Chapter 19: Yelling!

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Parker's POV:
   I decided to take a walk. I could really use some space right now. I have so much on my mind right now and I have a massive headache. I can't believe they won't let me bind my powers! It's my powers! If I don't want them, I should have the right to get rid of them! Ugh! I sighed as I walked. It started sprinkling but I just kept walking. No amount of rain can make me stop walking right now.

Melinda's POV:
       I transported into the alley. I grabbed a summoning potion from my bag. I don't know what demon will appear before me, but I have my powers and a bunch of different potions that could help.
     I threw the summoning potion and a demon appeared before me. The demom conjured a fire ball and so did I. I threw the fire ball and hit the demon. The demon vanquished as he screamed and the fire ball he was holding flung at me. I ducked and it hit the wall. It was now pouring rain. I turned around and was about to transport home with the potion when I saw Parker standing there looking shocked.

Parker's POV:
      What the hell? What is she doing? Is she chasing down demons? Why would she do that? That is extremely dangerous and stupid! "What the hell are you doing?" I asked. "N-nothing." Melinda replied. "It's obviously something!" I exclaimed. Melinda ran over to me. "Don't tell anyone." Melinda stated. "You could get yourself killed!" I exclaimed. "I know what I'm doing! I'm not a child, but apparently everyone thinks I am!" I exclaimed. "No. You're just an idiot!" Parker exclaimed. "Parker! What's the matter with you?" Melinda asked. If a demon doesn't kill her, I might. "Magic is bad! It is a bad thing! You are being stupid and a complete idiot! You could get hurt or hurt someone else!" I explained. "What?" Melinda asked as tears started to form in my eyes. "I can't loose anyone else!" I exclaimed.
    Then Melinda hugged me. She pulled back and I wiped my tears. "I am so sorry about Dianna. She was a great girl, but it was just her time. You know that everything happens for a reason. We don't know why, but this was meant to happen. We can't save every innocent. She's dead, doesn't mean all magic is bad. You killed the demon, you avenged her death. It's okay, you can let go." Melinda explained. "Don't get yourself killed!" I exclaimed and then I ran off crying.

Melinda's POV:
       I sighed after Parker left. I turned around and saw Ian. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I knew you wouldn't stop." Ian replied and I sighed. I walked closer to him and crossed my arms. "I can take care of myself." I stated. "Maybe that's so. But it doesn't mean you have the right to dp this." Ian stated. "You're not the boss of me." I stated. "I'm your whitelighter." Ian stated. "So what?" I asked. "So, I'm responsible for you. All of you." Ian stated. "Then why does it seem that you're mostly with me?" I asked. "I don't know." Ian replied.
      My heart started racing. "I should go." I stated. But Ian stopped me. "So, you're not going to stop?" Ian asked. "No." I replied. "Really?" Ian asked. "I love being a witch and I love killing demons." I replied. "Then, I'll come with you." Ian stated. "What?" I asked. "If I can't stop you, I'll come with you. If you don't call me before you go demon hunting, I'll tell your parents." Ian stated and I sighed. "Fine." I agreed. Ian held out his hand and I sighed before I accepted it. He gave me a heart warming smile and I returned it with a shy smile. Then we orbed away.

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