Chapter 13: Gone for Good!

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Victor's POV:
     I was still on the run. I wonder if there is a way I can get powers of my own. I sure hope so. I won't be going home until I do. I am the oldest, I deserve to have powers, right? I do! I have learned how to fight, so I should be safe. The only question remaining is, how will I get powers?

Prue's POV:
   I just got home from work. I got home early today. The kids are still in school for another hour abd Andy is still at work for another couple of hours. I put my purse on the table and went to the kitchen. I made me something and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and started eating. Darryl was on the news and there was a picture of Victor on the side corner. "We are looking for Victor Halliwell. He is 16 and ran away. might be in danger. So, if you see him, please call this on the screen and tell us. There is a worried mom, dad, and two brothers. Please, help us bring him home." Darryl explained and then I turned off the TV and sighed. I tried to call Victor, but he didn't answer, again. I held back my tears and put my plate in the sink. I grabbed my purse and went to my room and closed the door. I layed down on my bed and I soon fell asleep.

Andy's POV:
    After Darryl did that report, he walked over to me. "How are you doing?" Darryl asked and I sighed. "As best as I can." I replied and he nodded. "I understand. Maybe you should call Prue." Darryl stated and I nodded. "Yeah, thanks." I stated. He nodded and walked away and I grabbed my phone.
        I tried calling Prue but she didn't answer. I walked over to Darryl. "She's not answering, im worried." I stated. "Relax, she's probably at work." Darryl stated. "She got off 10 minutes ago." I stated. "She probably took some over time." Darryl stated. "I called her work too, she left 10 minutes ago." I stated. "Do you wait to go to your house and see?" Darryl asked. "Yeah." I stated. "Go head." Darryl stated and I smiled. "Thanks." I stated. "Anything for you." Darryl stated and I left.
      When I got home I didn't see her. I looked everywhere and the last place I looked was our room. She was on the bed sleeping peacefully. I smiled to myself and walked over to her. I kissed her forehead and then her lips. I layed down next to her and fell asleep as well.

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