Chapter 12: Binding Magic!

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Parker's POV:
     I was in a black dress and a black hat. My hair was in a bun under the hat so you couldn't really see it. I was looking in the mirror in my room when my mom walked in. "Are you ready?" Mom asked and I sniffed. "I can't do this." I stated trying to hold back my tears. Mom walked over to me and hugged me. I hugged back and started crying again. I cried all last night, I didn't get any sleep. Mom pulled away and wiped my tears. "It's hard, but that's okay. This is supposed to be hard, and you won't get over it so quickly. But you're not supposed to, loosing someone you love is awful. But whatever happens or happened, she would want you there." Mom explained and I nodded. Mom held out her hand and I accepted it, then we left.
     We were at the funeral and everyone said what they had to say. I'm next. I have my note cards with me, I hope I can do this. Her mom insisted I say something because she said that Dianna would want that. I sighed as Dianna's cousin stepped off of the podium. I took a deep breath and walked over there. "Hi. I'm Parker Halliwell, Dianna's best friend. We were pretty close and, and we, we would always hang out." I stated and then I paused. I was looking at my note cards but then I just put them away and looked up. "Dianna is an amazing friend, daughter, and person. She always thought about other people before herself. When I needed her, she was always there. When she needed me, I was always there. We were inseparable, and always together. My home was basically her second home and her home was basically my second home. We would joke around about saying we have two different families. Because her family was always my family and my family was also her family. That's how close we were, are, how and much we loved, love each other. I will always love her, she's like a sister. Only the better kind because we never really fight. She didn't deserve this, she's been nothing but kind and sweet and simply outstanding with everything she said and done. She was a good person. They say that bad people get what they deserve, but that's not true. Bad people get away with stuff, when good people die for being good. Dianna.... Will always be loved and remembered. By me. By her family. By any one who has ever crossed her path. She always made a good impression, I will make sure it stays like that. You'll be missed, Dianna." I explained with tears streaming down my face. I stepped off of the podium and wiped my tears as l took my seat. Mom grabbed and squeezed my hand.

Phoebe's POV:
      After we got home from the funeral, Parker ran to her room and locked the door and I sighed. Cole walked over to me and gave me a kiss. "How did it go?" Cole asked and I sighed. "As best as it could be. She ended up talking from her heart instead of her note cards." I replied. "Well, that's good. The best things come from the heart." Cole stated. "Yeah, I'm just worried about her." I stated. "Give her some time, she'll be better soon." Cole stated and I nodded. "I know." I agreed and then we kissed again. "Do you want to take this to the bedroom?" Cole asked with a smirk and I smiled. "What about the kids?" I asked. Penny is on a date. Patty is at the mall with friends. Then Parker is in her room." Cole replied and I smiled. "Okay." I agreed and we ran to the bedroom while we held hands.

Parker's POV:
      After mom and dad went to their room and closed the door, I shimmered to the attack of the Halliwell Mansion. No one was here so I ran to the book and started flipping threw the pages to find the spell I need. Then Melinda walked in and looked confused. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "This is my house. What are you doing here?" Melinda asked. I froze, I didn't know what to say or do. "Hello?" Melinda asked and I sighed. "I'm looking for a spell." I replied. "What kind of spell?" Melinda asked and I sighed. "I'll tell you if you'll tell me." I replied. "I'm not looking for a spell." Melinda lied. "Then why are you here?" I asked. "Because I heard something." Melinda replied and I sighed. "Oh." I stated. I still feel like she's lying. "What spell are you looking for?" Melinda asked. "A binding spell." I replied. "What? Why?" Melinda asked. "Because I want to bind my magic." I replied. "What? Why?" Melinda asked and I sighed. "Because!" I exclaimed with tears running down my face and I shot electricity our my hands, by accident. It hit Melinda's arm and she was flown against the wall. My eyes widended and I ran over to her. "Wyatt!" I called and he orbed in. "Yeah?" Wyatt asked rudely. "Heal Mel." I replied and then he noticed her. As he was healing her I wrote note saying how sorry I am and this is something I have to do. I went to the Book of Shadows and ripped out the binding page. I put the note in the page and closed the book. I saw Melinda beginning to wake up so I shimmered back to my room. I looked at the page in my hand and sighed.

Melinda's POV:
     After I woke up I felt the back of my head and sighed. "Wyatt?" I asked. "Yeah." Wyatt replied and I sighed. Wyatt helped me up and I saw Parker was gone. "What happened?" Wyatt asked. "Nothing." I replied. I walked over to the book and opened it. The page I opened it at had a page ripped out. Crap! I saw a note and picked it up. It was Parker's hand writing. I read it and sighed. I closed the Book of Shadows and walked over to Wyatt. "We need to stop Parker." I stated. "What? Why?" Wyatt asked. "She's about to bind her magic." I replied. "Oh my gosh!" Wyaty exclaimed. "Yeah. Orb me to Aunt Phoebe's house." I stated and he did.
     We orbed in the living room and I ran to Aunt Phoebe's room. I knocked on the door. "Hold on!" Aunt Phoebe exclaimed and I sighed. "Hurry up, please! It's important!" I called back. Aunt Phoebe opened the door and was in one of Uncle Cole's oversized shirts and Uncle Cole was just in a pair of his pants. Eww. I don't want to know. "Parker is planning on binding her magic. She already has the page, I think she's in her room." I stated and her eyes widended. All four of us ran to her door and started knocking. "Wyatt, orb in. Cole, shimmer in." Aunt Phoebe stated and they did.

Cole's POV:
      I shimmered in her room as Wyatt orbed in. "Parker!" I yelled as I yanked the page from her. "Hey!" Parker called in tears. "I handed the page to Wyatt. "Orb back to Phoebe and Melinda." I stated and he did. I sat on the bed and Parker got up. I sighed as I stood up too. "I'm sorry, but you can't bind your magic." I apologized. "It's my magic! I can if I want to!" Parker yelled. "Don't use that tone with me!" I yelled. "My magic is a burden. It just kills innocent people." Parker stated. I calmed down and looked at her confused. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, it doesn't matter. But it's my life. If I don't want powers anymore, then don't force it." Parker stated. "You use to love being a witch." I stated. "Yeah, use to." Parker stated.
"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat down. Parker sighed and sat down next to me. "It's just.... Dianna." Parker replied. I grabbed Parker's hand and looked her in the eye. "Dianna wouldn't want you to bind your powers, especially if she's dead." I stated. "That's the thing, she is dead, and I will never see her again. I will never be able to see her smile or her ocean blue eyes. I will never hear her voice or laugh ever again. I miss her, so much that it hurts." Parker explained. I kissed her forehead and hugged her. I pulled away and put her hair out of her face. "I know. It will hurt for a while, but it'll get better too. You'll never truly be over it and you will always miss and love her. But you'll accept one day and you'll be able to move on. It will just take a lot of time." I explained and she nodded. We walked out of the room and everyone looked at her. She hugged Phoebe, Melinda, and then Wyatt. I think everything will be okay now. I looked at Phoebe with a smile and she smiled back.

Melinda's POV:
     After that was taking cover of, Wyatt orbed me back home and then he went home as well. I went back to the attack and went to the Book of Shadows. I flipped through the page and saw a spell to vanquish a demon. I wrote it down and then grabbed two transporting potions and smiled to myself. I transported to the Underworld and smiled. This should be fun.

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