Chapter 54: Busted Part 2!

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Melinda's POV:
   "Wyatt! Chris!" I called. I was in the living room of the Manor. Then two orbs filled the room and then my brothers were standing before me. "What is it, sis?" Wyatt and Chris asked in unison. They looked at each other and back at me. "Mom is missing and so is Aunt Paige and Aunt Prue." I replied. "I'm sure it's nothing." Chris stated. "We all know what's going on with Aunt Prue " Wyatt stated. "True, so it's understandable that we can't find her. But that doesn't explain mom and Aunt Paige." I stated. "They're probably looking for Aunt Prue." Chris stated. "Then why isn't Aunt Phoebe with them?" I asked. "I don't know." Chris replied and Wyatt sighed. "I'll try and sense them." Wyatt stated and I nodded. "Good." I agreed. Wyatt closed his eyes and tried to sense his mom and aunt. Then he opened his eyes and looked at us. "What?" Chris and I asked in unison. "I can't sense them." Wyatt stated and we gasped. "This can't be good." I stated.

Phoebe's POV:
     Everyone just gathered at the Manor. "The future?" I asked. "Yeah. I know it seems hard to believe." William replied. "Not really." I stated. "What do you mean?" Scarlett asked. "When Wyatt was a baby, and around the time Piper got pregnant with Chris, someone came to the future to stop some evil and was here for a year." I replied. "Who?" Wyatt and Chris asked in unison. "Long story." I replied and they nodded. "We can't tell you why we're here." William stated and Scarlett nodded. "Not surprised. I've heard all of that before." I stated. "Is there anything you can tell us?" Kat asked. Scarlett was about to speak when William interrupted her. "No." Ronald replied and I nodded.

Penelope's POV:
      I was in my room and going through my clothes. I'm trying to decide what to keep and what to throw away. Mom is going to take us clothing shopping this weekend and I can't wait. "Greetings." A female voice stated. I turned around shocked and my eyes widend when I saw a tall girl with frizzy hair and black clothes. "Who the hell are you?" I asked. "I'm Harmony. A harpy." Harmony stated. "A demon." I stated as I took a step back. "I prefer to go by harpie, but yes." Harmony stated. "What are you doing here?" I asked. Then a Grimlock appeared and I gasped as I ran to the other side of my bed. "Why are you here? Why aren't you attacking me?" I asked. "Because you're like us." Harmony replied. "No, I'm not." I stated. "You're part demon." Grimlock stated. "Yeah, part demon. I'm also part witch." I stated. "You're the oldest child of Balthazar. You have his powers and his abilities." Harmony stated. "I only have half of his powers. Parker has the other half." I stated. "Maybe. But you have all of his abilities, which she does not." Harmony stated. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You can turn into Balthazar, just like he can." Harmony replied. "No, I can't." I stated. "They didn't tell you? I thought at least your dad would tell you something about who you are. But I guess they're afraid of what you can do, and who you can become." Harmony stated. "That's not true." I stated. "You know it is. Deep down, you know." Harmony stated. "Think about the offer." Grimlock stated. "What offer?" I asked. "The offer to fully become one of us." Grimlock replied. I gasped and my eyes widend. Then they disappeared. What do I do?

Tamora's POV:
    We were all still in the Manor. I sighed. Then a harpy appeared and we all jumped up. The harpy spit a thorn at Kat and she jumped out of the way and fell to the ground. Jackson used astral protection and his astral self appeared behind the harpy. He kicked her in the back and the harpy fell forward. She got back up and Jackson's astral self want back into his body. She spit a thorn at me and I turned invisible and it went right through me. I turned back invisible and then Penny walked in. Penny threw a fireball at the harpy, but the harpy dodged it. Scarlett used telekinesis and made the harpy fly into the wall. The harpy got up and spit a thorn at Scarlett. But then someone shimmered in front of Scarlett and the thorn hit her in the arm and she fell down. Scarlett screamed as William gasped. Then another guy with dark brown hair orbed in. He knelt down with the girl. "Heal her!" Scarlett exclaimed in tears. Wyatt rushed over to her and healed her. She gasped as her eyes widend. "Em!" Scarlett exclaimed. "Are you okay?" William asked. "Yeah " Emilie replied. They all stood up. "Who are you guys?" Patty asked. "Friends of ours from the future." Scarlett replied and everyone nodded. "This is Emilie and Ronald." William stated and we all greeted them. "The harpy is gone." I stated and everything noticed it.

Phoebe's POV:
    I agreed to meet Prue at a cave. I walked in and didn't see her. It was really dark. "Hello, sis." Prue greeted. I turned around to face her. "Where is Piper and Paige?" I asked. "Closer then you think." Prue replied. I looked at her confused. She pointed begind me and I saw a cage to see Piper and Paige. "Phoebe! Behind you!" Paige exclaimed. I turned around and she used telekinesis to unlock the cage, throw me in there, and then locked the cage. "Why are you doing this, Prue?" Piper asked. "I don't want to hurt you, any of you. But I can't let you stop me on track of my revenge." Prue replied. Then she disappeared.... It was her astral self.

Emilie's POV:
      "So, did you save our family before you came here?" Scarlett asked. I looked around at all of the people. I couldn't help but stare at Chris. He noticed and shifted uncomfortably. I sighed and turned back to my three cousins. Ron looked at me, wanting me to break the news. My eyes watered up, and I could tell the same was happening to Ron. "We were to late." I finally managed to say. Their eyes watered too. "No." Scarlett stated and Will comforted her. I sighed as I took a deep breathe. "What happened?" Samuel asked. I stood up and clenched my fist. "Nothing. It's none of your concern. We have to go and do what we came here for. You guys need to stay out of our way. I don't want to look at you guys, I can't. Follow me." I explained. I walked to the door and watched them and waited. Scar, Will, and Ron stood up. "That was harsh." Phillip stated. "Sorry about her. She has some issues sometimes. But she's a good person. I guess you can say she got that from her mom." Ronald stated as he looked at Chris. They all walked over here. "You blew our cover!" I hissed. "We're sorry. Jack caught us spying on Vic." Scarlett apologized. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "You can't socialise with them!" I hissed again. I grabbed Ronald and Willam's hands and then Scarlett grabbed their hands too. Then I shimmered us out of the Manor.

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