Chapter 57: Asking the Halliwell's!

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Scarlett's POV:
     "So?" I asked as Will walked over to me. "Thanks to Em's connections, a demon should be attacking Dani soon." William replied with a smile and I nodded. "Good." I stated and then I sighed. "Are you alright?" William asked me. "You know perfectly well why I'm not fine." I replied and he nodded.
     We watched as Dani walked down an alley to the Halliwell Manor. "You sure Patty will come and save her?" I asked. "Yes." William replied. "And if she doesn't?" I asked as I looked at him. He sighed and looked at me too. "We do what we have to do to keep her alive." William replied and I nodded. We both looked back and I sighed. A demom shimmered in behind her and Will had to keep me from going over there and saving her. Dani turned around and screamed. He conjured up a fireball and threw it at her. She ducked and fell in the process. Patty ran in and gasped. The demon smirked. Patty shot ice at the demon and turned him.into an ice statue. She ran up to him and kicked him, shattering him into pieces. Then Patty helped Dani up and they ran.

Melinda's POV:
    My brothers and all of my cousins, except Victor, and Dani were in the Halliwell living room. Two of the future kids called us down here for some reason. "Em." Ronald stated. "This was your idea, Ron. I still think telling them, even the smallest thing is a bad idea. But like always, you can't listen to me." Emilie stated. "You're only a couple years older then me." Ronald stated. "Five. Try five." Emilie stated. Ronald sighed and rolled his eyes. "Could you guys just tell us what's going on?" I asked. "Yeah." Emilie replied as she looked at Ronald. Ronald sighed. "The reason we came here is to save the future from a threat that will destroy the world amd kill our family." Ronald stated and we all looked at one another and then back to them. "When you say our family...." Patricia started. "He means mine and Ronald's." Emilie stated and Patty nodded. "Who is this threat?" Jackson asked. "Prue and Victor." Ronald replied. We all gasped, except Penelope, who laughed. We all looked at her weirdly. But then her face fell and she turned serious. "Wait.... You're serious?" Penelope asked. "Yeah." Emilie replied. "We tried hiding their source of power.... But they found it. We have to stop them soon. In our future, Andy died, and wasn't put into a coma. Prue went after her revenge, and got it and it turned her evil. Victor turned evil because he got a taste of power and it became too much for him." Emilie explained. "So, you can talk without being all rude?" Wyatt asked with a smirk as he chucked. Emilie glared at him and Ronald ran and hid behind a chair. Everyone, expect Wyatt followed him. I have a really bad feeling. Wyatt stood up and walked towards. "You guys really afraid of this puny little girl?" Wyatt asked. Emilie balled up her fists and a misty purple glow formed around them as everyone's eyes widend. Emilie punched Wyatt in the face. Wyatt swung at her but she did a double back flip and made an energy ball in her hands. Ronald ran in between them. "Em, you cant do this. It'll hurt the future and you know it." Ronald stated and Emilie sighed. "I never said I was going to kill him." Emilie stated and she threw her energy ball that hit the wall and barely missed Wyatt as we all got out from behind the chair. "Ha! You missed!" Wyatt exclaimed and Emilie walked closer to her. "That's the thing, Wyatt. I never miss." Emilie stated and then she walked off and Wyatt smiled. "She's fiesty and cute." Wyatt stated and Ronald cringed. "Dude, you'll regret saying that." Ronald stated and then he ran after Emilie as I sighed.

William's POV:
      "Did it work?" Emilie asked. Me and my cousins were in the Manor attack. "Yes." Scarlett replied and Emilie nodded. "Good." Emilie stated. "How is it going here?" I asked. "Good." Ronald replied and I nodded as Em looked at him. "Define good." Emilie stated. "Em, just calm down." Ronald stated. Emilie sighed and rolled her eyes. Then she shimmered away and Ron sighed. "She's in a bit of a bad mood." Ronald stated. "Really? I couldn't tell." I sarcastically stated and Scar hit me in the back of the head as Ron laughed. I rubbed the back of my head and glared at her. "What was that for?" I asked. "I think you know." Scarlett replied and I sighed. "Whatever." I muttered. "I'm going to find Em." Scarlett stated. Then she turned into a fairy and flew off.

Melinda's POV:
     I saw Danielle and I walked up to her and smiled. "Hi." I greeted. "Hey." I greeted. My smile faded when I felt nervous. Why do I feel nervous? I saw Danielle had a nervous smile and she was figiting. It's not me that feels nervous, it's her. I can also feel that's she hiding something. That's probably why she's so nervous. How come I am feeling like this? Omg! I have a new power empathy! "Are you okay?" Danielle asked concerned and I slowly nodded. "Y-yeah." I replied as I tried to calm down and slow my breathing. I need some fresh air. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and ran off.
   I was on the porch and I sighed. I saw orbs and then the orbs turned into Ian and I couldn't help but smile. He kissed me and then he smiled too. Then I saw a fairy fly out of the attack window and I looked at it confused. He followed my gaze and had a confused look on his face too. "What is a fairy doing here?" Ian asked and I shrugged. "I don't know." I replied. The fairy flew down and then landed into a person. She turned around and she gasped when she saw us and we gasped when we saw her. "Scarlett? You're a fairy?" I asked. "Kind of. I'm a fairy- witch." Scarlett replied and we looked at each other and back at her confused.

Danielle's POV:
     Patty and I were in the attack of the Manor. "This is the Book of Shadows." Patricia stated and I smiled at her. She's so beautiful. She looked at me with a smile. "I need to tell you something." I stated. "Okay." Patricia agreed. I grabbed her hand and led her to the couch. We faced each other and I took a deep breathe. "I haven't been honest with you." I stated and she looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" Patricia asked. "I knew about witches and demons and.... The whole magical community." I replied. "Wait.... What?" Patricia asked. "I'm a fairy." I replied and her eyes widend.

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