Chapter 62: Family Fued Part 2!

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Wyatt's POV:
    I can't believe Chris. Saying I'm not his brother. Maybe he's not my brother. Sometime he really frustrates me. I walked downstairs and I see Bianca on Chris' laptop at the kitchen table. I walk over to her. "Does Chris know you're on his laptop?" I asked and she rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yes, he knows." Bianca replied with attitude. I can have attitude towards her, but she can't have attitude towards me. "Why are you on his laptop anyways?" I asked. "Because I can be. It's none of your business." Bianca replied and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I stated and then Chris walked over to me. "Wyatt. What are you doing next to my girl?" Chris asked and I sighed. "Nothing. I'm leaving." I stated and then I orbed away and to my apartment.

Melinda's POV:
      I walked into my room and closed the door when orbs filled my room and I sighed. It's probably one of my brothers. But then the orbs disappeared and Ian stood there, making me smile. I ran to him and hugged him as he hugged me back. I love him so much. I lifted my head to lock our eyes and we kissed. We pulled apart and we both smiled. "I have a question for you." Ian stated as he sat on the edge of my bed. "Okay." I agreed as I sat on the edge of my bed, next to him. "What's going on with you and your family?" Ian asked and I pushed my eyebrows together. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You guys are fighting badly." Ian stated and I sighed as I looked away from him. "How do you know that?" I asked. He grabbed my face and made me look at him. "Because I sensed it.... Now are you going to tell me what's going on?" Ian asked and I sighed as my eyes teared up. "I-I don't know. They all just gained up on me." I replied. "So, they're all just angry at you and not each other?" Ian asked. "Chris and myself. Chris and I are on the same team right now." I replied and Ian grabbed my hands. "You have one more person. Me." Ian stated and I smiled and blushed. I leaned in and kissed passionately.

Penelope's POV:
      I shimmered into the Underworld and walked to my throne. I sat down and I smiled as I looked around. Harmony walked over and smiled when she saw me. "Source. You're here." Harmony stated. "Yes, I realised I haven't sat in my throne yet." I stated and she nodded. "Of course." Harmony stated as she bowed. "I actually came here for a reason. I need you to do something for me." I stated and she nodded. "Of course. Anything for you, my queen." Harmony stated. "I like that. Queen. It's better then the source. Spread that around." I stated with a smirk and she nodded. "Of course, my queen." Harmony stated and I nodded. "Now, I need a shapeshifting demon." I added. "Of course. Coming right up." Harmony stated and I nodded as she shimmered away.

Wyatt's POV:
     I walk out of the restroom and hear something in Mel's room. I walk in without knocking and gasp when I see Melinda and Ian making out on the bed. Melinda was laying on her back and Ian was on top of her. They gasped when they saw me. "Wyatt!" Melinda exclaimed. Ian got up and helped Melind a up as she fixed her shirt. "Mel." Ian stated as he noticed how angry I'm getting. "Wyatt. What are you doing?" Melinda asked. "What am I doing? What are you doing?" I asked angrily as I gritted my teeth. "We.... We were just kissing." Melinda replied as she looked at Ian and then back to me. "Yeah, it looked like more then just kissing." I retorted and she sighed and rolled her eyes. "Don't you have a brother to try to make amends with?" Melinda asked and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I replied and slammed the door shut. Who does she think she is?
    I started walking off, but then I stopped outside of Chris' door and sighed. Melinda's right. I need to talk to Chris and settle this little fight that's going on between us. My eye still hurts. Melinda had to put makeup on my eye so you couldn't tell that I got punched, by my little brother none the less. I sighed as I walked into the room and gasped when I saw Chris ontop of Bianca. They were both shirtless and Bianca had no pants on and Chris had his pants down to his knees. They gasped and stood up. Bianca grabbed the blanket and put it over her as Chris quickly got dressed. "Dude! What the hell are you doing?" Chris asked. "What am I doing? What are you doing?" I asked. "Just get out!" Chris replied and I left as I shut the door. I sighed. Everyone's having sex or is in love except me. Well, I feel like a complete looser now.

Shapeshifter's POV:
       I shapeshifted into Melinda Halliwell as the Queen requested. I walked into the attack and saw everyone. Chris and Bianca weren't there, good. I looked at the queen and nodded and she gave me a wicked smile. I whistled loudly and got everyone's attention. Everyone starred at me and I took a deep breathe. "Chris and Bianca are engaged!" I exclaimed and everyone gasped as their eyes widend. They all started talking at once. I looked at the Queen and she nodded and I nodded at her too. I called Piper Halliwell and she answered rather quickly. "Pi- I mean mom." I stated. "Hey, Mel. Is everything okay?" Piper asked. "No. Chris and Bianca are kind of engaged." I replied and I could hear her gasp. "WHAT!?" Piper asked and I a smirked. "Yeah." I replied. I gave the Queen a thumbs up to tell her that Piper believed it and she smirked. "I'm on my way and I'm bringing your father." Piper stated. "Sounds good." I stated and I hung up.

Melinda's POV:
       Ian orbed me to the attack to check in with everyone else and see how the search is going. He had his around me, and I feel so comfortable like that, like that's where I'm meant to be. Once we arrived at the attack I got out of his embrace, which I didn't want to do. "How's it going?" I asked. I noticed everyone is here except Wyatt, Chris, Bianca, Penny, Kat, and Tamora. Then Chris orbed in with Bianca in his embrace and Wyatt walked through the attack door. "Kat and Tamora left to try and steal the wands." Emilie replied and my eyes widend. "What? Alone?" I asked shocked that they'll let the twins do something this dangerous alone. "Don't worry, they're tough. Especially Kat." Scarlett stated and I smiled at her as I remembered that Scarlett is Kat's daughter. "I thought Tamora was the tougher one." Jackson stated. "That's what everyone thinks, but Kat can be really tough, she just doesn't know it yet." Scarlett stated and Emilie sighed. "That's enough, Scar." Ronald stated and she nodded. "Yeah, I think someone needs to go and find the book." William stated and everyone looked at him. "Good idea. But who?" Patricia asked. "I will." Parker replied and everyone looked at her. "That's super dangerous." Patricia stated. "I know, but I'm doing it." Parker replied and then she shimmered out.
     Ian was called by the elders and had to leave. I walked down the stairs and I saw Penny. I'm angry. Why am I angry? I used telekinesis to throw her across the room. Wait.... How did I do that? I must have channeled Chris' powers? But how? He's all the way in the attack. My power must be advancing. Wow. My eyes widend and I ran to her and helped up. "Why the hell did you do that?" Penelope asked. "I am so sorry. I don't know why." I replied and she looked angry. I felt the anger again, but this time I took a few deep breathes and was able to control it. Why am I feeling angry? My empathy power. I'm feeling someone's emotions. Penny's emotions. But why is she so angry? It can't be because I used telekinesis on her, I felt her anger before that. She snapped her fingers in my face and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Sorry, what?" I asked. "What's your problem?" Penelope asked and then she shimmered away as I sighed in confusion.
     I walked into the attack and everyone stopped talking and looked at me. Chris walked over to me and Bianca was behind me. "I thought I could trust you." Chris stated and I pushed my eyebrows together. "What are you talking about?" I asked confused. "You know what we're talking about. I thought you really did want to get to know me." Bianca replied. "I do and you can trust me." I stated. "Stop lying! You told them about our engagement!" Chris asked. "No, I didn't!" I exclaimed offended. "Yes, you did Mel." Sam stated. "I did not!" I exclaimed. "I can't believe you!" Chris exclaimed. "Calm down, sweetie." Bianca stated. "I don't want to! Next you'll probably tell mom and dad!" Chris exclaimed. "Actually, she did." Penelope stated. "What?" Chris, Bianca, and I asked in unison. Chris and Bianca turned back to me. "I swear I didn't." I stated. Then the front door slammed shut and footsteps were heard. "Chris!" Mom yelled and Chris glared at me. Chris flung his arm and made me fly into the wall and I fell to the ground as everyone screamed. I got dazed and confused and then everything went black.

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