Chapter 49: Grave!

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Prue's POV:
     I used telekinesis to open the door to my house. I walked in without closing the door. I had tears staining my face. I walked to the extra room we have. I grabbed two teleportation potions and threw one on the ground. I appeared in the Manor attack. I walked to the Book of Shadows. I don't know what she was looking for. I used my telekinesis to flip the pages. Then she stopped on a page and smiled as she tore it out. She put it into her pocket and then sighed. "Aunt Prue?" Chris asked. I looked up surprised. "Chris." l stated. "What are you doing here?" Chris asked. "Um, nothing." I replied. "Looking for a spell?" Chris asked as he stepped closer and I shook my head. "Of course not." I replied. "Aunt Prue." Chris stated. I used my other teleportation potion and appeared at my home. I hope that didn't look too suspicious. Oh well. I don't really care anymore.

Parker's POV:
   I walked into the cemetery with a bouquet of flowers. This is my first time going to her grave. I've been too upset. I found her grave and knelt down. I put the flowers down and looked at her name carved onto her headstone. Tears started to fall down my cheeks. I traced her name with my fingers and then dropped my hand. I sighed as I thought about what to say. Being a witch, I know that your loved ones are up their watching you. They can see what you do and hear what you say. "Hi, Dianna. I'm sorry I haven't really talked to you. I guess, I was too scared. I didn't know what to do anymore. I love you, and I miss you so much." I explained. I sighed as I stood up. "I'll visit you again.... Soon." I stated and then I walked away.

Penelope's POV:
      I walked downstairs and saw Parker walk inside. She wiped her tears and gave me a sad smile. I stopped her from walking upstairs. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing." Parker replied. She tried going upstairs again, but I stopped her again. "The truth." I stated. "I said I'm fine!" Parker exclaimed. "For those who wants to truth revealed, open heart's and secrets unsealed. From now until now again, after which the memory ends." I chanted. Her eyes widend as she gasped. "What did you do that for?" Parker asked. "To find out the truth, obviously." I replied. "I can't believe you!" Parker exclaimed. "Why are you upset?" I asked. "Because I just visited Dianna's grave for the first time since she died." Parker replied and I softened up. "I'm so sorry." I apologized. "Yeah. Whatever." Parker stated and she started walking up the stairs. She stopped in the middle of the stairs. "I'm going to bind my magic." Parker replied and my eyes widend. She finished walking up the stairs as I sighed in distress.
     I beamed into the Mannor attack. I flipped threw the pages in the book and stopped at the page I'm looking for. "Hear these words, hear my cry. Spirits from the other side. Come to me, I summin thee. Cross now the great divide." I chanted and then a saw some orbs. Then the girl I was hoping for appeared in spirit form. "Penelope?" The girl asked and I took a deep breathe. "Dianna." I stated and she looked at me confused. "Why did you summon me?" Dianna asked. "You need to talk to Penny." I replied and she smiled. "I would love to talk to Penny!" Dianna exclaimed and I sighed as I my head down. "What's wrong?" Dianna asked and I looked back up at her. "Your death is killing her. She blames herself for your death and she's going to bind her magic." I stated. "What? She can't do that!" Dianna exclaimed. "I know, and you're the only one who can stop her." I stated. "Me?" Dianna asked and I nodded. "Yes." I replied. She sighed and looked down. "Oh." Dianna stated. "Will you help?" I asked. She looked back up at me and nodded. "Yes." Dianna replied and she sighed.

Paige's POV:
     Pheobe and I followed Piper in the Manor. "You sure Prue is going to do that?" Pheobe asked. "Yes. She told me herself." Piper replied and Pheobe sighed. My phone started ringing. Henry is calling. "I have to take this." I stated and they nodded. "We'll be in the attack." Pheobe stated and I nodded as they walked up the srairs.
     I answered my phone with a smile. "Hey." I greeted. "Hi." Henry greeted. "Why are you calling?" I asked. "To see if you're okay." Henry replied and I smiled even bigger. "I'm fine. Piper, Pheobe, and I have to protect Prue from herself." I replied. "Okay. You'll be safe, right?" Henry asked and I nodded. Then I realised he couldn't see me. "Yeah. Of course." I replied. "Good. I love you." Henry stated and I could feel myself blush. "I love you too." I stated. "See you at home." Henry stated. "Okay. I'll see you soon." I stated and I hung up.
     I walked into the attack and my sisters were flipping through pages in the Book of Shadows. "Find anything?" I asked. "Not yet." Piper replied and I sighed. "Let me see " I stated as I walked over there. I started flipped through pages. I stopped on one and looked at him. "This one is perfect." I stated. "Erase a painful memory." Pheobe read. "No." Piper stated. "Yes, it's perfect. We can erase her memories of Andy being in a coma and replace it with Andy being out of town." I stated. "We can't." Piper stated. "It's the only way right now." I stated. "I agree with Piper. Sorry, Paige." Phoebe stated and I sighed. "To call a lost witch." Piper stated. "Good idea." Pheobe agreed. "What will we do once she's here?" I asked. "Talk some sense into her." Piper replied and I sighed.

Piper's POV:
     I put a pinch of rosemary, a sprig of cypress, and a yarrow root into a silver mortar and started grinding it with a pestal. "Power of the witches rise, course unseen across the sky. Come to us who call you near,  come to us and settle here. Phoebe grabbed an athame and her hand, Paige's hand, and my hand. Then we put the blood in it and I continued grinding the ingriedents. Blood to blood, I summon thee. Blood to blood, return to me." Pheobe, Paige, and I chanted in unison. Then wind formed and Prue stood in front of us. "What did you do that for?" Prue asked. "We wanted to talk to you." Paige replied. "But I was so close at finding them!" Prue exclaimed. "You can't go through with this." Pheobe stated and Prue rolled her eyes. "Yes, I can... And I will too." Prue stated. I ran to the book and shadows and started flipping threw pages. But then the book flung to Prue and looked up. She used telekinesis. "Think of a spell!" I exclaimed. "I can't!" Page exclaimed. "Makeup one!" I exclaimed. "Can't think of one!" Pheobe exclaimed and I sighed as Prue smirked. But then a spell just came to me out of nowhere. "Poppy, yar, and brisbane steep. To make a potion for potent sleep." I chanted and then Prue fell to the sleep and the Book of Shadows fell to the ground.

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