Chapter 7: Not Telling!

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Bianca's POV:
     I have to do this. Just breathe. This the right thing. We have hid this relationship for four years, it's time to bring the secret to an end. I came up to Chris at our spot. "I was thinking about telling my mom." I stated. "Telling her what?" Chris asked. "About us." I replied and his eyes widened. "What?" Chris asked. "And I think you should tell your parents too." I added. "What?" Chris asked again and I sighed. "We have kept this a secret for four years, it's time to tell." I stated. This is how I feel, I hope he agrees. "But your mom would hate me and my parents would probably hate you too." Chris stated. "True, but it's time. We have to do this. Our relationship has been great, but it's time to take the next step. It's a big and scary step, but it's a step we need to make, and before you're 18." I explained and Chris sighed. "Today?" Chris asked. "Perfect." I replied with a smile. I kissed him and then we parted our ways, this is good.

Chris's POV:
    This is good, right? It's big and scary, but it's necessary. I walked inside and saw my mom in the kitchen. "Mom. Could we talk?" I asked. "Sure." Mom replied. She wiped her hands with a wash cloth and put it down. She sat on the couch and I sat next to her. "Is everything okay?" Mom asked. I looked at her and she was obviously concerned. "Yeah, actually." I replied. "What is it you wanted to tell me?" Mom asked. I looked away and took a deep breath. "Well...." I started and I looked at her again. I stood up and she did too. I can't believe what I was about to do. It would have been a mistake, I can't. "Nevermind." I stated. "Chris?" Mom asked. "Everything is fine. I have to go." I stated and I ran away.

Bianca's POV:
      I went home and took a deep breath. "Mom!" I called. My mom walked up to me. "Hello, darling." Mom greeted. "Hi." I greeted. "What have you been up to?" Mom asked. Just say it, and get it over with. "I've been dating a guy the last four years and it's been a secret." I stated. "What? Why? Who?" Mom asked. "I've been keeping it a secret because I didn't think you'll except it. It's Christopher Halliwell, son of Piper Halliwell." I explained and she stood up and looked angry. "WHAT!?" Mom asked. "I love him. I'm not evil, like you. I really love him more then anything, mother. He makes me happy." I explained. "I don't care about happiness# I care about evil!" Mom exclaimed. "Then you don't care about me because I'm not evil!" I exclaimed. "You are if I say you are!" Mom exclaimed. "No, I'm not!" I exclaimed and I ran out.
     I ran back to our spot and saw Bianca. "I told her! She's not happy. Not just because of you, but because I'm not the daughter she wants." I stated. "I told my parents too. They hate the idea." Chris stated and I smiled. I gave him a passionate kiss.

Chris's POV:
   I can't believe I just lied to her. I never lie to her. This will not end well. But I couldn't tell my mom, and I can't tell her I backed out. She would be so hurt and think I don't care. Then my parents would try to seperate us. I did what I had to do. This was all for Bianca, I love her so much, and I have to tell her. I broke the kiss apart. "I love you." I stated and she looked at me with a smile. "I love you too." Bianca stated and I smiled at her. We kissed again and then we hugged and I sighed.

Wyatt's POV:
    I followed Chris and he went to a certain spot and met up with a demon. They're dating? For four years? He lied to her and our parents. But he loves her? So much information in five minutes. What to do with the information is the question. I sighed as I left to to to my apartment.

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