Chapter 65: Bad Revenge!

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Prue's POV:
     I watched them. I have been watching them since I put the karma spell on them. It's been fun watching them have the karma they deserve. I pulled out my wand and waved it as the tip glowed. Then, before I could blast any magic at them, my wand was flown right out of my hand. I spun around and glared at my three younger sister's. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Stopping you from making your worst mistake you can ever make." Piper replied. "They deserve this! They murdered the love of my life!" I exclaimed as I held back tears. "Prue, sweetie. I know you're hurting, but this is not the end." Phoebe stated and I rolled my eyes. "Yes, it is." I stated as I tried my hardest not to cry. I can't cry. I just can't. "Andy's not dead, just really badly hurt. That's all." Paige stated. "That's bull! The doctor said he won't make it!" I exclaimed. "No, they said he'll probably not make it." Phoebe corrected. "And is that supposed to make me feel better?" I asked sarcastically. "He's strong, he can make it." Piper replied. "You don't know that! How can it be helpful to be so powerful if I can't save Andy! Huh? How can I be so good, if I can't save him? How good is it to be witches if we can't save the ones we love?" I asked as I let the tears flow down my face. "Oh, Prue." Paige stated. "We love him too. Phoebe and I have known him since we were little kids just like you." Piper stated and I rolled my eyes. "It doesn't matter." I stated. "I think it does." Phoebe stated. I wiped my tears and flew my wand to me as they gasped. "No, it doesn't! You don't get it! You don't understand! You'll never understand! It hurts so much! I have to do what I have to do!" I explained. I flamed away to Victor.

Melinda's POV:
      Danielle is a fairy.... A fairy? Like Scarlett? But.... If Patricia is Scarlett 's mom, that means Danielle must be her other parent. I was alone in the living room. Everyone is trying to put their differences aside and find a way to save Aunt Prue and Victor in the attack. I'm not helping because I won't be any help. The only thing I'm good for is smarts. I can't help them. I'm not powerful. Not strong. Not anything. Then the future kids appeared and I stood up. "You!" I exclaimed as I pointed to Scarlett. "Me what?" Scarlett asked and I narrowed my eyes at her. "You don't have a dad." I replied and their eyes widened. "What? Of course I do." Scarlett stated nervously and I rolled my eyes. "Don't lie. I saw Danielle as a fairy. You have two mom's." I stated and Scarlett sighed. "Fine, it's true." Scarlett stated. I can't believe it. "How does she know you're a fairy?" Emilie asked with her arms crossed and Scarlett gulped. "She might have seen me." Scarlett replied and Emilie rolled her eyes. "Of course she did." Emilie stated. "It was an accident." Scarlett stated. "Of course it was." Emilie stated. "We have more important things to do." William stated and they nodded. "Right." Emilie stated as she unfolded her arms. "We have something important that could help with Great Aunt Prue and Uncle Victor." Ronald stated and I nodded. I gave a sad sigh as I sat back on the couch. "You should tell the other's. They're up in the attack." I stated. "Okay." Emilie stated. "Aren't you coming?" Skyler asked. "No. I'll be no use." Melinda replied as tears formed in her eyes. "Of course you will be." Skyler stated and I sighed as I shook my head. "That's sweet, Sky. But no." I stated. Skyler is really the sweetest of all of them. "Mel." Skyler stated. "She said no, Skyler! Lets go before it's too late!" Emilie exclaimed Skyler nodded. Sky gave me a reassuring smile and they started up the stairs.

Ronald's POV:
    Emilie's and Skyler's fighting is really getting on my nerve now. Will and I have to do something about it so we can all work together as one. We got up stairs and Emilie stopped all of us from going any further. She stood in front of us and looked awful. She hasn't looked well since we got here. I haven't seen her eat or drink once since we got here. We're out of hearing distance from Melinda and the others in the attack.... This can't be good. We all stood there, waiting for Emilie to speak. "Skyler." Emilie stated as she glared at Sky. "i knew this was about me." Skyler mumbled and Emilie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Of course this is about you. Aunt Melinda ends up going into a battle all by herself in order to save our family from certain death, and she goes into the battle scared and no confidence what so ever. But she ends up saving the world by building up her confidence during the battle." Emilie explained and Skyler sighed. "That's enough!" I exclaimed and everyone looked at me shocked. "Excuse me?" Emilie asked. "You heard me. I've had enough of you and your attitude trying to boss us around." I replied and she uncrossed her arms. "Don't talk to me like that! I'm the group leader!" Emilie exclaimed. "Who says? No one ever took a vote. You just made yourself in charge of us. It's not right and it's not fair." I stated. "He's right." William stated and I smirked. "I'm getting tired of you too. Always dogging me. Saying I'm doing bad stuff and being an idiot. You've changed." Skyler stated. "I'm older and more powerful then all of you." Emilie stated. "That doesn't matter." I stated. "Yes it does.... And of course I've changed. I've been to hell and back.... Literally.... Remember when I died years ago and you guys with the help of Elizabeth brought me back? Huh? Well, I do. You don't forget an experience like that. Years ago, before that happened, i watched my mother die. Then right before I got here I watched my father died. They keep doing that on purpose because they want to make me weak. Sky, I got mad at you because you keep trying to change the past, which could change the future, our present. Mel has to feel unconfident right now because she ends up going to a battle in order to save our family. She saves the world in that battle. But she has to feel useless, powerless, and unimportant in order to do it. You almost made yourself not be born by saving Dani and not letting Patty do it." Emilie explained as she had tears in her eyes. That doesn't happen very much. "Don't forget what happened to Lizzie." I stated, breaking the silence and she glared at me. "Ronald." Emilie stated. "What are you talking about?" William asked. "You know how close Em was to Lizzie?" I asked and they nodded as Emilie sighed. "Well, right after Em watched her father die, Lizzie was the only one left. Emilie was so distraught that she was shooting anything that wasn't us or Lizzie.... Then a demon was about to kill her, Lizzie saved her." I explained with tears in my eyes and they gasped. "That's how she died?" William asked and I nodded. "Yes." I replied and they looked at Emilie who had a mixture of feelings written on her face. "Okay, I'm done. If you don't like it, fine. If you don't want to follow my lead, fine. But I'm doing this.... On my own if I have to." Emilie explained. She was about to walk away and I sighed. "Wait." I stated. She sighed as she stopped and she turned around to face us and crossed her arms. "What?" Emilie asked. "What's our next move?" I asked with a smile. Em smiled and uncrossed her arms as we followed her into the attack.

Prue's POV:
     "Mother." Victor stated. "What now?" I asked. I'm in a really bad mood. Once again I failed at killing those murders. They're day is numbered.... I swear. I will kill them.... One way or another. "Did you hear me?" Victor asked angrily. I looked up at him. I must have zoned out. "No, I did not." I replied as I glared at him. "Those future kids." Victor stated and I pushed my eyebrows together. "What about them?" I asked confused. "Apparently in the future it takes up decades to be successful. But now that we know that, we can hurry up and kill Halliwell's, and once we do.... We will win. The world will be our own. No more Halliwell's. You can finally get revenge for dad. The world will be your revenge. We have this in the bag now." Victor explained and I nodded. I sighed and stood up. I grabbed my wand from my boot and he smirked as he did the same. "Then lets get started." i stated as a smirk appeared on my face too. We waved our wands and flamed away to the manor.

Jackson's POV:
      The future kids walked in and we all turned to faced them. I looked around and saw Mel wasn't around. She has been acting very weird lately. "We have something that can help Prue." William stated. "Then Prue can save Victor." Skyler replied and we looked at them confused. "Em." Ronald stated. Then Emilie simmered away as Melinda walked into the attack. "What's going on?" Melinda asked as she crossed her arms. "We don't know yet." Parker replied and Mel nodded.  I never paid attention, but she can shimmer. Is she part demon? I look over to Mel and her eyes widened. She looked up at me and she looked nervous. She glanced over to Chris and Bianca and back at me and I pushed my eyebrows together. I'm confused. Then Emilie shimmered back.... And she brought a man.... But not any man.... My dad. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I wasn't paying attention to anyone. Just my dad.... But how? How is he here? He's back? He's really back and alive.... And fine. "Dad?" I asked. "Hey, son. It's really me." Dad replied and tears formed in my eyes. I didn't know what to do. What do I say? What do I do? Dad walked over to me and I'm just frozen. I finally could move and walked to him. I gave him a big hug and he hugged me back. I sniffed and let my tears flow down my face as they fell on his shirt. "I'm okay. I'm really okay." Dad stated and I pulled away from him and nodded. "I know. It's just.... Hard to believe." I stated and he smiled as he wiped my tears. "Where's your mother and brothers?" Dad asked and I pushed my eyebrows together and looked at the future kids. "You haven't told him yet?" I asked and they shook their heads and sighed. "No. We wanted you to explain it to him." Ronald replied and I sighed. "Of course you did." I stated. "Jack, what's going on?" Dad asked and I sighed. "It's a very long story." I replied and he nodded. "Okay." Dad stated. "You might want to sit down for me." I stated and he pushed his eyebrows together as he looked confused.

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