Chapter 32: Looking!

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Patricia's POV:
    I was running in my sports bra and jean shorts, like always, when I saw a girl from my school running as well. She was wearing a sports bra too and some black leggings that goes a barely past her knees. I kept running and tried to ignore her, but I couldn't stop thinking about her. I had my headphones in and trying to ignore the world. I had my hair in a ponytail too. I bumped into someone and fell in a bush. I took out my headphones and sighed as I ran.
     The girl looked at me and took out her headphones too. It's the same girl and she had her hair up too. "Sorry about that Halliwell." The girl apologized and held out her hand. I accepted it and she helped me up. I smiled at her. "Halliwell?" I asked. "Yeah. that's your last name, right?" The girl asked and I nodded. "My name is Patricia, I let certain people call me Patty." I stated. "Okay." The girl stated. "Okay?" I asked. "Yeah." The girl stated and I nodded. "What's your name?" I asked. "Daniella, but I let certain people call me Dani." Daniella replied and I nodded. "Okay." I stated. "Okay. I should go, Patty." Daniella stated and she walked away. I turned around to face her. "I said only certain people call me that." I stated. She turned and started walking backwards. "I don't care." Daniella stated and I smiled. "Fine, Dani." I stated. "I said only certain people can call me that." Daniella stated with a smirk. "I don't care." I stated and she laughed. She turned around, put her headphones in, and started running.
     I'm still smiling. Why? Wait a second.... Is that the Daniella? The gay one that I heard about all over school. It's all over that she's gay and she's open about it. Did I just flirt to her? I hope she doesn't know. She can't know. She seems cool, and I kind of like her. No one can know the truth about me, it's scary. If people found out. If my family found out. I don't know what to do or what to think.

Victor's POV:
      I found a job and a nice place with a roommate. I changed my name to Bobby. I sighed as I was working. I'm a waiter and I have a fake ID and they all think I'm 18. This is a pretty nice life, too many responsibilities. But at least there's no one who can do magic, that I know of at least. I miss my family, I do, but.... I feel more free. I'm almost 18 anyways, so I don't see the big problem.

Andy's POV:
      I'm on patrol and keeping an extra eye out for Vic. What happened? Why did he leave? Was he that jealous? Does he want powers that bad? We can't choose who gets powers or not. I need to find him. I miss him. Prue misses him. His brothers miss him. The whole family misses him. "You okay?" Darryl asked. "I'm fine." I replied. "We'll find him." Darryl reassured and I nodded. "I know." I agreed and I took a deep breath. "I think we should leave San Francisco and try to find Victor." Darryl suggested. "I can't leave Prue, especially now." I stated. "You can't do anything for her hear. The best you could do is comfort him and she already has three sisters, two other sons, and a whole bunch of neices and nephews. The best way to help her is to find your guys son." Darryl explained and I nodded. "You're right. We'll pack and we'll leave tomorrow." I agreed and Darryl nodded.

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