Chapter 33: New Guy!

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Melinda's POV:
     I was in the attack with Patty and Kat when a demon shimmered in. He threw an energy ball at Patty and she used her eyes powers to freeze it into ice. Then she spun and kicked it which smashed it into many pieces. He threw an energy ball at Kat and she deflected it. He threw another energy ball at Kat again. She uses her calling power and a bat appeared in her hand. She swung it and it hit the energy ball and it flew to the demon. The demon ducked and it went threw the wall. He threw another fire ball, but this time at me. I channelled Patty's water power and shot water ball and the water ball hit the energy ball. That was bad. Electricity went everyone as me, Patty, and Kat tried to hide. Electricity went threw the roof and another electricity also hit the demon and he vanquished. We all stood up and sighed in relief. "We're going to be late for school!" Kat exclaimed and all three of us freaked out. Patty, Kat, and I are the nerds of this family. We hate being late to anything, we actually love being early. We are always the first one's in each on of our classes. We even get there before the teacher in our first class. So we all rushed off to school.

Katerina's POV:
      I was walking to my locker when I saw Zac. "Hey.... Katerina, right?" Zac asked. I nodded with a smile. "How are you?" I asked. "I'm good." Zac replied. He looked over my shoulder and I saw he was looking at Tam. I turned back to him. "You like my sister, I see." I stated. "Yeah, I have had a major crush on her forever." Zac stated and I smiled. "You should go talk to her." I stated. "What?" Zac asked. "Maybe the right guy can show her how to love. I think that right guy can be you." I replied and he nodded. "Okay." Zac agreed and I smiled.

Tamora's POV:
      I was at my locker. I looked over and I saw Kat and Lucas talking and laughing at their lockers. I glared at them and sighed. I turned back to my locker and then a guy walked over. "Hi " The guy greeted. "Hi?" I asked. "I'm Zac." Zac greeted and I nodded. "Good for you." I stated. "I wanted to talk." Zac stated. "And you are. Now I want to walk." I stated. I closed my locker and walked off.

Zac's POV:
     Well.... That went well. Tamora hates me and obviously isn't interested in me. But I really like her. She's beautiful and I know there's more to her then a mean girl. There's so much more to her then that. I just know it. I just have to prove it. I'm going to try and get her to go on a date with me.

Tamora's POV:
     That Zac guy is really cute. But he's too nice for me. He seems really sweet. Definitely not my type of guy. Does he like me? Why does he like me? I don't get it. We're complete opposites. He probably just wants to humiliate me or something. Prank me. That's probably it. Ugh! But why? Did I humilate or prank him? Did I humilate or prank someone he knows or care about? Does he hate me? Does he dislike me? Does he like Kat and hate how I treat her? I don't know, but I will. I will pretend to go on a date with him and find out his secret plans.

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