Chapter 63: Family Fued Part 3!

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Katerina's POV:
      Tamora and I orbed to Aunt Prue's place. "I'll distract them while you get the wands." Tamora stated and my eyes widend. "Are you sure I can do it?" I asked nervously. "I know you can. I have complete faith in you." Tamora replied and gave me a reassuring smile. I gave her a weak smile and then she orbed away as I took a deep breathe to try and calm down. I don't know if I can do this. But I have to try my best.

Tamora's POV:
      I orbed outside of the house and looked through Victor's window and saw him in there. Maybe I should be the one to get the wands. I do trust Kat, but I have invisibility which could come in handy and she has deflection which is helpful. "What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine. Switch the powers through the line. I offer up my gift to share, switch the powers through the air." I chanted and then I felt a surge of power. I quickly texted Kat, letting her know. Then I orbed into Vic's room.
      Victor stood up and glared at me. "You!" Victor exclaimed. "I have a name." I stated and he rolled his eyes. "Get out!" Victor exclaimed. "No." I stated. He threw fire at me and I tried to deflect it, but failed. I ducked and it went above me. I got back up and took a deep breathe. He threw more fire at me, but I still can't do it. I backed up to the wall and slid down as the fire barely missed me. He's more powerful then me now, then all of us. This isn't good. I tried to calm down as I took deep breathes. He threw more fire at me and I put my hands up and then a blue orb sheild appeared and the fire deflected away from me and to him. He ducked and it hit the wall behind him. He got up and glared at me.

Katerina's POV:
  She switched our power's! How could she? I don't know how to use invisibility. I slowly walked into Aunt Prue's room. She wasn't there and I sighed in relief. I looked around for her wand, but couldn't find it. I face palmed myself when I realised she has it. Of course she has it. Why wouldn't she? She'll be stupid not to keep it with her, and she is no where close to being stupid. I sighed. But then I face palmed myself again and I realised that I could orb it to myself. I held out my hand in front of me. "Wands!" I exclaimed. Then both wands appeared in my hand and I smiled to myself. Then Tam orbed next to me with a smile. "Brilliant. Now let's go, he's furious." Tamora stated. "I bet." I stated and we both laughed. Then we orbed away and back to the Manor.

Parker's POV:
      I shimmered to Aunt Prue's apartment after Victor and Aunt Prue were gone. I walked into Aunt Prue's room and started looking around. I opened the closet and moved her clothes. There was a picture frame there and I smirked. I removed the picture frame and saw vault. I used my power of electricity and fried the vault. I opened it and smiled as I grabbed the Book of Shadows. "What do you think you're doing?" Aunt Prue asked. I jumped and spun around. Aunt Prue. This isn't good. Be a good little demon- witch and hand me the book." Aunt Prue stated. "I don't think so." I stated and I shimmered back to the Halliwell Manor.

Melinda's POV:
      I slowly opened my eyes and my vision was blurry. I finally fixed my eyes and was able to see again. I looked around confused. I was on the couch in the attack. I slowly sat up and Wyatt helped me. I'm still in a little pain. I remembered everything that happened. Chris. Bianca. Mom and dad. Chris is going to be in so much trouble. Chris and I use to be the good kids. But it doesn't look that anymore. Wyatt is now. Go figure. I sighed as I slowly stood up. "Are you okay?" Patricia asked. "How are you feeling?" Jackson asked and I sighed. "I'm fine. Just in a little pain." I replied. "Maybe you should rest." Patricia stated. "Or don't." Penelope muttered and I looked at her confused. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." Penelope replied and I shook it off. Then Ian orbed in and saw it was a mess. "What happened?" Ian asked. "Long story." I replied as I walked to him and he helped me. "We have a problem." Ian stated and I looked up at him.

Chris' POV:
     I walked downstairs as I held Bianca's hand. I saw mom and dad by the door. "Mom. Dad." I stated. "Is this true? Are you engaged?" Mom asked and I sighed. "Maybe." I replied and they glared at me. "Chris." Dad stated and I sighed again. I looked at Bianca and Bianca showed them the ring that's around her neck and they gasped. "You're too young." Mom stated. "I'm almost 18. Bianca and I are going to move in together after I graduate and then we'll start planning the wedding." I stated. "But what about your future?" Dad asked. "I'm still going to go to college and get my dream job, which I don't even know what that is. But I'm going to figure it out. I am going to do something big and something I love, and I'm going to do that with Bianca by my side and supporting me." I explained and my parents and Bianca were speechless. "If she makes you happy, I might be able to agree to that." Mom agreed and I smiled. "Welcome to the family." Dad stated and she smiled too. "Not if I can help it." A women stated. We all turned to see a blonde haired women. "You. I remember you." Mom stated and I pushed my eyebrows together. "Who is she?" I asked. "My mom." Bianca replied and I looked at her shocked.

Parker's POV:
     I shimmered into the attack the same time that Kat and Tam orbed in and saw it was a mess. "What happened?" I asked. "Chris threw me into a wall." Melinda replied and we gasped. "What? Why?" Tamora asked. "Melinda told his secret that he's engaged to Bianca." Jackson stated and we all gasped. "I didn't tell anyone! Why does everyone think I told them?" Melinda asked as she looked stressed and confused. "Because.... We saw you." Patricia replied. "But I didn't tell anyone! I would remember that!" Melinda exclaimed. "What's going on here?" I asked and the twins shrugged. "No clue." Kat replied and I sighed. "Unless." Melinda stated. "Unless what?" I asked as I held the book and the twins held the wands. We have to protect them, Aunt Prue and Victor can come at any minute, so we have to hurry this up. "Was Aunt Prue and Victor in their house?" Melinda asked. "Victor was." Kat replied. "Were there wands and the book therefore?" Melinda asked. "The book was in a safe." I replied. "The wands were on them, but Kat orbed them to her." Tamora replied. "Then that's it!" Melinda exclaimed with a smile. "What's it?" I asked as everyone looked at her confused. Mel is the smart one for a reason. "Aunt Prue and Vic sent a shape shifting demon afterwards us to tell you the secret." Melinda replied and I sighed. "Then why was Victor there?" Tamora asked. "As a distraction." Melinda replied. "He didn't seem like he was expecting us." Kat stated. "That's the point as the distraction." Melinda stated and everyone nodded. She always over thinks things. But she's also always right. "Aunt Prue and Victor could come at anytime." I stated and we all sighed.

Melinda's POV:
      Ian orbed back in and I smiled. "Hey. Did you get more information about the problem you detected?" I asked. "What problem?" Kat asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I'm still mad at her. "We don't know yet, genius." I stated sarcastically. Kat sighed and rolled her eyes. "Okay, back on track here. Prue and Victor are looking for dark lighters." Ian stated and we all pushed our eyebrows together. "What? Why?" Wyatt asked. Ian looked at me and my eyes widened when I realized it. "No!" I exclaimed and he nodded with a scared expression. "What?" Samuel asked. "Should you tell them, or shall I?" Ian asked and I gulped. "Just someone tell us." Samuel stated. I took a deep breathe and turned to face my family. "They're going after elders and white lighters." I replied and everyone gasped. Ian put his hands on my shoulders and I sighed. Then we heard a big sound downstairs. What was that? I looked up at Ian, who was equally confused, and then looked back at the attack door.

Bianca's POV:
     Mom threw an energy ball at Chris, but I pushed him and he fell into his parents and they all fell at the door. They slowly got up in pain. "Mom! Stop!" I exclaimed. "No, he's ruining your life." Mom stated and I rolled my eyes. Mom threw another energy ball at Chris and I pulled him out of the way by pulling him by me. The energy ball hit the wall, leaving a scorch mark. I made sure he was behind me, because mom won't hurt me. "No, he's not. Even if I'm not with him, I'm still not evil. When we were broken up, I still didn't kill or hurt innocent people. It's not who it am, and I'm sorry if that disappoints you, but it is what it is. I love him, and you can't stop me." I explained and mom narrowed her eyes at me. "Watch me." Mom staged and then she conjured an energy ball. I conjured an energy ball too. "Bianca, sweetie. Move, now." Mom stated and I shook my head. "No." I stated. "Why are you so willing to die for him?" Mom asked. "Because I love him and he loves me, unlike you." I stated. Mom pushed her eyebrows together. "I do love you, I'm doing all of this for you." Mom stated. I sighed as I put out the energy ball. "No. That's the thing, mom. You're doing all of this for yourself, not met. If you cared about me, you would be okay with this. Like Chris' parents and his family. Not like you." I explained. I looked over at the stairs and saw his family and white lighter watching us. I turned back to my mom, who was silent. She sighed. She looked at the energy ball and back at me. She sighed again and put the energy ball out. She looked down and then shimmered away as I sighed. Chris was still behind me, but he put his arms around me. I sighed and put my head his chest. He kissed my head and them layed his chin on my head. "Are you okay?" Chris asked. "I will be." I replied. I moved my head and looked up at him. Then we kissed on the lips. "It'll be okay." Chris stated and I nodded. "I know." I stated.

Wyatt's POV:
      This has been a busy couple of days. Wait a second..... "Where's the future kids?" I asked and everyone looked around confused. "That's weird." Jackson stated. "Where's Penny?" Patricia asked confused. We all looked around confused again. "She has been disappearing a lot lately." Samuel stated. Then fire appeared and disappeared. After it disappeared, Aunt Prue and Victor were standing there. Parker held the book close to her as the twins held the wands close to them. "Miss me?" Aunt Prue asked. "Or me?" Victor asked and we all got into our battle stances and ready to fight them.

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