Chapter 56: Wand Part 2!

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Billie's POV:
   I'm trying to make sure the kids don't worry. So I told them that their mom's are okay, and they're just trying to help Prue. I was in the attack Manor and I was scrying.... But it's not working. They must be in a place that is magic proff. Not surprising, Prue is really smart. Do I believe Prue did this? It has to be her. Her revenge is going to turn darker.... She'll end up turning evil because of it. I just know it. We have to stop her before it's too late. But I have to find the other three Charmed Ones first.

Melinda's POV:
     I was in my room pacing with the door closed. I called Ian a whole minute ago and he's still not here. I sighed. "Ian!" I called again. "You rang?" Ian asked and I turned around to face him. "What took you so long?" I asked. "I was healing another charge." Ian replied. "You have another charge?" I asked. "Yes. Is that so hard to believe?" Ian asked with a smirk as he got closer to me. "Well, it's just, you seem to always be with me.... So maybe it is a little hard to believe." I stated and he kissed me. "Don't worry, you're still my favorite." Ian stated and I smiled. But then I frowned as I backed away. "I actually called you here for some official business." I stated and he nodded. "Okay." Ian stated. "I can't find my mom or aunt's anywhere and now Billie left and she may or may not be on to something or she could have got captured too and.... And I don't know what to do." I explained in tears. He hugged me and tried to calm me down as I silently cried. "It'll be okay. We'll figure this out." Ian stated and I I got away from his embrace. "No. This is too important for me to figure this out." I stated and he looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" Ian asked. "You need to get the more powerful Halliwell's to help you." Ian stated. "You are powerful." Ian stated and I shook my head. "No, I'm not. My powers aren't as powerful and I'm best doing potions. I can't even fight." I stated. "I didn't know you felt this way." Ian stated and I shrugged. "I've always felt this way." I stated. "Then how didn't I know?" Ian asked. "No one knows. I didn't want anyone to say I'm being ridiculous when I know I'm not." I stated. "You're overreacting." Ian stated and I shook my head. "I'm not. Now, go get some people to help you who want get in your way." I stated. "Mel." Ian stated. "Don't." I stated. Then I ran out.

Penelope's POV:
      My mom is still missing and my dad has today off of work. My sisters are all out, so I decided to talk to him. He was making food in the kitchen, so I went in there. "Hey there, princess." Dad stated with a smile and I didn't smile back. "Hi." I greeted. He looked at me concerned. "Is everything okay?" Dad asked and I shook my head. "No. I actually, uh, wanted to talk to you." I replied. "Okay." Dad agreed.
     Dad sat on the couch and I sat next to him. "What is it?" Dad asked and I took a deep breathe. "Can I turn into Balthazar like you can?" I asked and he sighed. "Yes." Dad replied. I gasped and my eyes watered. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "I was trying to protect you." I replied. "We're trying to protect me? Or stop me?" I asked. "It's not like that, sweetie." Dad stated. "Don't call me that!" I exclaimed as I stood up. "Calm down." Dad stated. "No! Is there anything else you're not telling me?" I asked. "You have nature control from your witch side and fire, fireballs, and shimmering from your demom side. You don't have energy balls, like I do, because Parker got that part." Dad explained. I sighed and I rolled my eyes. "I already know all of that." I stated. "But you do have more demonic powers then Parker. You can turn into Balthazar. You have super strength, illiusion casting, sensing, telekinesis, apportation, and incineration." Dad stated. "I thought telekinesis was a witch power." I stated. "It is, but Demons can have it too. Like me." Dad stated and I nodded. "I know what super strength is and sensing is, but what's the others?" I asked. "Illusion casting is where you can make anyone see what you want them to see. Apportation is the ability to transport objects and beings. Then incineration is where you can incinerate anyone you want." Dad replied and my eyes widend. "Really?" I asked and dad nodded. "Yeah." Dad replied. "Cool." I muttered. "Look, Penny." Dad stated. "Don't." I stated and I shimmered away.

Billie's POV:
     I walked inside a cave and looked around. "Piper? Phoebe? Paige?" I asked as I continued walking and looking. "Billie?" Paige asked. "Yeah. It's me." I replied. I saw something silver and I ran to it. It was a cage, and they are all here. "I'm so glad to see you guys." I stated. "Trust me, we're glad to see you too." Phoebe stated. "How do I open this?" I asked. "We don't know." Piper replied. "I actually have an idea." I stated. They looked at me confused and then I ran out of the cave. I used my power and made the cave not magic proof anymore. I ran back in and over to them. "Piper. The cave's not magic proof anymore, use your power." I stated and she looked at me skeptical. "Are you sure?" Piper asked and I nodded. "Yeah." I replied and she sighed. "Okay." Piper agreed. She took a deep breathe and blew up the lock. Then they all got out and we hugged them. "We need to find Prue." Paige stated. "First, you should see your kids and husbands. Trust me, they're all really worried." I stated and they nodded. "Good idea." Phoebe agreed. Paige orbed all of us at our houses and orbed herself to her house.

Prue's POV:
     I felt this magnetic pull. I was in the basement of the Manor. I used telekinesis to dig up the dirt in the center, where the nexus use to be, until a small box came to be. I grabbed the box and saw it was locked. I used telekinesis to unlock it and opened it. I gasped when I saw a wand. It's powerful, I can feel it.
    The wand was taking me to my house, in my oldest son's room. Odd. "Mom? What are you doing here?" Victor asked as he tried to hide something under his pillow. "What are you hiding?" I asked. "Nothing." Victor replied. He's obviously lying. I used telekinesis to bring it to me. "Hey!" Victor exclaimed. It was a box, just like the one I had. I looked inside and saw it was a wand too. "How do you have a want too?" I asked. "Too? What do you mean too? You have a wand?" Victor asked. "I just found one." I replied. "Did you feel a pull towards it?" Victor asked and I nodded. "Yeah." I replied and Victor smiled. "This means it's our destiny. To work together and use all of this power." Victor stated. I'm not sure about this. I'm not evil, and it seems like he's turning evil. I just want revenge. But I did trap my sisters.... I sighed. I can't ignore my destiny. "Sounds like a plan." I stated.

Scarlett's POV:
      We were in the attack of the Manor. Em was making a triquatra on the wall so we can get home, and we were a little away from her. "Emilie is always a bit pushy and bossy. But she has never acted like this before." I stated. "Before we came here and we went to save our family.... Everyone was dead, except her father. She watched them kill him." Ronald stated. Will and I both gasped. "But she watched them kill her mother two tears ago." William stated. "I know." Ronald stated. "It's like they're purposely trying to hurt more then any of us." I stated. "But why?" William asked. "Because they know how powerful she is, so they're trying to weaken her." I replied and they gasped. "That makes a lot of sense." Ronald stated and I nodded. "It's ready!" Emilie exclaimed. But then, we heard a loud noise and a light coming from the window. We all clenched our eyes closed and opened them again once the light dimmed down. We all ran to the window to see light coming from Prue's house. Then the light disappeared and we all gasped. "They found the wands." Emilie stated. "We're too late." I stated with tears in my eyes. "Not yet." Emilie stated. "But they have the wands." Ronald stated. Emilie walked away from the window and we all followed her. "But they still don't know how to use them and they still haven't made their first kill." Emilie stated. "So, I guess we're staying here for a little while longer." William stated. "Yes, we are." Emilie stated. "What do we do now?" I asked. "You and Will have to fix the mistake you made." Emilie replied. "What mistake?" William asked. "Scar saved Dani from a demon attack." Emilie replied. "I couldn't let her die." I stated. "She wasn't going to die. Patty was supposed to save her." Emilie stated and I sighed. "How do we fix it?" William asked. "Send a demon after Dani and make sure Patty saves her." Emilie replied and we nodded. I touched Will's shoulder and we beamed away somewhere else.

Emilie's POV:
      I turned to Ron after they left. "What do we do?" Ronald asked. "Stop them." I replied. "How?" Ronald asked. "I'm not sure yet." I replied. "I think we should tell the Halliwell's so they can help." Ronald stated. I gasped and my eyes widend. "You know we can't do that." I stated. "I'm not saying we are going to tell them who we are, just what's happening." Ronald stated. "That's a bad idea." I stated. "Well, I'm going to do this with or without you." Ronald stated. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I'm with you." I stated and he smiled. "You're not being stubborn, I like it. Let's go." I stated and he walked off. I sighed and followed him. He's an idiot. I really hope he knows what he's doing.

Penelope's POV:
     I shimmered into the underworld and saw a bunch of harpies and geimlocks. Harmony the Grimlock from before stood up. "I'm in. But my family can't know." I stated. They gave me evil smiles and nodded.

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