Chapter 67: Family Pictures!

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Melinda's POV:
      I was standing on the stairs, looking at the family pictures. I saw one of Wyatt and Chris. Me and Chris. Me and Wyatt. All three of us. All of the cousin together. Each cousin with their siblings. Mom and my Aunts. My mom and dad. We looked so happy. How did we get into this mess? How did this all happen? Why doesn't anyone believe me? They really should. I never gave them any reason not to. They said I told them. That it was me.... Shape shifter. It has to be. There's no other explanation. I have to find out who did this.... And why.
      "Mel?" Skyler asked, pulling me out of my thought's. I looked over and saw she was on the stairs too, looks like she's trying to walk down them. "Sorry." I apologized, still a bit dazed. "What's wrong?" Skyler asked me as she walked closer to me and I shrugged. "I don't know." I replied. I just don't want to tell her the truth right now. "Yes, you do." Skyler stated and I sighed. "It's just.... Something weird is going on." I replied as I continued to look at the family pictures on the wall. "Something weird is always going on." Skyler stated with a smirk and I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I know, but.... It's different. A bunch of things are going on. Aunt Prue and Victor. You can call me crazy all you want, but something is defiantly going on with Penny. Then we're all fighting, and I know what you'll say. It's normal for siblings to fight, but not like this. It's.... It's like someone is trying to pit us against each other, but I- I don't know. I'm not going to stop investigating this, not until I know what's really going on." I explained and Skyler nodded, speechless. I know that she knows something is going on, but I'm not going to question it. She won't tell me anyways, it's not worth it. "All I can say is.... You're not crazy." Skyler stated and I gave her a weird look, finally turning away from the family photos. She patted me on the back and walked past me, don't the stairs.

Penelope's POV:
    I had my hair in one long braid on the side. I was in the Underworld and watching Melinda from a crystal ball. She's gotten too suspicious. Skyler walked away from her and she sighed as she turned back to the wall. She touched the biggest picture in a golden and jeweled picture frame. It had all of the cousins, and all of the adults. It also has Coop, Billy, and their kids. Since Coop is Patty's dad, and part of the family, so it also had his family. Plus, Billie is friends with the Charmed Ones. I remember that day. It was weird for mom, dad, Coop, and Billie. But they got over it. For Patty, Christy, and Mason. Melinda picked it up from the wall and looked at it as she used her other hand to trace everyone on the picture. She looked at each one individually. Everyone smiling. Looking happy. Those were the days. It was a bunch of lies. The happiness. The friendliness. All of it. A few tears fell out of Melinda's eyes and down her cheeks. She slowly and carefully put the picture up, and then I waved my hand, making the image disappear. I sighed as I thought about what to do with Melinda. Something has to be done with her, I will see to it.

Chris' POV:
     I watched Melinda cry as she held that family portrait. I remember that day clearly. I think we all do. It was a great day. It seems like the only day we didn't have to do with the supernatural or anything. We were all happy. I miss those days. I watched her put the picture back slowly and carefully. She sighed as she wiped her tears with both hands. "I have to figure this out.... Now." Melinda stated and I pushed my eyebrows together. "What things?" I asked and she snapped her neck to where I was quickly. "Nothing." Melinda replied and she walked down the stairs. "Mel!" I exclaimed as I followed her. She ignored me as she kept walking. She was walking towards the door, but I grabbed her arm, making her stop. I stood in front of her, looking at her, but she wouldn't look at me. "Mel. Look at me." I stated. She just ignored me. "Look at me!" I screamed and she looked at me with pain in her eyes. I took a deep breathe and calmed myself. "Leave me alone, Chris. I know that you hate me." Melinda stated and I looked at her in pure shock. "Is that what you think?" I asked. "That's what I know. You hate Wyatt too. Wyatt hates both of us and.... This is just one big family of hate." Melinda replied with tears in her eyes. "That's not true, we're just not getting along right now." I stated. "Whatever you say, now may I leave?" Melinda asked and I shook my head, making her sigh and roll her eyes. "No." I replied. She looked down, but I made her look up at me again. "What's going on?" I asked her concerned. "Nothing! Okay? Nothing!" Melinda replied. She shoved me out of her way and stormed out of the house. I looked up and saw Kat watching, she must have saw what had happened.

Melinda's POV:
      I don't even know where I'm going, to be honest. I just needed out of there. I feel bad for being mean to Chris, but he wouldn't let me leave. I walked through an alley, probably not the smartest idea, which is unlike me, but I can take care of anything that comes my way.... I hope. I'll just use their power against them, great time to have the power of channeling. I stopped walking when I felt a huge pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw blood, and a knife. Someone from behind me yanked the knife out of me, and all I saw was blood, dripping down from my stomach. I looked a head of me, I could barely move to even see who did that to me. I fell to the ground, face first, pretty hard too. I think I scratched up my face, but I'm in too much pain to care. I can't even scream or move, or do anything really. I just laid there.... Dying.

Penelope's POV:
    I shimmered back to the Underworld with a smirk. I made a wash cloth shimmer to me and I started to wipe my bloody athame. I did a great job today. At least, I think so. My minions think so too, as they all smirked and gave evil chuckles. "You did it, my Queen." Heather stated and I thought about out. Yeah. I did do it. "Yes. I use an athame, that I put a spell on to block magic, so know one can heal her magically." I stated with a smirk and they all applauded me.

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