Chapter 43: Feelings!

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Tamora's POV:
     I was walking down the hall in my cheerleading uniform with my friends behind me and Penelope is next to me. I stopped at my locker and everyone kept walking except for Penelope, who stopped with them. I opened my locker and put my bag in there. "So, Penny." I stated. "Yeah?" Penelope asked as she wasn't looking at me. "How's things going with Cory?" I asked and she looked at me like I was crazy. "What are you talking about?" Penny asked me and I laughed. "I know you, Penny. It's obvious you like him." I replied and she sighed. "Tam." Penny stated. "I knew it " I stated. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "It doesn't matter if I like him, he doesn't like me anymore." Penelope stated and I sighed. "No, Pen. He still likes her, he's just mad at you." I stated and she gave me a weak smile. "I doubt it." Penelope stated. "But it's true. It's obvious." I stated and she smiled as I laughed.

Katerina's POV:
      I was walking to my locker with Lucas. "I have to go. But I'll see you later?" Lucas asked and I nodded with a big smile. "Of course." I replied and he nodded with a smile. Then he kissed my cheek, which made me blush, and then he left.
     I went to my locker and then I looked over and saw Zac starring at Tam. I sighed and closed my locker. I walked over to him with a smirk. "You should go and talk to her." I stated. He got out of his trance and looked at me. Oh, uh.... I don't think so." Zac stated and I sighed. "Why not?" I asked as I crossed my arms. "Because last time she shut me down." Zac replied and I rolled my eyes. "She's difficult. But you can't give up. You'll just have to get under her skin." I stated. He sighed and I nodded. "You re right." Zac stated. I smiled and uncrossed my arms. "Good." I stated and I walked off.

Penelope's POV:
      I was still by Tam's locker. She was removing some old pictures and putting up some new pictures. I smiled when she put up a picture of me and her shopping last weekend. "That was a fun day." I stated and she smiled and giggled. "It was." Tam agreed. I laughed and looked away as she continued to redecorate her locker. "I need to redecorate my locker too." I stated. "I'll be there when you do." Tam stated and I laughed. "One picture I'll put on there is when we had dinner together last weekend at that restraunt, right after we went on a shopping spree." I stated and she laughed. "Perfect!" Tam exclaimed and I giggled. Then I noticed that new guy, Zac, walking over here. "Tam." I stated and she looked at me. She frowned when she noticed my serious expression. I motioned at Zac's direction. She looked over and sighed when she saw him coming.
     Zac got over here and Tam leaned her back against the lockers. He put his hand against the locker too. "Hey.... You look, umm, beautiful." Zac stated and I saw Tam smile and, I think, she blushed a little. "Thanks." Tam stated. "I'll just.... Go." I stated. I was about to go, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me close. "Don't leave me with him." Tam whispered and I laughed. "You'll be fine." I stated and then I walked off.

Tamora's POV:
    After she walked off, I sighed and turned back to Zac. He smiled at me and I, surprisingly, returned the smile. But it was a genuine smile. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me." Zac stated. "I don't know." I stated and he sighed. "Just once. Just give me a chance." Zac stated. Should I? What could be the harm? But what is this feeling I'm getting? I can't be falling for him.... Can I? I sighed. Maybe if I agree to go on a date with him he'll leave me alone. "Okay." I agreed and he smiled. "I'll pick you up at eight." Zac stated and I nodded. "Yeah, whatever." I stated. I grabbed my stuff and shut my locker and walked off.

Unknown POV:
      I watched the Charmed kids at the school. They were in the halls and talking. There were boys. Kids these days, with all of their drama and relationship issues. They think they have drama now.... Wait until I finally attack.

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