Chapter 21: Arrested!

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Jackson's POV:
     I was in the living room and waiting for mom or dad to get home. I have a water bucket hanging above the door. Then the door opened and ice cold water splashed on whoever walked in. It was my mom. She is now soaking wet and I am laughing uncontrollably. "Jackson!" Mom exclaimed. She marched over to me. She grabbed my phone out of my hand. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "Room! Now!" Mom exclaimed and I sighed. "Really? Are you serious?" I asked. "Now!" Mom exclaimed and it looks like she has tears in her eyes. It's probably just the ice cold water. I sighed and walked to my room and slammed my door shut. Ugh! So unfair!

Phillip's POV:
      I was running from the cops with my friends. "This way!" Josh exclaimed and we all followed him. He's kind of the.... Leader. I had a bag of goodies in my hand and a mask over my face as I ran. Cop cars blocked all directions, there's no escape. I looked everyone. "We can climb this building!" I exclaimed and we started climbing. But the cops were too fast and got us. They handcuffed us and put us in their cop cars. They drove away as I sighed.

Prue's POV:
    I cleaned up and got redressed. Why are all of my kids acting out. Am I bad mother? At least Phil is being good. I walked out of my room and to the living room. Then the phone on the coffee table rang and I answered it. "Hello?" I asked as the door open. I looked and saw it was Andy. I gave him a smile and then turned away. "Is this Prudence Halliwell?" The guy asked. "Yes, this is she." I replied. "Your son, Phillip, was arrested for burglary." The guy stated and I gasped. "What?" I asked. "You need to come and get him." The guy stated. "Of course." I stated and hung up.
   I sighed and punched the coffee table. Andy walked over to me and helped me sit down. "What's going on?" Andy asked. "I got home and Jack poured ice cold water on me and then I got a call and Phil was arrested for burglary and ontop all of that Vic is still missing." I explained with tears in my eyes. "It's okay. We'll get through this." Andy reassured and I nodded. Then we hugged and he kissed my forehead.

Phillip's POV:
     I was at the police station and waited for one of my parents. I sighed and looked up. I saw my mom walk in and took a deep breath. My mom walked over and started talking to Darryl. I listened to their conversation. "How much trouble?" Mom asked. "I got the other cops to give him a warning. But if it happens again, then he might be looking at a little juvey time." Darryl stated and mom sighed. "Thanks for everything." Mom stated and gave him a quick hug. Then she walked over to me looking mad. I understand that. "Car! Now!" Mom exclaimed and I walked out with my head down low.
     I went into the passanger side and mom got in the drivers side. She wasn't even looking at me. "Mom...." I started. "Don't." Mom cut me off. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "Why? Why are you acting out? Why are your brothers acting out? Is it because of me? Am I a bad mother?" Mom asked. "No. It's just.... We're teenagers." I replied. "You are so grounded, and you are never seeing those friends again!" Mom exclaimed. "What? That's no fair!" I exclaimed. "That's plenty fair!" Mom exclaimed and then we drove away.

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