Chapter 15: Shy One!

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Katerina's POV:
   I ran off crying and ran into the restroom. I wiped my tears and fixed the little makeup I wear. I can't believe Tamora! She's supposed to be my sister, my twin, my best friend. But she's not. I don't want anything to do with her anymore. She's dead to me, and that's that.
      "Kat! Katerina!" Lucas called from outside of the restroom. I gasped when I heard it. Is he looking for me? But why? When he has Tamora. Maybe he didn't like Tamora doing that to me. Does he like me? No. Maybe as a friend. He's just a nice guy, that's it. Besides, he's going out with Tam. If he likes her, he doesn't like me.

Lucas's POV:
  "Kat! Katerina!" I called as I past one of the restrooms. I sighed as I leaned up against the locker. I won't be able to find her, she had a head start and she was running. She probably is long gone by now. The truth is.... I have always really liked Kat. I slid down and sat on the floor. But that will never happen. I can't believe I said yes to Tamora, I wish I didn't. Tamora is mean and a bully. It's one thing to be a mean bully, but it's another to be that to your sister, especially a twin. Kat doesn't seem to be happy with Tamora right now, and I can't blame her. I wonder if Tamora even likes Kat. I have to find Kat. I stood up and continued walking.

Tamora's POV:
      I can't believe Kat! Trying to take my man like that. She has gone really low. I have been walking for, like, a whole five minutes and it's killing me. I can't find Lucas or Kat. What if their together? Kissing? They better not be. Katerina is the worst/ twin ever!

Katerina's POV:
       I was walking, with my head down, like always. I hope nobody is watching me, I hate that. I'm super shy. I am nothing like Tamora. I am so upset and mad at her right now! This isn't supposed to be how sister's, twins, or supposed to treat each other. I don't treat her like that. I have never done anything bad to her. Then why does she treat me like that? Did I do something? I can't think of anything. I wish I didn't have a sister.

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