Chapter 68: Injured!

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Melinda's POV:
      I tried to keep my eyes open as I tried to scream, but both failed. I could barely speak, let alone reach for my phone. My eyes started closing as I just wished someone will find me and help me. My breath started getting slow and I could barely feel my heart beat in my chest as I tried to stay calm. It was dark.... And I couldn't see a thing. My eyes were shut, and I was couldn't feel anything anymore. I used my last strength I had to clutch my wound and then I heard something. It's the sound you hear when someone orbs. Who is it? I can't tell because I can't see anything. I felt someone picking me up a bit and holding me in their arms. I couldn't hear what they were saying. That's all I remembered.... Before I completely passed out.

Ian's POV:
     I orbed into the alley because I felt Melinda in trouble, and it hurt me.... So I knew it was bad. I saw her laying there, barely alive. I picked her up and held her in my arms. I laid her head on my lap and moved her hands out of her wound. I held my hands over it and tried to heal her, but I couldn't. For some reason, I couldn't heal her. I stood up and picked her up in my arms as her unconscious body was limp. I could barely feel a heart beat. This isn't good, I have to hurry.

Piper's POV:
     I was at my restraunt and cooking something in the kitchen. "Wyatt." I stated as I looked at my eldest son. "Yeah," Wyatt asked as he walked over to me. "Finish this dish up, please. I'll be right back." I replied and he nodded. "Sure thing, mom." Wyatt stated and then I walked off.
    I walked into the storage room and turned on the light. Then I jumped as I saw orbs fill the space in front of me, and it appeared to be Ian. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked as I closed the door. "It's Melinda. She was stabbed." Ian replied. My eyes widened at what he told me. "B-but she's okay now, right? You healed her?" I asked as I felt worried. "No, for some reason I couldn't. There's some magic blocking it, or something." Ian replied and I grabbed his hand. "Take me to her." I stated and he nodded as we orbed away.

Leo's POV:
     The sisters, the cousins, Mel's siblings, and the husbands were all in the waiting room waiting for any news on Melinda. Ian walked over to us and Piper and I stood up. "Any news from the elders?" I asked. "Yeah, they said they don't know who did it, but it was used by an athame that had protected magic on it." Ian replied and Piper looked at him.confused. "What's that suppose to mean?" Piper asked and I sighed as Ian looked at me. I grabbed my wife's hands and locked eyes with her. "That means that someone put magic on it so whatever damage the athame causes, can't be fixed with magic." I replied as tears formed in my eyes. She gasped as she let go of me and tears fell down her cheeks. I walked over to her and hugged her as she cried.

Chris' POV:
      Melinda is unconscious in the hospital. I can't believe it. Who will do this to sweet little Mel? I sighed as I put my head in my hands. I heard footsteps and I saw a doctor walking over as I stood up. "Melinda Halliwell." The doctor stated and we all get up.and walk over to him. "Wow.... Big family." Dr. Harkins stated. "Is she okay?" Mom asked as dad had his arm around her and she was leaning on him for support. "She had some internal bleeding, and there was some himerging." Dr. Harkins replied and we all gasped. "Oh my." Dad stated. "But she is stable now. She is asleep at the moment and probably will be for quite awhile, probably even all night." Dr. Harkins replied and I sighed. "Can we see her?" Mom asked and Dr. Harkins sighed. "Only the parents and only for a few minutes, she needs her rest." Dr. Harkins replied and they nodded as they walked off with the doctor. Everyone else just sighed as they sat down.
     I was in the kitchen getting some coffee for everyone. Then Wyatt, Kat, and Tam came over to help, since this is a big family and all. Two hands, and sometimes even four hands, just aren't enough. Then Bianca ran in and over to me. "I am so sorry, I just got your message, and I had problems with my mom." Bianca stated and I nodded as I gave her a kiss on the lips. "It's fine, you're here now." I stated and she gave me a hig. "You can go meet the others in the waiting room, I'll be there in a second with coffee." I stated and she smiled at me. "You remember my coffee order, right?" Bianca asked, jokingly and I laughed. "Yes, of course." I replied and she laughed. She kissed my cheek and walked off. I then to my brother and the twins and saw they were watching us, but they quickly turned away as I sighed.

Melinda's POV:
      My eyes started to open, and when they did, it was blurry. It took a moment, but my vision finally adjusted and I looked around. Where am? Why can I barely move? I started moving some more until I was fully able to move. I tried to sit up, but I laid back down once I felt pain all over my body. I looked down and saw my wound. I sighed as I looked back up with tears in my eyes. There was a window and I looked out to see pitch black darkness. It must be some time in the middle of the night. I sighed as I tried to get comfortable. "Ian." I stated as I felt out of breath. I was barely able to even talk. Blue and white orbs appeared and Ian stood there. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He walked over to him and he placed a soft kiss on lips and then one on my forehead. "I love you, just in case you didn't know." I stated and that made him smile even more. "I love you too." Ian stated. I smiled. "When can I leave?" I asked and he laughed. "Not for a while." Ian replied and I sighed. "Fine." I reluctantly agreed. "Do you want me to get your parents?" Ian asked and I pushed my eyebrows together. "Wouldn't they be asleep?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah, but they'll be happy to see you, no matter when." Ian replied, but I just shook my head. "No, let them sleep." I stated and he nodded. "Okay. You want me to leave so you can sleep?" Ian asked and I shook my head. "No, I slept enough. I just want someone to talk to, and I'll love if it's you " I replied and he smiled as he grabbed a chair and pulled up. He sat next to me as he grabbed my hand and we talked.

Prue's POV:
     "Victor! I'm so glad to see you!" I exclaimed with a smile. "I know, mother, I know everything." Victor stated and I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked as I pushed my eyebrows together in confusion. "Dad and the others got you turn good again." Victor replied and I shook my head with tears in my eyes. "No, I was never evil. I may not have been exactly good, but all I wanted was revenge. It was wrong, and I know that now, but I was never evil. You.... You seem like you want to destroy the world." I explained and he smirked as he chuckled. "I do want that." Victor stated. "But why?" I asked. "Because I do. I don't need to report my reasons to you anymore, Prue Halliwell." Victor replied and my heart dropped when he called me by my real name. I let a few tears drop. "You really are truly evil." I realised. "Indeed I am." Victor agreed smugly. He seems happy about it. "But I will bring you back, no matter what it takes." I stated. "But this is who I am, it always has been. I've always had this dark side in me, I'm just finally letting it out." Victor explained and I shook my head. "No, I won't believe that." I stated and he chuckled. "Then you'll just get more hurt then you already are." Victor stated and then he disappeared. I fell on the group crying as Andy walked in. He ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

Victor's POV:
       I appeared in the Halliwell basement to think more about ny finally plans. This is almost the end. It will be my families final battle, and I know that because I'm going to kill them all. They never lose, but they will this time.... And I know that because this is time they're facing something they can't handle.... One of their own.

Penelope's POV:
     She is still alive! How is this possible? I don't understand! I should of killed her, it should have worked! I'm watching in my crystal ball and she's having a good time with her stupid whitelighter boyfriend. Ugh! Her days are numbered.... That I am sure about. I watched until it was morning. Ian gave let go of her hand and kissed her. Then he orbed away to get her family. She reached over to get a drink, and I laughed as she was in peon doing so, and then I wanes my hand. I filled the drink with a sleeping pill, to make her sleep. She drank it and then coughed as she had a disgusted look on her face, and I smirked. She sighed as she put the drink back. She laid back down and then she slowly closed her eyes, and fell fast to sleep. I smirked as I shimmered in. I held up my athame and held it up to her chest. Then I plunged it in, nearly missing the heart, and she gasped. Her monoters started beating fast and I let out an evil chuckle before I shimmered away.

Authors Note: My next book, Charmed Next Generation 2, is now out. I hope you try it and like it. Thanks for the support.)

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