Chapter 16: Collage Life!

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Wyatt's POV:
   I just got back to my apartment after college. I went to the kitchen and made two large subs. I went to my room and turned on the TV and started eating. After I was done eating, I went back to the kitchen and made myself some coffee and drank it. Then I fell asleep in my room as I was watching TV.
    There was a knock on the door which woke me up. I got up and answered it to see my new college buddy, Violet. "Hey." I greeted as I opened the door to let her in. She walked in and I closed the door behind her. "What's up?" I asked. "Nothing. I were thinking about going to the mall. But it wouldn't be the same without you, since you're my only friend." Violet stated and we both laughed. "Yeah, okay." I agreed. Then we both walked out.

Violet's POV:     We were walking in the mall

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Violet's POV:
    We were walking in the mall. I had on a white tank top, jeans, black sandals, and a black jacket that goes down to my knees. I'm a big tom boy. I am also wearing two necklaces. One that goes up to my neck, which always wear, and the one that is a bit longer. The shorter one, I always wear, I only take it off when I go to bed or take a shower. My dad gave it to me before he died. My mom died when she gave birth to me. My dad died when I was 15. I lived with my grandfather until I was 18. My grandmother died when I was 11. My grandfather is still alive.
       "How is it living in your apartment?" I asked. "Good. A bit boring sometimes." Wyatt replied and I nodded. "I rather have boring then be in my dorm room. My roommate is always bringing random people in there to sleep with. I'm thinking about getting my own apartment. But first I have to get a part time job, which I have been trying to." I explained. "How about you move in with me?" Wyatt asked. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. I could also see if my mom could give you a job at her restraunt." Wyatt replied and I smiled. "That'll be great!" I exclaimed.
     We have been walking for an hour. "You wanna sit?" Wyatt asked as he stopped and I stopped too. "Sure." I replied and we both sat at a table. "I'll go get us both something to eat." Wyatt stated as he stood up. "You don't have to get me anything." I stated. "I know, but I want to." Wyatt stated and he walked off as I smiled.
     He came back and gave me my food. We started eating and talking and laughing and having a good time. "Wyatt?" A female voice asked. I turned my head and saw two girls with long brown and wavy hair. "Hey Mel. Kat." Wyatt greeted. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend." Kat stated. "No. Vi is not my girlfriend. We're just really good friends." Wyatt stated. "Oh." Kat stated. "Violet. This is my sister Melinda and my cousin Katerina. Girls, this is my friend. Violet." Wyatt introduced and we all shook hands. "Nice to meet you." I stated. "You too." Melinda stated. Wyatt and I finished our food so we threw it away and stood up. "We should get going." Wyatt stated and we went the opposite way then they were. "Sorry about that." Wyatt apologized. "You don't have to apologise. They seem nice." I stated. "Yeah, but not all of my family is." Wyatt stated. "Do you have a big family?" I asked. "Oh, yeah. I have a brother. Then Kat has a twin, who is really mean, and a brother. Then I have three boy cousins from another aunt. Then I have three girl cousins from another aunt." Wyatt explained. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "Yeah." Wyatt agreed.

Wyatt's POV:
  After we left the mall, we moved Violet in my apartment. I have an extra room, so it's no problem. Then we went to my mom's restraunt. "Hi, mom." I greeted. "Hey. You did remember you have today off, right?" Mom asked and I laughed. "Yes. I just wanted to know if Violet can get a job here." I replied and Violet smiled. "Well, we don't have anymore positions for full time jobs. But, I may be able to let you in for a part time job." Mom stated. "Thanks, Mrs. Halliwell." Violet stated. "Please, call me Piper." Mom stated. "We should go." I stated. "Wait. Come in tomorrow at 5:00 pm and I'll give you, your schedule then." Mom stated. "Okay." Violet agreed and we left.

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