Chapter 38: Trouble!

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Prue's POV:
       I got dressed into a casual black dress and some black heels. I put my hair in a braid and then I gave Andy a kiss on the head before I walked out of the house for work.
     I was at my job when I got a call. I answered the phone with the sigh. "Prue Halliwell speaking. How may I help you?" I asked as I was writing stuff down in my work journal. "Hey, Prue." Andy greeted and I smiled. "Hi." I greeted. "Are you okay?" Andy asked and I frowned and sighed. "I'm fine." I replied. "Prue. You don't have to pretend with me." Andy stated and I let out a small smile. "I know. I'm a little stressed, but I'll be fine once Victor is found." I stated. "He left because he wants powers. We need him to realise that it's not bad that he doesn't have any." Andy stated. "I know." I agreed. "I'll be gone for a couple of days Because Darryl and I are going to go and follow a lead on finding Vic." Andy stated and I smiled. "You think you found him?" I asked. "Here's hoping." Andy replied. "I'll miss you." I stated. "I'll miss you too." Andy stated. "Good." I stated with a slight laugh and he laughed too. "I already told the kids, so they know." Andy stated. "Okay. I love you." I stated. "I love you too." Andy stated and I smiled. "I should go." I stated. "Me too. I'll see you soon." Andy stated. "Okay." I agreed. Then I hung up and grabbed my camera. I put the camera around my neck and left.

Andy's POV:
     We've been gone for two days. We finally reached our destination and we're at a diner eating lunch. Then I heard the door open and closed, but I didn't think anything of it. Then Darryl looked up and his eyes widend. "Andy." Darryl stated. "Yeah?" I asked. "Look." Darryl replied as he pointed behind me. I turned around in my seat and saw my eyes widend at what I saw. There was a guy, dressed in the diner working outfit. "Victor?" I asked. Victor looked up with widend eyes when he saw us. Then he ran off and Darryl and I started chasing him. I grabbed his arm and made him stop as he sighed. "What the hell, Vic?" I asked. "What?" Victor asked. "You ran away and nearly gave your mother a heart attack!" I replied. "So what? She doesn't care!" Victor exclaimed. "Of course she cares! Why do you think she doesn't care?" I asked. "Because she didn't give me powers!" Victor replied. "She doesn't get to choose! You get powers if you're meant to!" I exclaimed. "So, I wasn't meant to?" Victor asked. "No! You weren't!" I replied. Victor sighed and I took a deep breath. "Okay. You're coming home." I stated. "What?" Victor asked. "No arguing. Let's go." I replied and we left.

Prue's POV:
     It's been four days since Andy and Darryl have been gone. I just got home from the store and I had went to the store right after work. I just got off the phone with Paige and I put all of the groceries up. I sighed as I started dinner. The door opened and I went into the living room to see who it was. I smiled when I saw Andy. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug. Then I gave him a passionate kiss and then another big hug as he laughed. I laughed too and then I pulled away when the door opened wider. I figured it would be Darryl.... But it was Victor. Vic." I breathed. I gave him a big hug, but he didn't hug back. I pulled away from him. "You're so grounded!" I exclaimed. Then I hugged him again.

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