Chapter 31: Secret Love Part 2!

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Ian's POV:
      It's been a couple of weeks since Mel and I kissed. We've been dating ever since, but in secret. We're happy and telling people could change that. I was at my apartment and my phone rang. It was a text message. I looked at it and saw it was from Mel. Melinda convinced me to get a cell phone.

Melinda: Exciting News! Meet me in my room in an hour and orb us to your place.
Ian: Okay. Can't wait to find out what it is. See you then.

   I texted Mel back and sat on my bed. I was thinking about what it could be. Maybe I should make dinner for her. But what? I should go by the store and make her a homecook meal. I'll leave now to do that.

Melinda's POV:
      After I texted Ian I walked down the stairs and saw my mom in the kitchen. I walked over there with a big smile. "Hey, mom." I greeted. "Hi, honey." Mom greeted. "I have great news!" I exclaimed. "Yeah?" Mom asked. "There's an art contest and photography contest. Their two different contests but are hosted by the same person and at the same place. By Claire Leons, my idol, which you know. I entered both and sent her one of my art works and one of my photography works. I heard back and I'm one of the finalist. I got you an inventation." I explained and handed it to her. "That's great, sweetie! I'm so happy and proud of you!" Mom exclaimed as she accepted the inventation and I walked off.
    I went to my parents room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" Dad called and I walked in. "Hey, dad." I greeted. "Hey. What's up?" Dad asked. Then I explained about the contests. "I got you an inventation." I stated as I handed it to him. He accepted with a smile. "That's great! I'm proud of you. You deserve this." Dad stated. "Thanks, dad." I stated. I walked out with a big smile on my face.
     I knocked on Chris' door. Then Chris opened the door and I smiled. But then he frowned. He looked like he just woke up. Weird. "Melinda?" Chris asked. "Hey." I greeted. "What do you want?" Chris asked. "We'll get to that. First, are you okay?" I asked. "No, but I'm sure you know why. But I'm sure you're not here to see how I'm doing." Chris replied and I nodded. "Yeah. I hope you're okay." I stated and then I told him about the contests. "I got you an inventation." I stated and handed it to him. He accepted it and nodded. "Congratulations, now goodnight." Chris stated. He tried to close the door but I stopped it. "It's the middle of the day." I stated. "Well, it's my night." Chris stated and closed the door and I sighed.
   I walked to my room and took a deep breath. "Wyatt!" I called. I sighed when he didn't come. "Wyatt!" I called again. Then he orbed in. "Yeah, Mel?" Wyatt asked looking irritated. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah." Wyatt replied. "Okay." I stated unsure. I explained about the contests. "I got you an inventation." I stated and handed it to him. "Good job. I have to go." Wyatt stated and he orbed away. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
      "Melinda!" Mom called. I ran down the stairs. "Yeah?" I asked. "There's a small problem." Mom stated and I saw dad walk out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee and over to my mom. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "We can't make your little art museum for the contest." Dad stated and my face fell. "Oh." I stated. "We're sorry and we don't think your brothers will go either." Mom stated and I nodded. "It's okay, it's not important. It's stupid, really." I stated. I went to my room and cried. This isn't stupid and it is important!

Ian's POV:
       I made her dinner and it is ready. I set our the table and set out candles. It's time so I orbed to Mel's room. I had a smile bit then frowned when I saw she didn't look good. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, could we go?" Melinda asked and I nodded. I took her hand and we orbed to my place.
     She smiled when she saw the dinner and the candles and rose petals. I looked at her and she looked at me with a smile. "It's lovely! Thank you." Melinda stated and I nodded. I kissed her on the lips and pulled out her chair. She sat down and I sat across from her. We started eating the food. "This is really good." Melinda stated and I smiled. "Thank you." I stated and she nodded.
      After dinner I pulled out her chair and she stood up. I took her hands and looked at her. "Are you okay?" I asked. I told him about the contests. "That's great! Congratulations!" I exclaimed and gave her a kiss. She let go of my hands. "But my parents can't make it!" Melinda exclaimed as she turned around. I think she's about to cry. I made her turn around and she looked sad. "They always go to my brothers events or sports or whatever. Then all of a sudden not even one of them can go? No.... I don't by it." Melinda stated. "I'm sure they want to come, just.... Can't." I stated and kissed her again. "Yeah." Melinda stated. "I would love to come." I stated. I hope that doesn't make anything awkward. "I wanted you to come, but I didnt know how my parents would react to that. So, yeah. Come, please. Here." Melinda stated. She grabbed something, turned around, and started writing. She turned back around and handed me something. "Here. This is an inventation. It's formal attire. Plus, we can be like a real couple there." Melinda stated and I accepted it. "I'll be there, no matter what." I stated and Mel smiled. Then we kissed again.

Piper's POV:
      I hate lying, especially to my kids, but it's more like fibbing. I want to surprise Mel. So she thinks me, her dad, and her two brothers won't be going. But we will and surprise her and make her happy. Leo and I wouldn't miss this for the world, this is what she loves and I am so happy for her and proud of her. She worked hard for this and deserves it. I can't wait to see her face when we show up and surprise her.

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