Chapter 5: Cook!

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Piper's POV:
      I was at my restraunt called Charmed, and I was cleaning up before we open. I cleaned some tables and put the chairs off of the tables and next to them. I walked to the door and changed the close sign to open. I had my hair in a ponytail and it moved as I walked. Then Wyatt walked out of the restroom. "When did you come here?" I asked. "Just now." Wyatt replied and I nodded. He probably orbed here. "You said you just fire someone, so you're low on staff, right?" Wyatt asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Could I work here?" Wyatt asked. He wants to work here? Since when? "Uh, really?" I asked. "Yeah. It'll be like a part time job through collage." Wyatt replied and I smiled. "I would love that." I agreed and he smiled. "When do I start?" Wyatt asked. "Right now." I replied. "Okay." Wyatt agreed.
     I was in the kitchen I was and cooking, which is what I love to do. It's my passion, it always has been. My grams taught me everything I know. I mixed it with my big spoon and put some more spices in it and mixed it some more. I tasted it and it was done so I put it off to the side and cleaned my space a bit. I walked over to a cook, name Kevin, to try what he was making. "A little more salt and a little less pepper." I stated and he nodded. I walked over to another cook, names Lindy. "Looks undercooked." I stated and she nodded. I grabbed some meat out of the freezer and handed it to another cook, named Danielle. "We're out of some ingredients." A cook, named Stella, stated. "The deliver people should be here soon." I stated.
      I walked out of the kitchen to check on everyone. It seems pretty busy. I saw Joseph walk over to me. "Stella said we're out of cinnamon buns." Joseph stated. "The delivery people should be here soon." I replied. He nodded and walked away. I looked around and walked back inside.

Prue's POV:
     I have finally opened my own photography place and it has been pretty successful so far. I just got done with several meetings in a row. I got out of my office and sighed. I walked to my secretary. "Any calls?" I asked. "Yeah. Three calls from Andy and one from Darryl. One from Phillip and two from Jackson." Lily replied and I nodded. "Okay. Call Andy." I stated and she nodded.
      I walked into my office and picked up the phone. "Hey." I greeted. I put him on speaker and started going through my paperwork. "We still haven't found Victor." Andy stated and a tear rolled down my cheek. "Keep looking." I stated and I'm trying to act strong. "We are. I won't rest until we find him." Andy stated. More tears came down. "W-we'll find him? How.... How do you know that?" I asked. "We have to." Andy replied. "B-but, what if there's nothing to find?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Andy asked. "What if h-he's d-d-dead? Been k-kidnapped? O-or, or p-possibly a d-d-demon?" I asked. I started breathing really heavily. "He'll be fine, he just ran away." Andy stated. Oh my. I can barely breathe. "True.... But w-what if something h-happened to him when he l-left?" I asked. "I'm sure he's fine." Andy reassured. "How d-do you possibly kn-know that?" I asked. "Because I have faith and hope, which is something you need to have." Andy replied. "How are, are you not f-freak, f-fr-freaking out r-right now?" I asked. "Because if I do, it will be hard to find him. Plus, I have to stay calm for you and the boys and the rest of this abnormal family." Andy replied and I nodded as I cried harder. "It's okay, it'll all be okay. We'll find him, we always do." Andy stated. I threw my papers in frustration. "I-I, uh, have to go." I stated. "Okay, I love you." Andy stated and I managed a small smile. "I love you too." I stated and hung up. I sighed and stood up. I picked up the papers and sat back down and went through them.

Paige's POV:
      I sat at my desk at Buckland. My boss, Robert walked in. "Hi, Rob." I greeted and he smiled. I'm on good terms with my boss, not like Prue when she worked here and her old boss. But he's leaving and a new boss is coming. I've never even heard of him. His name is Dan, or something. I hope Dan is nice like Rob. "Today is my last day. Dan came here today to meet everyone and I was hoping he could meet my favorite employ." Robert stated and I smiled and stood up.
      A guy walked in with a smile. "Hi, you must be Paige Matthews." Dan stated. "Yes. Nice to meet you." I stated as I held out my hand. Dan held out his as we shook hands. "Like wise." Dan agreed. "Robert thinks highly of you." Dan stated and I smiled. "I should go finish unpacking at my new house. I will, see you tomorrow." Dan stated and then he left. "He seems nice." I stated. "Yeah. He used to live here a long time ago and he moved back." Robert stated and I nodded. Then Rob left and I sat back down at my desk.

Phoebe's POV:
       I was at my work and I just finished typing my column. I submitted it and then my secretary walked in. "You have a call." Rose stated. "From who?" I asked. "Your ex husband." Rose replied and I sighed. "I'll take it." I stated and I picked up my phone. "Yes?" I asked. "Do you know where Patricia is?" Coop asked. "No, why?" I asked. "I talked to Cole." Coop stated. "What? Why?" I asked. Cole and Coop do not like each other and don't get along very well. "Because.... He was supposed to drop Patty here. He dropped her off but when he left she did too." Coop replied and I sighed. "I can try and.... Leave early. Call Piper, or Prue, or Paige." I stated and then I hung up.

Patricia's POV:
   Cole had just dropped me off at my dad's place. I want to get away from my two family drama thing. I walked a long way all the way to Wyatt's apartment. I took deep breaths when I got to the door because that was tiring. I knocked on the door and Wyatt opened it shirtless. "Patty?" Wyatt asked. "Could I come in?" I asked and he nodded as he let me in.
     Wyatt brought me a cup of coffee. "I've never had coffee before." I stated. "I know, you can try it though. It's a lot better then you think." Wyatt stated and I smiled. I took a sip. It's better then I thought. "So?" Wyatt asked. "It's pretty good." I replied and he laughed. "So? What's the deal?" Wyatt asked. What's he talking about? "What do you mean?" I asked. "Why are you here?" Wyatt asked. "I can't just visit my cousin?" I asked. "No." Wyatt replied and we both laughed. I sighed and put my cup of coffee on the table. "Fine.... The truth is, I sometimes feel sad." I stated. "What do you mean?" Wyatt asked. "My mom and dad aren't together. I mean, your parents are. Aunt Paige and Uncle Henry are together and have all of their kids together. My three sisters all share the same mom and dad. So does my brother. But my parents are not together anymore. I know they loved each other but weren't in love. My mom got back together with Cole and they were in love. Then my mom set my dad and Billie up and they fell in love. But, I don't feel like a real family in this.... Situation." I explained and I sighed. "Look.... I wasn't even a full year old when my parents split up because my dad had to be an elder or something. I almost ended up having a step dad. But my parents got back together because they were meant to be, Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Coop weren't meant to be. It just, is what it is. Look at Penny. Aunt Phoebe and Uncle Cole broke up once and Aunt Phoebe married Uncle Coop. If Aunt Phoebe hadn't found out that Uncle Cole was alive and realised where her heart lied, Penny would be in your shoes right now. You don't realise how close it was. If one thing had changed then so much would have. It's okay.... Really, it is. Don't worry about it. Don't think of it as having a broken family, think of it as having a bigger and more extraordinary family." Wyatt explained and I smiled. He kissed my forehead and we hugged.

Wyatt's POV:
      I decided to make some food for me and Patty. I learned how to cook from the best, my mom. I stirred what I had in my pot and then put some more spices in it. I took out what was in the oven and cut it up. I finished adding my finishing touches on everything and put it on the table. Patty smiled and started eating along with me.

Leo's POV:
      The Magic School door is near the bottom of our staircase so neither one of my sons, nor Paige, has to orb me back. They could be busy or something. I finished what I need to do at Magic School so I walked out of the door and closed it. "Honey, I'm home!" I exclaimed. Then Piper walked out of the kitchen with her hair in a bun and an apron on. She smiled at me and I gave her a kiss. "I'm making dinner. Wyatt said he might join us for dinner tomorrow." Piper stated and I smiled. "Do you need any help?" I asked. "I've got it, you how I love this." Piper replied and I watched her cooking with so much passion in her heart.

Coop's POV:
   Darryl managed to track Patty's phone and it was at an apartment. I wonder why she's here and who lives here. I knocked on the door. Phoebe and Cole are on their way. The door opened and it was.... Wyatt? This must be where he lives now. "Uncle Coop?" Wyatt asked. "Is Patricia here?" Wyatt asked. "Uh, yeah." Wyatt replied and let me in. Patty was at the table and there were empty plates. "Dad?" Patricia asked. "You scared us." I stated. She stood up. "I'm sorry." Patricia apologized. "Lets go to your mom's house. She's there waiting for us with Cole and your sisters and brother." I stated. She put her head down and we walked out.

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