Chapter 11: First Charge!

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Samuel's POV:
       School was over, so I walked out and to the bus. I got on and put in my headphones. I turned on my music and layed back with my eyes closed as we drove home.
     I turned off my music and got off the bus. I walked inside my house and looked around. I don't see anyone. I'm hungry, so I want to get some food. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom with some guy in a white robe. "Hey, Sam." Mom greeted. "Hi." I greeted weirdly. I put my bookbag on the table along with my phone and headphones. "This is an elder." Mom stated. "Not to be rude.... But why is he here?" I asked. "Samuel.... Today, you get your first charge." The elder stated and I smiled. Is this really happening? Oh my gosh! "Really?" I asked. "Yes." The elder replied. "When do I meet them?" I asked. "You can sense her. Her name is Dave Maxin." The elder stated and orbed out. "Bye mom." I stated and ran out of the house to meet her.
      I sensed her, she's in the supermarket. I waited in the parking lot until a girl walked out, I have a feeling that's her. She looks like she's a teenager. She's holding a girls hand, who looks about five or six, and is holding a baby. The baby is wearing blue, so I'm guessing it's a boy. She walked to a car and got the kids in the car. I took a deep breath and walked over to her. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Yes?" The girl asked. "Are you Dove Maxin?" I asked. "Yes." Dove replied. "I'm Samuel Matthews." I greeted and she sighed. She closed the car door and crossed her arms. "I was wondering when they'll send me a whitelighter." Dove stated and I looked at her confused. "You know?" I asked and she nodded. "My ma and papa were both witches. So am I and my younger sister and brother. A demon killed them two weeks ago. My ma told me I should be getting a whitelighter. She didn't know when, though. She probably didn't even know when." Dove explained and I nodded. "I'm so sorry for your loss." I apologized and she smiled. "Thanks." Dove stated. "So, who's your guardian?" I asked. "We don't have one." Dove replied. What? How's that possible? "What?" I asked. "We don't have anyone to take care of us and foster care will split us up. We only have each other. I have a job and I'm being homschooled on my laptop. I need all the money I can to survive.... So we live in our parent's old cabin that our parent's owned and were the landlords of. So, that's the only place we can live without paying and loosing more money." Dove explained. Wow. She has a hard life, I feel bad for her. No one should have to grow up this fast. "How old are you?" I asked. "Barely 16." Dove replied and I nodded. "Wow!" I exclaimed. "I know. Uh, how old are you?" Dove asked. "Umm.... Almost 12." I replied. "12? I didn't know they let young whitelighter have charges." Dove stated. "Yeah, you're actually my first. I'm the son of a Charmed One and I have been praticing a lot. I'm actually, uh, pretty good with whitelighter stuff. I'm still.working on healing but I have a lot of people I can orb you or your siblings to, if you need it." I explained and she nodded. "You need a ride?" Dove asked. I smiled and nodded. We both got into Dove's car and drove away.
   We arrived at my house and we walked in. She told me her siblings names, Lindsay and Marcus. "Mom! Dad!" I called. Mom walked out of the kitchen and dad walked down the stairs. "Hey, sweetie." Mom greeted with a smile. "Who's that?" Dad asked. "This is my charge. Dove Maxin. Then her little sister, Lindsay, and her little brother, Marcus." I introduced. "It's nice to meet you." Mom stated. Dad is in his uniform, so I'm guessing he's going into work. "I'm headed off to work." Dad stated. I knew it. Dad walked over to mom. "Good luck, be safe." Mom stated. "I always am." Dad stated and they both laughed. They kissed on the lips and then dad left.
       Dove just put Marcus to bed and Lindsay has been asleep for an hour now. Mom made dinner and Tam and Kat should be here soon.... Then the door opened. It's like I'm reading people's mind. Awesome! Kat walked in and Tam sighed. "What's going on?" Mom asked. "Your daughter doesn't care about anyone! Not even her own twin!" Kat exclaimed and sat down. Tam sighed and sat on the opposite side. "Sorry about my sisters." I apologized to Dove. "That's okay." Dove reassured. "Who's she?" Tam asked. "Your little brothers first charge." Mom replied. "Good job, bro. You deserve it." Kat stated and I smiled. "Thanks." I said to her and she smiled and nodded. I turned to Dove. "She's the nice and good twin." I stated. "Hey!" Tam exclaimed. Dove and I laughed while Kat smiled. "Enough." Mom stated. "Look.... Have you thought that maybe I like him?" Tam asked. "You don't like anyone! I don't even know if you can have real feelings that don't evolve you!" Kat exclaimed and Tam rolled her eyes. "Enough." Mom stated. "Yeah, we have a guest." I agreed. Kat sighed and Tam rolled her eyes while Dove laughed.

Dove's POV:
       The dinner was really good. Samuel's family is nice. The twins ague, but that's normal. "This was really good." I stated and Mrs. Matthew's smiled. "Thank you." Mrs. Matthew's stated. She stood up.and started clearing the table. "May I help, Mrs. Matthew's?" I asked. "Oh, no. You're our guest. Please, call me Paige." Paige stated and I nodded. "Sissy!" Lindsay exclaimed. "Hi, girly." I stated. I stood up as she ran to me and I picked her up. I put back down and gave her a kiss on the top of the head.
    I picked Marcus up because he was crying. I rocked and shhhed him. He calmed down and then I put him in his carrier with his bottle. I walked down the stairs and put his carrier on the floor. I walked over to Samuel and smiled. "I need to tell you something." I stated. "Okay." Samuel agreed. "There's a demon after me and my siblings. The same one who killed our parents." I stated. "What?" Samuel asked. "I'm going home. If I need you, then I'll call you. You're my whitelighter so you should be able to sense if something was wrong with me." I explained and he nodded in agreement.
        I was ready to leave when a demon shimmered of me. My eyes widened and he conjured a fire ball. He threw the fire ball at me. "Fire ball!" Samuel yelled. He made it go to the demon but he shimmered away. "Go up stairs!" Samuel exclaimed and I ran upstairs with Lindsay and Marcus.
      "What's going on?" Lindsay asked. "Nothing. Everything is fine." I reassured and she snuggled up to me on the bed and I kissed the top of her head. Then Marcus started crying and I started rocking him.
      I didn't hear anything. I put Marcus, who's sleeping, in his carrier. Lindsay had her head on my shoulder and was sleeping too. I put her down on the bed, gently. I sighed and stood up. I put my hair in a ponytail and started pacing. "Well, hello." The demon greeted. I jumped and turned around. "Leave us alone!" I exclaimed and he chuckled. "Not a chance." The demon stated. He conjured a fire ball in his hand. "Samuel!" I called and he orbed in front of me. "Leave them alone!" Samuel exclaimed. Mrs. Halliwell orbed in as well. "Lamp!" Mrs. Halliwell called and flung it at the demon. He glared and threw the fire ball at her but she orbed away and it his the wall. He threw a fireball at Samuel but he orbed away as well and I ducked and it hit the window. I stood back up and saw him point a fireball at Lindsay as she started to wake up. "No!" I yelled. I ran in front of him to shield her and my back was facing the demon. I felt a sharp pain as Lindsay screamed. A burning feeling running through my body. It's hot and painful. Marcus started to cry and my vision began to be blurry. I started breathing heavy as l felt it was hard to breathe. I fell to the ground as Samuel and Mrs. Halliwell orbed in and Mrs. Halliwell was with three other lady's. I couldn't make it out. I noticed that the fireball hit my side, so it's not as bad as it could be. I want to live. I have to live. For Lindsay and Marcus. They don't have their parents, our parents, they need me. I tried to keep my eyes open but it was getting heavier. I felt it was harder and harder to breathe. I'm getting sweaty too.
     "THE POWER OF FOUR WILL HELP US SORE! THE POWER OF FOUR WILL HELP US SORE! THE POWER OF FOUR WILL HELP US SORE! THE POWER OF FOUR WILL HELP US SORE!" The four lady's chanted as wind formed them. The demon screamed and vanquished. Samuel ran over to me and held his hands over my wound. A glow started to form and my pain slowly started going away. He stopped and the pain was gone. I slowly got up, with the help of Samuel. I looked around and saw Mrs. Halliwell holding and soothing Marcus as the lady with the longest hair was soothing Lindsay. "Who are these people?" I asked. "You know my mom. Then there's her sister Phoebe, who is older then her. Then there's her sister Piper, who is older then both of them. There there's her sister Prue, who is older then all three of them." Samuel replied and I nodded. "What was that chant?" I asked. "Oh, right. Their the Charmed Ones. The most powerful group of witches ever. It started out as the Power of Three, but then they discovered mom, who is their half sister they didn't know of, and then aunt Prue almost died. But everything turned out alright and now it is the Power of Four. Until one of the three kids become the Charmed Ones, then it will be the Power of Three again. It won't be Aunt Prue's kids because only one is a witch. But it could be me and my sisters, Aunt Piper's kids, or Aunt Phoebe's kids." Samuel explained and I nodded, trying to absorb this information.

Samuel's POV:
        Dove, Lindsay, and Marcus ended up staying the night. But we just finished breakfast and their all packed and ready to go. "I should be able to sense you if you're in trouble. But if you need anything, just yell my name." I stated and she nodded with a smile. "I will, and thanks." Dove stated and I smiled. "For what?" I asked. "For saving me and protecting Lindsay and Marcus. You're a great guy and a great Whitelighter." Dove stated which made me blush and Dove laughed. "Get a room!" Tamora exclaimed and Dove laughed. I glared at Tamora and then turned back to Dove. "Be safe." I told her and she nodded. "I will. You do too, I hope you become a Charmed One." Dove stated. "Thanks." I stated as l opened the door and she left.

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