Chapter 44: Future Whitelighter!

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Talia's POV: 
      I was walked into my house and didn't see my parents at home. I sighed and ran into my room. I took off my jacket and layed it on my bed. I took of my shoes and socks layed them in front of my bed. I took off my dress and was only in a bra and underwear. I went into my closet and grabbed a tank top and a pair of shorts. I put them on and walked into the restroom. I brushed my teeth and hair and then I put my hair in a braid. I walked back into my room and gasped when I saw a demon. He smirked at me and threw an energy ball at me. I flew up against the wall and fell to the ground in pain. My vision started to get blurry and the last thing I remember seeing was blue orbs surrounding me.

Samuel's POV:
      I just got out of the shower and got dressed. I walked back into my room and saw my mom. "Mom. What are you doing?" I asked. "You need to clean your room. It's like a pig pen in here." Mom replied. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Then I felt my newest charges pain. I met her last week, but she doesn't know I'm her whitelighter. I don't even know if she knows about whitelighters yet. Mom is going to be mad at me, but this is more important. I orbed out.
     I orbed into a room and saw a girl who was hurt. That's her. That's Talia. I look over and see a demon. He conjured an energy ball and threw it at me. "Energy ball!" I called and I threw it back at him. He screamed in pain and was soon vanquished. I leaned down to the girl and put my hands over her. A bright white light emerged from my hands and soon her wound was gone and completely healed, like it was never there in the first place. Her eyes started to open and she looked around, confused. Her eyes finally fixed on me and then her eyes widend. She stood up and backed against the wall and I stood up too. "How did you do that? Are you a warlock? Good or bad?" Talia asked frantically. "Come down. I'm a whitelighter." I replied as I tried to calm her down. "A what?" Talia asked. I reached towards her, but she slapped my hand, and I pulled my hand back. Ow! That hurt! She can really hit. "A whitelighter is, kind of like a guardian angel. We're set down to protect witches. Most whitelighters become whitelighters because they died and were a really good person or a hero. I'm not dead, but my mom is half witch and half whitelighter and I only got the the whitelighter gene." I explained. "That's a lot of information." Talia stated. "I know." I agreed. Talia took q deep breathe and I reached out my hand. She was hesitant, but she took it. Then I orbed her to my house.

Melinda's POV:
      I was in the Underworld fighting demons.... Again. I channeled the demons power and she conjured up a fireball. I threw the fireball at the demon and he screamed in pain as he was vanquished. I sighed. "This is a dangerous mission you're on." Ian stated with a smirk. Melinda turned around with a smile. "Ian!" I exclaimed and I ran over and gave him a big hug as he chuckled. I pulled away and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Trying to keep you alive." Ian replied and I playfully punched him in the arm. "Shut up." I stated. "Why are you here?" Ian asked. "I should be asking you that." I replied with a smirk. "No, really. Mel, why are you here?" Ian asked. I sighed as I frowned. "Because I need to get my frustrations of us not being together out on something. Since I can't fly my mom across the room and make her unconscious and give her a forgetting spell.... This is the next best thing." I replied and he laughed. Then he surprised me by pulling me into a passionate kiss. We pulled away with smiles that felt like they were permanently attached to our faces. "I love you." I stated. "I love you too. I missed you." Ian stated. "I missed you too." I stated. "I should take you home." Ian stated. "What if my mom or dad see's us?" I asked worried what might happen. "I'll see I was being your whitelighter and helping you with a demon." Ian replied and I smiled. "Okay." I agreed and we orbed to my house.

Ian's POV:
      I orbed Mel to her bedroom and Piper was there. "Piper." I stated. "Mom." Mel stated. "Why are you guys together and what were you doing?" Piper asked. I noticed we were holding hands and I let go. "I...." Melinda started. "She got attacked by demons in an alley and I orbed there to help her." I stated and I could tell Mel was happy and releaved I said that. Piper nodded. She looks unsure if she believes us. "Fine. You can go now, Ian." Piper stated and I nodded. I backed away from Mel and looked at her. She turned to face me and gave me a sad smile. I returned the sad smile and then I orbed.

Melinda's POV:
     I gave a sad sigh after he was gone. I can't believe my parents. I don't understand. Mom fell in love with her whitelighter? Why can't I fall in love with my whitelighter? My mom stepped closer to me. "Mel." Mom stated as she put her hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and turned to face her. "This is your fault. I will never forgive you." I stated with tears in my eyes. "Mel." Mom stated again. "Don't! I hate you!" I exclaimed and I ran out crying.

Talia's POV:
      I was sitting on the couch of Samuel's place and I was wrapped up in a blanket. He walked over with two cups of hot tea and handed me one as he sat down next to me. "The elders didn't tell me you're a witch." Samuel stated. "Elders?" I asked. "They're like.... Higher beings then whitelighter. They kind of tell us what to do." Samuel replied and I nodded as I took a drink of my tea. "I'm not a witch." Talia stated. "You re not?" Samuel asked me. "Nope." I replied. "Then how do you know about witches and warlocks?" Samuel asked. "My dad's a warlock. My mom's a mortal and I got her side of the magical genes." I replied and Samuel nodded. "That makes sense." Samuel stated and I nodded. "I thought whitelighters only get witches or warlocks as their charges?" I asked. "We do. But certain mortals get charges." Samuel replied. "Well, that doesn't seem fair. How do these elders choose who does and who doesn't?" I asked. "There are these people called future whitelighters. Sometimes we know who will be a whitelighter after they die and whitelighters go to protect them from Demons. Because demons want to kill future whitelighters." Samuel explained. "If they can become future whitelighters and let them live forever, then why don't they just let them die?" I asked. "Because the elders want them to have a full life and only die when they're meant to." Samuel replied and I nodded. "That's some story, Samuel." I stated. "You can call me Sam." Samuel stated and I nodded. "Okay." I agreed. I looked over at him and he looked away from me. He is kind of.... Cute.

Melinda's POV:
     I was in the living room. Chris was out. Mom and dad were both out. I tried calling Kat, but she keeps declining my calls. She has barely talked to me since she found out about me and Ian. She's not mad because I'm dating him, she's mad because I didn't tell her. I guess I understand. But this long of a time is stupid! She should have forgiven me by now. I sighed as I sat on the couch. I saw blue and white orbs and smiled as I stand up. I really hope it's Ian. Then an elder appeared. I sighed and frowned. "Oh, it's just you." I stated disappointed. "It's nice to see you too, Melinda." The elder stated and I rolled my eyes. "Is your mother home?" The elder asked. "No. She's at work." I replied. "And your father?" The elder asked. "Work." I replied and he nodded. "Well, I need to talk to them about the new whitelighter." The elder stated and my eyes widend. I took a deep breathe. I need to act casual. "Right. My mom said that if she wasn't home and dad wasn't home and you came by,  then I'll talk to you about it." I explained and he looked at me unsure. "Really? Why you?" The elder asked. "Because I'm dependable and responsible." I replied. "Well, yeah. But I thought Chris would be the most trustworthy." The elder stated. "Chris and I both are. It's Wyatt you have to watch out for." I stated and he nodded.
    "Right. Well, I can get you guys a new whitelighter in a week." The elder stated. "That won't be necessary." I stated. "Why not?" The elder asked. "Mom changed her mind." I replied. "Really? Because Piper seemed like she really wanted a new whitelighter." The elder stated. "Trust me, I know what my mom wants." I stated and he nodded as he looked at me unsure. "Okay, if you're sure." The elder stated and I nodded. "I am." I stated and he nodded. "Alright." The elder stated and he orbed away. I smiled.

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