Chapter 25: No One's Fault!

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Parker's POV:
     I put my hair in a ponytail. I'm in the restroom. I brushed my teeth. My hair is in a messy ponytail. I put my tooth brush up and looked in the mirror. I look horrible. I splashed my face with water and then wiped my face with a towel. I looked in the mirror again and just starred. I broke off of my daze when there was a knock on the door. "Hurry up!" Penelope called. "Just a minute!" I called back. I sighed and took a deep breath. I opened the door and put on a fake smile as I walked out and Penelope walked in.
      I went in my room and made my bed. I grabbed my bookbag and I waited for Penny. She is 16 and has a drivers license and a car. Patty and I waited and Penny finally came down. Penny is driving, obviously, and Patty is in the passengers seat. I sat in the back, like always. Then we drove to school.
      I got out and immediately walked in. I didn't say anything to them and just walked off. I went to my locker and grabbed what I needed. I went to my first class and waited. I was in class early. Finally, the bell rang and class started. I wasn't paying attention. I didn't pay attention to any class, really. I was working on a worksheet in my last class, math. I'm good at math. I was the first to finish and I turned it in. I sat on my seat and put my headphones in and turned on music. I put my head down and relaxed. The bell rang and I grabbed my bag and walked out. I went to my locker and put everything in there. I don't have any homework, which is good. Penny has cheerleading practice so I had to take the bus home. I just listened to music and then when I got home I went straight to my room.
    I looked at Dianna's stuff in my room. Maybe this is harder then I thought. Maybe I can't do this after all. I love having her stuff and I love that Kelly and Jamie want me to have her stuff. I grabbed my picture that is in a designer frame and looked at it. I keep it by my bedside table at all times. It's a picture of me and Dianna. Dianna got me this picture with the picture frame for my birthday two years ago. I put it down and looked under my bed. I grabbed something and stood back up. It's a photo album. It's only pictures of me and Dianna. Or me, Dianna, and her parents. Or me, Dianna, and my parents or siblings. Or me, my parents, and her parents. Or pictures of her that I took. Or pictures of me that she took. This was the present she got me last year for my birthday. The last birthday present and got me. This is my favorite. The photo album is amazing. It's a BFF album. The picture in the picture frame is my second favorite present she got me. She is amazing. I put it back and went to my closet. I looked at the wall above my bed. It contains of a large picture, so big it doesn't fit in my closet. It is a little bigger then the width of my bed. This was the last birthday present I got her. Jamie said that Dianna told her that this was her favorite present I got her. Jamie said that Dianna told her that the rainbow unicorn is her second favorite present I got her, which was three years ago. I went to my closet and grabbed a karaoke machine which I got her three years ago and she also loved. She loved singing and dancing. She has a bunch of trophies for dancing. We used the karaoke machine a lot. Dancing and singing was her extra activity that she loved, and she was good at it, mine is karate, and I'm good at that. I sighed and put it back. I looked at my karate weapons. Some my parents bought for me, and some Dianna bought for me. Dianna got me some because at one point there was a couple I wanted, but my parents couldn't afford it at the time. I was willing to wait but Dianna surprised me by getting me some. She is amazing and I miss her so much, I still can't believe she's gone. It feels unreal.
      I layed on my bed and curled up. I began to cry. I have been holding it and refusing to cry, but I can't do that anymore. I need to cry. I just let it all out. It hurts. There's a whole in my heart. Dianna was my best friend, we were practically sisters and we were really close. I miss her everyday. She didn't deserve this. It's my fault. I'm a horrible person. She could still be with me. But I let her be dead. She's really gone and it's all my fault. I just kept crying.
    "Parker?" I heard my mom ask. I looked up and didn't even bother wiping my tears. She sat on my bed and I sat up. She wiped my tears and clear pity was written all of her face. "Are you okay, honey?" Mom asked. "Am I okay? Are you serious? I am not okay! I'm telling everyone I'm okay but it's a lie! I'm lying! I'm a lyer! She was with me! Don't you get it? She was with me! She knew I was a witch for a very long time! Years! A demon attacked me and killed her! She was with me! She wasn't dead! She was with me and I killed her! I killed her! It's all my fault! She's gone! She's really gone and it's all my fault!" I explained in tears. My mom hugged me and tried to sooth me. "It's not your fault. It's okay, really. It is. It's not your fault, honey. Dianna wouldn't blame you and you know it. She loved you. You're her best friend and she cared about you. Things happen. Everything happens for a reason and you know it." Mom explained and I nodded. "Maybe you're right." I stated. "I am right." My mom stated and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Yeah." I stated. "Now go in the restroom and clean up." Mom stated and I nodded in agreement.
       I went to the restroom and cleaned up. I put mt hair down and brushed it. I brushed my teeth too. I washed my face with the water and I wiped it with a towel. I sighed and took a quick shower. I got dressed in my pajamas and went back into my room. I turned off the lights and got under my cover. I sighed and rolled over to fall sleep. But it took longer then I hope it would, but I finally fell asleep.

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