks like it's been torn out. "What spell was in between the Balthazar vanquishing spell and the truth spell?" I asked. Piper and Pheobe gave one another confused looks. "Mind linking?" Piper asked. "No. I already saw that one." I replied. "The Instant Karma spell." Pheobe stated. "It's gone." I stated. "What?" Piper and Pheobe asked. "Someone ripped it out." I replied and we all looked at one another. "Prue." Piper, Pheobe, and I stated in unison. "We have to go find her." Piper stated. "I can orb us to her place." I stated. "Good idea." Pheobe agreed. "Maybe we should take the book." I stated. "Bad idea." Pheobe stated. "Why? It could come in handy." I stated. "If we need a spell you could always orb back." Piper stated and I sighed. "Okay." I agreed. I grabbed each one of their hands and we orbed away.

Danielle's POV:
     I was with my brother and his fiance at the restraunt Charmed. It's really amazing. The good is great and so is the staff. I looked behind me and saw a waiter give Patty some good. I didn't know she was here. The waiter sat down across from her and they started talking. Well, that's odd. Waiter's don't usually do that. He does look young, maybe they know each other. I turned back to my brother and his fiance. "I'll be right back." I stated as I got up.
      I walked over to her table. "Patty." I stated. Patty and the waiter looked up at me. Patty gave me a smile. "Hi. Sit down." Patty stated as she moved over. I sat down next to her. "Dani. This is my cousin, Wyatt. Wyatt. This is my friend, Dani." Patty introduced and we shook hands. "Nice to meet you." Dani stated. "Likewise. You know, Patty talks about you a lot." Wyatt stated. Patty's widened and I laughed. "Is that so?" I asked. "Oh yeah. She really likes you." Wyatt replied and I laughed some more. Patty hit Wyatt on the arm. "Stop it!" Patty hissed. Wyatt started laughing and Patty turned to me. "Ignore him. He's an idiot." Patty stated and I nodded. "Okay." I agreed. Then my brother and his fiance walked over. "Is everything okay?" Steven asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Who's this?" Steven asked. "Patty. Wyatt. This is my older brother and his fiance. Steven and Kelly." I introduced. "Nice to meet you." Patty stated. "Is this Patty the girl you always talk about?" Kelly asked. I blushed and Patty laughed. "Uh, yeah." I replied. "It's nice to finally meet you." Steven stated. "Likewise." Patty agreed. "Kelly and I have to go. You coming?" Steven asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Okay. Lets go." Kelly stated. "Okay. I'll see you later, Patty." I stated and she nodded. "Okay." Patty agreed and then I left.

Piper's POV:
     Paige orbed us to Prue's house. "Couldn't you orb us to her room?" I asked. "Didn't think about it." Paige replied and I sighed. Then she orbed us to Prue's room and Prue was gone. "This isn't good." Paige stated. "You think." I stated. "You don't need to have an atitude." Paige stated. "I was born with an attitude!" I exclaimed and then Pheobe got in between us. "That's enough." Pheobe stated and I took a deep breathe. "Where could she be?" Pheobe asked. "Paige. Sense her and orb us to her." I replied and Paige nodded. Paige took a deep breathe and closed her eyes. She opened them and took our hands and orbed us away.

Prue's POV:
    I finally found the gang of murderers. They were in an alley and they were loading stuff in a big, white van. I wore all black and leather. I had my hair in a tight ponytail and a knife in my boot. I walked up towards them. "Stop!" I exclaimed and they all looked at me. Five guys. None of them looks too big or too tough. No wonder they hide behind guns and masks. "Who are you?" The first guy asked. "Your worst nightmare." I replied and they all laughed. I used telekinesis and made them all fly back. They all got up shaky and scared. I smirked at them. "Who the hell are you?" The second guy. "The last person you'll see alive." I replied. "Why are you doing this?" The third guy asked. "The cop you shot, he's my husband. We have three sons." I replied. "We're really sorry, lady." The fourth guy stated. "Yeah, what he said." The fifth guy stated. "I really don't care." I stated. "Then orbs filled an area and my sisters appeared. "Prue! You can't do this!" Piper exclaimed. "Yeah, this isn't you!" Pheobe exclaimed. "Lets go home." Paige stated as she held out her hand. "Lets not." I stated. I used telekinesis to make them all fly back. I took out a folded piece of paper from my pocket and unfolded it. I looked at it. "Let cruelty, pain and evil ways follow this villain through all his days. Reverse the torment he creates, to turn on him a crueler fate." I chanted. A red light appeared around them and then disappeared. My sisters got up and starred at me. "Get out of here!" Paige exclaimed. They all ran away scared. I threw a teleportation potion and disappeared.

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