Chapter 66: Still Charmed and Kicking!

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Andy's POV:
      I was pacing in the attack. I can't believe what Jack just told me. My wife and eldest son are evil and trying to destroy the world and kill our family. I don't believe it. They could never do something like that. I stopped pacing and faced my youngest son. "Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded as he stood up too. "Positive." Jackson replied and I sighed. "What do we do?" I asked. "We think you can save them." Some guy I don't recognized replied. "And you are?" I asked. Doesn't matter. Save your wife." Some rude girl replied with her arms crossed. "And my son." I stated and she rolled her eyes and sighed. "Whatever." The girl stated and I pushed my eyebrows together. What? Does she not want me to save Victor? I sighed and turned back to Jackson. "Where are they? How do we find them?" I asked with tears in my eyes. "Probably at our house. Phil is staying at Aunt Phoebe's, while I'm staying here." I replied and he nodded. "Then let's go." I stated.

Prue's POV:
    I stood in front of the guys who murdered my husband. I made them appear in a cave and locked them in chains to the cave wall. "Please stop this! We're sorry!" One guy said. I look at the three guys and I walked to the one who pulled the trigger. "You first." I stated. "No!" The guy screamed as I plunged my athame into his chest. He screamed in agony. "Prue." Someone said from behind me. I look up. I know that voice. That's Andy. My husband. I pulled my athame out from the guys chest and used his shirt to wipe off his blood from my athame. I spun around and saw him standing there. "That's not possible." I stated. "You know I wasn't dead." Andy stated as he walked closer to me and I shook my head as tears started to flow down my cheeks. I haven't cried like this since I decided to go and get my revenge. "They said you wouldn't make it." I stated. "I probably would have died, if it wasn't for those future kids, as Jackson said they were." Andy stated. "Leave me the hell alone!" I exclaimed as I backed up until my back hit the wall. He walked closer to me until there was barely any room in between us. "Prue, you don't have to do this, I'm fine, really. Look at me, I'm alright, I'm going to be alright. I love you and our kids, we have to show them.... Show them that we're okay." Andy explained and I shook my head. "No. Vic and I have a job to do." I stated. I am hyperventilating and hysterical right now, but I don't really care. "You have to bring Vic back to the light, after I bring you back. I love you, Prue. You're a good person, this isn't you and we both know it. So does everyone else in the family. Even if I had died, this isn't the right thing to do." Andy explained. I couldn't breath. Or think. Or do anything. All I could do was act out of pain and hurt that I lost my one true love for good." I explained. He put his hand on my face, and it felt good to feel him, and used his other hand to hold my hand. His skin on mine is amazing and a true feeling. One that I've missed so much, more then anything.

Melinda's POV:
     I pulled Skyler away from the group. "What is it, Mel?" Skyler asked. "I know who Emilie's mom is." I replied and her eyes widened. "How?" Skyler asked. "I'm the smartest Halliwell, it's kind of my thing. I just used context clues. They're engaged. They love each other so much and want to be together for ever, but that's not good enough evidence, because it's not proof. People can want to be together forever, but don't end up doing it. I already knew who her father was, then I found out she's part demon, that was the ice breaker." I explained and she nodded with a smile. "You really are the smartest. I always admired you in the future." Skyler stated and I pushed my eyebrows together. "Me? Why?" I asked. "Because.... I have my reasons." Skyler replied and I sighed. "I'm not anything special. I'm not anything at all. It doesn't make since that you'll admire me over the others. Out of everyone here, I don't understand why.... Me." I explained and she smirked. "You'll find out.... Soon." Skyler stated and I sighed and rolled my eyes. "That's irritating how you guys tip toe around the future and don't flat out tell us." I stated. "Yeah, but we can't." Skyler stated and I nodded. "I know, but that doesn't mean it's not irritating." I stated with a smirk and we both laughed.

Prue's POV:
     "Breath. Just.... Breath. It's okay, I'm here now. I'm here, I'm right here. I'll never leave you again, I promise you that. I will always be by your side, just like you are by mine." Andy explained. I took a few deep breathes and I calmed down. I opened my mouth, but closed it, being speechless. I took a few moments before I was able to speak. "I.... I don't know what to say." I stated. "Then don't say, just feel." Andy stated. He leaned down closer to me and kissed my passionately on the lips and I felt amazing. Which I haven't felt in a long time, not since I thought I was watching him die. I let his death turn me into a monster and a killer.... How could I do that? To myself? To my son? Victor.... What did I turn him into? What did I let him become? I can't believe I did that to him. I have to save him. We have to. My husband and myself.... And the rest of you my family. Our family. I opened my eyes and pulled away from him. "Prue, are you okay?" Andy asked and I shook my head. "We have to save our son." I replied and he nodded. I used telekinesis to unchain the men. I grabbed Andy's hand and we ran out.

Chris' POV:
    I pulled Melinda away from everyone. "What do you want?" Melinda asked as she tried to avoid eye contact. "We need to talk." I stated. "No, we don't." Melinda stated. She was about to walk away, but I grabbed her hand and made her stop. She looked at me in the eye. "I heard what you said to Skyler. I don't know who's kids they are, but you do." I stated. "So? Why does it matter to you?" Melinda asked. "Because it does. I have the right to know, we all do." I stated and she shook her head with tears in her eyes. "No, you don't, and they don't either." Melinda stated as she jerked her arm free from my grasp. I saw a tear roll down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it off, not realizing I saw it. Then she gave me one more glance before she walked away and I sighed.

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