Chapter 6: Dan is Back!

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Melinda's POV:
      I just got done doing my own demon hunting in the underworld. I threw a potion down and then I appeared in my room. I took my hair out of the ponytail and it's naturally wavy. I brushed my hair to get the tangles out. Then I walked out and saw Ian. "Ian?" I asked. "Oh, uh, hey Melinda." Ian greeted. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Your parents are letting me stay here." Ian replied. What? Is he serious? "Where are you going to stay? Chris' room?" I asked. "Your mom made an extra room for me with magic." Ian replied and I nodded.
     I walked down the stairs and went outside. I went to the mail box to check the mail. I was about to go back inside when some guy's car broke down while he was driving by. He got out and went to the back of his car. "Do you need any help?" I asked. "I don't think you can help." The guy replied. "Why? Because I'm a girl?" I asked. "I didn't mean it like that." The guy replied. "Right, well my dad was a handy man when he met my mom. He's a teacher and principal of a school now. But he taught me because he thought I might need to know someday." I explained as I walked over there. I fixed the car and it started up again. "Thanks." The guy stated. "You're welcome." I stated. "I just moved back here after several years. I'm the new boss at Bucklands." The guy stated. "Really? That's where my aunt works." I stated. "Really? Who is she?" The guy asked. "Paige Matthews." I replied. "Oh, really?" The guy asked. "Yeah. Well, she's my mom's half sistsr. They share the same mom but not the same dad." I explained. "I'm Dan Gordon." Dan introduced. "I'm Melinda Halliwell." I introduced.   "Halliwell?" Dan asked and I nodded. "Melinda!" My mom called from the porch. "Yeah?" I asked. "Who are you talking to?" Mom asked as she came down. "Dan?" Mom asked. Wait.... Do they know each other. "Piper?" Dan asked. "What are you doing here?" Piper asked. "I'm the new boss at Bucklands." Dan replied. "That's where Paige works." Mom stated. "I don't know you had a half sister." Dan stated. "Oh, yeah. Well, about two years after you left we found out about her." Mom stated.
    Then Aunt Paige parked by our house. She got out with Uncle Henry, Sam, and the twins. "Dan?" Aunt Paige asked. "I didn't know Dan was your new boss." Mom stated. I am so confused right now. "Yeah, wait.... Do you guys know each other?" Aunt Paige asked. "Yeah. We, uh, actually dated." Mom stated and my eyes widened. What did she just say? "What?" Aunt Paige asked and mom nodded. "Awkward." Uncle Henry stated. "Henry. How about you take the kids inside." Aunt Paige suggested and he did. This is interesting.
       Then Aunt Prue pulled up. "Dan?" Aunt Prue asked and then Aunt Phoebe pulled up. "Dan? What are you doing here?" Aunt Phoebe asked. "Okay, kids and husbands, inside." Mom stated. I sighed and we all went inside my house.

Piper's POV:
        I can't believe Dan is here. Then Billie pulled up. "Hey. What's going on?" Billie asked. "Piper's old boyfriend made an appearance." Prue replied and her eyes widened. "Oh." Billie stated surprised. Aren't we all? "I'll take the kids inside." Coop stated. He gave Billie a kiss on the cheek and then went inside with Christy and Mason.
"I should probably get home. My wife is probably worried." Dan stated. "You're married?" I asked. That's good. I'm glade he moved on. He deserves to be happy. "Yeah, with a son." Dan replied and I nodded with a smile. "Are you married?" Dan asked. "Yes. I, uh, actually married Leo." I replied and he nodded. "And kids?" Dan asked. "Yes, I have three kids. The two oldest are boys and are only a year and a half a part. Then my youngest is a girl who's a few years younger and you just met her." I explaine and he nodded. "We should have dinner, a family dinner." Dan stated and my eyes widened. "Dan...." I started. "I'll be back soon." Dan stated and then he got in his car and drove away.

Leo's POV:
   Piper told me what's going on. I can't believe Dan is back. When Piper and I officially got back together he tried everything to get us apart and for her to turn on me.
     There was a knock on the door and I made sure I was the one to open it. "Leo?" The girl asked. "Daisy?" Leo asked. "You guys know each other?" Dan asked. "We used to work at the same place." I replied. "Come in." Piper stated. Piper, Prue, and Phoebe hugged Daisy. "This is my son, Marvin." Dean introduced. Piper introduced our kids and then all of the neices and nephews. "I made dinner, like always." Piper stated. Dan and I laughed. This is going to be awkward.

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