Chapter 34: No Training!

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Patricia's POV:
     I sighed when I got home from school. I went to my room and threw my bookbag on the bed. I layed on the other side of my bed and rested. I got up and grabbed my bookbag. I sat at my desk and got my homework out. I have chemistry and algebra homework. I'm good at chemistry, which is science. I really like Science and It's my best subject. But I am horrible at algebra. It's my worst subject and I hate it. But Melinda helps me with it. Melinda is great at algebra. She is good at every subject she has. Her best subject is English. I help Kat with science because she's bad at it. It's like a chain. Kat's best subject is history. Mel is kind of good at History, but she does need some help with it here and there and Kat helps her with that. The three of us are really close. Anyways, I need to finish my homework and get on with my life.
     Most people hate waking up early on the weekend, especially Saturday. But Mel, Kat, and I aren't normal people and we're early birds. We wake up at 6:00 a.m. every day and hang out until training. Saturday is training day for all of us.
      It is almost noon and Mel, Kat, and I have been hanging out since 7. We just left the ice cream parlor and we all have ice cream in our hands. Kat is the oldest out of us three. She is 15 while Mel and I are 14. So non of us have our drivers license and we have to walk or ride bikes or something like that. "We all should get home." Kat stated. "Yeah, see you girls later." Melinda agreed. I waved and we all went out ways.
      I didn't go home, unlike Mel and Kat. Then I went to the bowling alley, where I go every Saturday during training. I put on my bowling shoes and picked a lang. I bowl all of the time and go to competitions with my bowling team. My bowling team isn't here right now, but I love bowling anyways. Most people go to sports competitions, I go to bowling competitions. I threw my bowling ball and made a strike and smiled. I did the same thing another five times and kept getting strikes. I smiled and then heard clapping behind me. I turned around and saw Daniella smiling. I smiled too. "Hi, Dani." I greeted. "Hey, Patty." Daniella greeted and I think I'm blushing. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I like to bowl every now and then." Danielle replied and I nodded. "I bowl, kind of a lot. I'm the captain of a bowling team." I stated. "Really?" Danielle asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I don't like to brag." I replied. "Sounds like fun." Daniella stated. "Actually, I've been looking for someone to replace this person who was on my team but moved. If you're good, maybe you could be that person." I suggested. "Okay." Daniella greeted. I moved out of the way and Daniella grabbed a bowling ball. She threw it and got a spare. She threw another bowling ball and hit the remaining two pins she had missed before and the pins were really far apart. The only person on my team who could do that is me. I clapped and she turned to me with a smile. "The only person on my team who could do that on my team is me. Well, other then you." I stated and her eyes widend. "I'm in?" Daniella asked. "Yes." I replied. "I had custom made the outfit for my team and I'll make you one." I stated. "Okay." Daniella agreed. "Okay." I stated. "I should go." Daniella stated and I nodded and she left.

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