Chapter 59: Book of Shadows!

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Bianca's POV:
     I walked out of the restroom and ran into Wyatt. "Oh, it's you." Wyatt stated. "Yeah, it's me." I stated. "I don't know why my little brother likes you." Wyatt stated. "What?" I asked. "He deserves a lot better then you." Wyatt replied. "Shut up, dirt back." I stated. "I don't think so." Wyatt stated. "I'm going to tell him what you're doing." I stated. "I'm not doing anything. Besides, he'll never believe you over me. I'm his brother. His own flesh and blood. You're just some girl, and not just any girl, a demon girl." Wyatt explained and I had tears in my eyes. I can't believe him. He's more mean then I am, and I'm a demon. I walked past him and back into the attack as Chris walked over to me. "Is everything okay?" Chris asked me and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied and he nodded as he put his arm around me and I sighed.

Emilie's POV:
    Ron was looking in the Book of Shadows and Kat and Tamora were on both sides of him looking too. I put my hair in a ponytail and was pacing around the room and Will sighed. "Em, you need to just calm down." William stated and I rolled my eyes. "How about you calm down?" I asked sarcastically. Scar walked over to me. "We will put a stop to Great Aunt Prue and Vic." Scarlett stated and my eyes widend. Ronald and William looked at her too and so did everyone else. "Great Aunt?" Penelope asked. "I'm going to kill you." I stated and she backed away. "It-it was an accident." Scarlett stated. I was about to grab her when William stopped me and she ran off. "You need to take a chill pill." William stated and I groaned in frustration. "I hate when you say that!" I exclaimed and he shrugged. "It's true a lot." William stated and I glared at him. "Could we get back to this whole you're related to us thing?" Patricia asked. I looked over at my parents and sighed. "Yeah, I don't think so. Keep looking." I replied.

Katerina's POV:
     I'm having a hard time concentrating. They're related to us? But how? Are they our kids? I need some answers or I'll never be able to help. "Kat?" Tamora's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I asked. "You okay?" Tamora asked. "Yeah." I replied and she nodded. I looked up from the Book of Shadows with a sigh and then I saw Scarlett looking at me. She quickly turned away and I shrugged it off as I looked back down at the Book of Shadows. I groaned and walked away from the book as I took a deep breathe. Tam and Ronald were still there. "Kat. Are you sure you're okay?" Tamora asked and I sighed. "No, I'm not okay. There is nothing in that stupid book that can help us save our aunt and cousin!" I replied and Tamora sighed as she walked over to me. "We'll find a way. We always do." Tamora stated and I nodded as I wiped away some tears. "And if we can't save them, we'll stop them." Emilie stated. Everyone looked at her shocked. "Em, you weren't supposed to tell them plan B. A plan that none of us like, anyways." Ronald stated and Emilie shrugged. "They already know we're some how related to them." Emilie stated. Ronald, William, and Scarlett sighed. "We are not going to kill my mom and brother." Jackson stated. "In the future...." Scarlett started but Emilie cut her off. "Don't, Scar. Just don't. You already revealed too much. All we can tell you is that the future is a bad place and a lot of good people died because of them. We can't let then turn this place into our place." Emilie explained. "Killing them isn't an option, though. We'll find a way." Jackson stated and Emilie sighed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever." Emilie stated. I sighed too as i thought about everything that's going on.

Melinda's POV:
     "Leo! You can't be series!" Mom yelled and my eyes widend. My parents are back? They can't be back. They can't know that we're all trying to save Aunt Prue and Victor. They'll kill us! "Mom and dad are back." I stated. "What do we do?" Samuel asked. "I'll distract them. Find a way to make them leave." I replied. "Okay, be careful." Parker stated and I nodded. I looked at Penny and pushed my eyebrows together. She's been quiet and isn't really helping. She's really been acting weird lately. I shrugged it off and slowly walked down the stairs and watched my parents from up three.
    "Why do you think it's a good idea for our daughter to date a whitelighter?" Mom asked and I smiled. "I didn't say it was a good idea. It's just that.... I've never seen Mel this happy. Maybe he's a whitelighter, and for all we know he can be over a hundred years old. ut I'm pretty old too, Piper." Dad explained and mom sighed. "But I was an adult when met." Mom pointed out and I rolled my eyes. "Piper, I love you, and I love Melinda. But you have to trust her. She's a good girl. Which is why I wanted to talk to you about Chris too." Dad stated and mom narrowed her eyes at him. "About Bianca? A whitelighter is better then a demon." Mom stated. "Yeah. But remember about 17 years ago and future when Future Chris came to us?" Dad asked. Future Chris? What? "Yeah." Mom replied. "And he same to save Wyatt from turning evil because in his future Wyatt was evil and the future was destroyed because of him?" Dad asked and mom sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yes, Leo. I remember all of that." Mom replied and I pushed my eyebrows together. "Future Bianca came and was engaged to Chris in the future." Dad stated. "Yeah, and she turned out to be evil, trying to sacrifice Chris to Wyatt." Mom stated and I let out a quiet gasp. "Yes, but only because Wyatt turned her evil. Which means since Wyatt isn't evil he won't turn Bianca evil. Ian is a good guy, and Melinda likes him. Just, let Chris and Melinda be happy." Dad explained. Please let mom agree with dad. Mom sighed. "Fine. But I'll be watching them to make sure nothing happens to them." Mom stated and dad laughed. "I wouldn't expect anything less." Dad stated and mom playfully rolled her eyes. Dad put his arms on her waist and mom put her arms around his neck. Then they kiss. Ew.
    I walled down the stairs and my parents pulled away from each other when they heard me. "Mom. Someone from Charmed called. They said that you're all out of this weeks special." I stated. "What? Already?" Mom asked and I nodded. "Apparently." I replied and she sighed. "I guess I'll be going back to Charmed to figure this out." Mom stated and dad turned to her. "Okay, see you later." Dad stated and gave her a kiss on the lips. "Dad. Someone from Magic School called. You have a ton of paperwork to do." I stated and dad sighed. "Alright. I'll go and take care of it." Dad stated. "See you soon." Mom stated and gave him a kiss on the lips. Then they both left and I sighed. I don't like lying to my parents, but I have no other choice.

Jackson's POV:
     Kat, Tam, and Ronald were taking a break from looking in the Book of Shadows. So, I'm looking in there now. Ugh! I slammed the book shut in frustration. There's nothing in there that can help. But there has to be. There has to be a way. But what way? "You okay, Jack?" Parker asked me and I sighed and rolled my eyes. "No, I'm not okay, Parker." I replied, as if it was the list obvious answer in the world.... And it kind of is. "We can't give up." Patricia stated. "I'm not, I never will." I stated. Then the book disappeared and everyone gasped. But how? Who did this? Why? What happened? So many questions are flowing through my mind, I can't even breathe. "What the hell just happened?" Wyatt asked. Then two tornado's formed and everyone had to hold onto something so the wind couldn't make them fly away. Then the tornado's disappeared and everyone fell to the ground. We all stood up and our eyes widend when we saw mom and Vic. "Mom? Victor?" I asked. I can't seem to say anything. "Hello, Jackson. I see your brother isn't with us. Your other brother, that is." Mom stated. "He doesn't have any powers, I'm trying to protect him." I stated and my mom nodded. "I see." Mom stated. I looked down and saw my mom and brother holding a wand. Victor noticed I was starring at them. "Like our wands?" Victor asked and him and mom held them up so everyone can see. "Did you guys steal the book?" Samuel asked. "Duh." Victor replied. "But you guys are evil now, you can't touch the book." Patricia stated. "That's why we didn't touch it, and we don't have to with our powers." Victor stated. "What are you doing? Why are you doing this?" I asked as I stepped forward. "That's for us to know and you all to find out." Mom replied. They waved their wands and disappeared in a tornado. We all had to hold onto something so we won't fly away by the wind. The tornado's disappeared and we all fell down. We all slowly got back up and I sighed. "Now what?" Katerina asked and I sighed again as I looked around.

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