Chapter 24: Crush!

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Katerina's POV:
     It's Thursday! I am going on a camping trip for the whole weekend. It's a school field trip and we can even miss school tomorrow. I love camping. It's so much fun and adventures. Tam says it's too messy and dirty for her. To top it all off, Lucas broke up with Tamora. True, he's in love with someone else.... But, at least he's not with Tamora. She got a taste of her own medicine and she did not like it. That's what she gets, and she deserved it. She's as bad a player boys. I bet she's not even a virgen. Oh well.... Anyways, one of my class' are going and Lucas is in that class.

Lucas' POV:
     I was packing for the camping feild trip we're going on. It's for the environment science class. We're going to learn about the environment up and close. It's going to be awesome! I love that class. The teacher is nice. I get a good grade. We do fun stuff. I like the environment. I like science. Most of all, Kat's in that class and she will probably go on the field trip. That's more time spending with her.

Tamora's POV:
     Ugh! Camping. Missing school. Field trip. Breaking up with me. Not falling for me. Not letting me break your heart. Being in love with my twin sister. Geez! I hate Lucas! I'm glad we broke up! I must get him back. I have to. This is my new mission. I got dress in a red sleevless dress that cuts really low, some say too low. I curled my hair and put on extra makeup. I put on a necklace and earings. My parents would kill me if they saw what I'm wearing. I snuck downstairs and saw my mom and brother talking in the kitchen. I went to the door and was about to open it when it opened. I hid behind the door and saw my dad walk to the kitchen. I snuck out and closed the door lightly.
    I knocked on Lucas' front door. There is no car, so hopefully no one but Lucas is there. The door opened and I put on a smile. "Tamora?" Lucas asked. "Hi there, my Luky boy." I greeted. "What? Luky boy? Why are you here? What are you wearing? What's going on?" Lucas asked. "If you kiss me now, I will.... Consider, getting back together with you." I stated and I winked. "No." Lucas stated. "What?" I asked. "First of all, I broke up with you. You just don't like that. Second of all, I don't want to be with you. I want to be with Kat." Lucas stated and then she slammed the door in my face and I gasped.
      I got home and got dressed. How could he? Say he doesn't want to be with me. Say he wants to be with Kat. Slamming his stupid door in my face. I hate him! I must have him even more now!

Katerina's POV:
      I'm packed and ready to go. I gave my mom, dad, and Sam a hug. Then I walked out and the bus was here. I got on the bus and on the window side. No one is sitting next to me. After that, we only had one more stopped. We got there and Lucas got on the bus. He sat next to me and gave me a smile. I returned the smile and looked out the window as we drove.
   We were in the bus for a couple of hours and Lucas and I talked, a lot. It was quiet at first, but then he started a conversation and we talked about anything and everything after that. It was fun, and really relaxing. It felt.... Right.
The bus finally stopped and the teacher stood up. "In your bag should be everything you need this weekend, plus camping gear. You could have brought snacks if you want to, but I have food and ways to make them. Stay with the group and follow me." Mrs. Karmile stated. Everyone grabbed their bags, stood up, and got off the bus.
   I was walking with my bookbag when Lucas came up to me. I couldn't help but smile. "Hey." Lucas greeted with a smile. "Hi." I greeted. "How are you doing?" Lucas asked. "Good. I love camping and the open woods." I replied. "Yeah, me too." Lucas agreed. "How are you?" I asked. "Good. Like I said, I love this too." Lucas replied and I nodded. "You look gorgeous." Lucas stated. I smiled and blushed at his comment. "Thanks. You look handsome." I stated. "Thanks." Lucas stated. "I was wearing a pink shirt with short sleeves and tanish shorts with a brown belt. I had my bangs pulled back in a beret and I was wearing my brown and tan ankle boots. Plus, I had my necklace that said Katerina. My hair was wavy too, but it's natually wavy. This is my favorite outfit. He was wearing a bluish and graish shirt and gray jeans with brown shoes. He did look good. I looked away from him and smiled.

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