Chapter 37: Make-Up!

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Kat's POV:
      I finally was able to control my breathing and sat up a little, painfully. I look up and saw Tamora was in trouble. I stood, not caring about the pain I was in. I took a deep breath and used my power of calling, and a sword appeared in my hand. "Hey!" I exclaimed. The demon looked at me as he choked Tam and I glared at him. "Leave my sister alone!" I exclaimed and he let go of my sister. She fell to ground and gasped for air as she held her chest. The demon through a fire ball at me, but I deflected it and then I threw the sword at his head. He ducked and the sword hit the wall. He used telekinesis and made the sword come flying to me. It was too fast and it stabbed me in the stomach. I groaned in pain and looked at my sister, who was shocked. I fell to the ground and Tam screamed. "No! Kat!" Tam screamed and the demon smirked. Then he flamed out as Tam crawled over to me.

Samuel's POV:
    I was in my room when I heard my sisters bickering again. Probably about that guy. I can't believe they'll let a guy ruin their relationship. But of course, I don't want to pick sides, but if I did, I'll be on Kat's side. She's the one that likes him. Tam just wants to be with him so she can't. I sighed as I thought about all of the drama in our life.
     Then I heard my name being called. Dove? I orbed out and into her apartment. A demon grabbed Dove and threw her into the wall. I used telekinetic Irving to fly him into the wall. "Lamp!" I exclaimed. Tjelamp disappeared into orbs and reappeared as it hit the demon. He stood up and blinked away. I looked around, but he seemed to be gone. I walked over to Dove and helped her up. "Are you okay?" I asked and she sighed. "Yeah, I think." Dove replied and I nodded. She looked over to the second bedroom of her apartment and her boyfriend, Bobby, walked out. "How are the kids?" Dove asked, obviously worried and concerned. "They're okay." Bobby replied and Dove nodded. "Good." Dove stated. "Will you tell me what just happened?" Bobby asked and Dove took a deep breath. "He doesn't know?" I asked and she shook her head no. "No." Dove replied. "Know what? What's going on?" Bobby asked. "I'm a witch, and that was a demon trying to kill me and my siblings." Dove replied and Bobby looked at her confused. "Excuse me?" Bobby asked confused. "I know it sounds completely weird, but it's true." Dove replied. "And who's he?" Bobby asked. "My whitelighter." Dove replied. "Your what?" Bobby asked. "I'm her whitelighter. There are many of us and our jobs are to help, protect, and guide witches to their destiny." I replied and he nodded. "This is a lot of information." Bobby stated. "I know." Dove agreed. "I should go, and.... And figure some things out." Bobby stated and Dove nodded sadly. "I understand." Dove agreed. Bobby sighed and walked out. Dove let out a sad sigh. "Are you okay?" I asked. "No." Dove replied. "I am so sorry." I apologized. "I know, but it's not your fault." Dove stated. "I know." I agreed. Then I heard my name being called again. By Tamora? Why is she calling me? She seems upset and distraught. Dove looked at me and could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Dove asked. "I don't know, but I have to go." I replied and she nodded. "Okay." Dove agreed and I orbed away.

Katerina's POV:
     Sam orbed into Tam's room and saw her knelt down next me, who still has a sword inside me. "Kat!" Sam exclaimed as he knelt down beside me too. "What happened?" Sam asked. I'm feeling cold and I'm having a hard time to keep my eyes open. "A demon attack! Heal her!" Tam replied as she cried. I slowly moved my head towards Sam and saw him crying too. He grabbed the sword handle and then I closed my eyes. "Kat!" Tam exclaimed. The sounds around me are starting to fade as my breathing slows down. Then I gasped and barely open my eyes to see Sam throw down the bloody sword that was once inside of me. I closed my eyes again and then everything went black.

Samuel's POV:
     After I took the sword out of Kat, I put my hands over her sound. I waited a moment, but nothing happened. "What's going on? Why isn't it working?" Tamora asked. "I don't know." I replied as a tear rolled down my cheek. Why aren't the elders helping me? I can't loose a sister. "Please! Please help! I can't loose her! I won't loose her!" I pleaded as I cried. She's not breathing. I removed my hands. "No!" Tamora exclaimed as she hugged Kat's lifeless body, getting her self bloody. "Move!" I exclaimed and she did with no questions ask. I put my hands back over her wound. I took a deep breath and focused myself. Then my hands glowed and her wound healed. Kat gasped as she sat up and looked around.

Kat's POV:
      My spirit floated out of my body, but I wasn't moving on. I stayed there, like I was trapped, or something. I looked down and saw my siblings crying over me. What's going on? What happened? Why can't I move on? supposed to die yet? I hope not. I'm not ready. I saw Tamora move and Samuel start trying to heal me again. It's not going to work. I'm dead, right? Then I felt something. Something weird. I'm being sucked back into my body again. I thought I was dead. I guess not. Odd. Then my spirit is fully in my body. A moment later, I gasped as I sat up.
      I looked around and then Tam and Sam hugged me. "We thought we lost you!" Tamora exclaimed. "I thought I was gone too." I agreed as we pulled apart. "Never scare us like that again!" Sam exclaimed and I nodded. "Promise." I stated and I sighed. I jumped when they hugged me again. I laughed at them and they laughed too.

Tamora's POV:
    Samuel left and Kat was asleep in her room. I cleaned up Kat's blood, well, as much as I can. Blood is never truly gone after you clean it. Which sucks if you're a witch trying to kill demons. There was a knock on the door. I sighed and walked over to the door. I opened it and smiled when I saw Kat. "Hey." I greeted. "Hi." I greeted. "How are you feeling?" I asked. "Better." Kat replied and I nodded with a smile. "That's good." I stated and she nodded. "May I come in?" Kat asked and I nodded. "Sure. Of course." I replied. I opened the door wider so she can come in. After she walked in, I closed the door.
     I turned to face her. "What's up?" I asked. "Could we just get over our fight and.... And make up?" Kat asked and I smiled. "I'd love that." I replied and then we hugged. We pulled away from the hug. "I'll.... Back off from Lucas. He's a nice guy, but I don't like him, or want him." I stated and Kat smiled. "Really?" Kat asked. "Of course. I love you, and I do want you to be happy." I stated and she smiled. We hugged again and she left.

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