Chapter 58: True Feelings!

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Patricia's POV:
     "I'm a fairy." Danielle stated and my eyes widend. "A fairy?" I asked. "Yes." Danielle replied. "I thought fairies were tiny and sparkly little creatures with wings." I stated. "Yeah, but certain fairies can transform into human like me. I can turn back into a tiny fairy or I could just make wings appear on my back and fly around like that." Danielle explained. "What are your abilities?" I asked. "Wings, turning into a fairy, fairy dust, and sleeping powder. I also can turn people into a fairy and back into a human, but I'm still learning that power so I don't think you should ask to be turned into a fairy anytime soon." Danielle replied and I nodded. "You lied to me." I stated with tears in my eyes. "I was afraid. I've never met a witch or a real demon before and I got scared." Danielle replied. "Real demon?" I asked. "I've had run in with trolls. They're very unpleasant and they're fairies worst enemy." Danielle replied. I nodded as I tried to process all of this new information in my head. "Oh." I stated. I don't know what to say. "I know this is a lot." Danielle stated. "Yeah, it is." I stated. "You probably have never met a fairy." Danielle stated. "No, I haven't. But my mom, Aunt Prue, and Aunt Piper has. They saved a princess fairy and a little girl from trolls." I stated. "Thistle. Yeah, she's queen now and my mom." Danielle stated and my eyes slightly widend. "You're a princess?" I asked. "Yeah." Danielle replied. "Wow." I stated. What do I say to that? "My mom told me how the Charmed Ones saved her and a little girl from the trolls." Danielle stated. "Your mom's okay with you being out here in the real world?" I asked. "She doesn't like it, but I really wanted to learn the way of humans. They've always interested me. I wanted to try school and to.... To fall in love." Danielle replied and took a deep breathe. Then my phone rang, startling both of us. I looked at the caller ID and sighed. "Who is it?" Danielle asked. "It's, uh, my boyfriend." I replied and her face fell. "Oh. I didnt know you had a boyfriend." Danielle stated. "It's new. I don't even know why I agreed to go out with him when I think I may have feelings for someone else." I stated. "You shouldn't be with him if you have feelings for someone else." Danielle stated. "Yeah, but I'm not even sure what I feel anymore." I stated. "Yeah, but even if you just think you have feelings for someone else, you shouldn't be with him. If you're thinking about someone you're obviously not thinking about him." Danielle stated. I smiled and nodded. "Thanks." I stated and she nodded with a smile. I walked out of the attack and answered the phone.

Melinda's POV:
     I was about to walk into the kitchen, when I heard the future kids. I stopped and started eavesdropping. "If they find out that we are some of their kids.... They'll flip." Emilie stated. "I know, we can't let them find out." Ronald agreed and Scarlett sighed. "I guess." Scarlett stated. "Yeah." William agreed. "Lets go." Emilie stated. They all walked out as I hid. They went upstairs, probably the attack.
     I walked into the attack and saw them looking in the Book of Shadows. "You're Halliwell's?" I asked and their heads shot up at me. "Did she use telepathy on us?" William asked. "Telepathy?" I asked. "I thought you said she gets telepathy around now." William stated and Ronald sighed. "I said Empathy. She gets telepathy in a week or two." Ronald stated and William nodded. My head is spinning. "Who's children are you?" I asked. "We can't tell you." Emilie replied and I sighed. "Don't tell me and I'll tell everyone what I already know. If you do tell me, I won't say a thing." I stated. "Blackmail. That's why your my favorite aunt." Emilie stated with a smirk and I smiled. "I'm the son of Katerine." Ronald stated. "I'm the son of Phillip." William stated. "I'm the daughter of Patricia." Scarlett stated and Emilie sighed. "I'm the daughter of Chris." Emilie stated and I nodded.

Patricia's POV:
      I walked back into the living room and smiled at Dani, and she smiled back at me. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "In the attack looking for ways to stop Prue and Victor." Danielle replied and I nodded. "Okay. I want to tell you something." I stated. "Okay." Danielle agreed as she stood up. I walked closer to her. "I broke up with him." I stated. "You didn't have to, I was just running my mouth like always." Danielle stated and I smiled. "Well, I wanted to. I have feelings for someone else." I stated and she looked disappointed. "Oh." Danielle stated. I took a deep breathe and kissed her passionately. She was shocked at first, but then she started kissing me back. I pulled away and we both smiled. I grabbed her hand and beamed us into the attack to help.

Chris's POV:
    "I could use telekinesis to bring the wands to me." I stated. "You tried that in the future, they had too big of a hold on the wands by then." Emilie stated and I sighed. "But that was when they had the wands for a while. You even said that right now they're still new to their wands. It could work." Ronald explained. "Maybe." Emilie stated.
   My telekinesis didn't work. They're getting too powerful too fast and that's not good. Its bad, it's really bad. No one knows what to do about Aunt Prue and Victor. But I think I know someone who can help us. "I'll back right back." I stated. I walked out of the attack and grabbed my phone. I dialled Bianca's number and couldn't help but to smile when I think about her.

Bianca's POV:
     I walked into my house and went straight into my room. I closed the door and gasped when I saw my room filled with black roses, my favorite. I grabbed one and smelled it and I couldn't help but smile. My phone rang and I put down the rose. I picked it up and answered it with a smile. "Did you get my surprise?" Chris asked and I laughed. "Indeed, I did." I replied with a smile. "Did you like them?" Chris asked. "Of course. They're lovely." I replied. "I was wondering if you could come over." Chris stated. "Do you have the Manor to yourself?" I asked in a seductive tone. "Sadly, no." Chris replied and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Then why do you want me to come over?" I asked. "My brother, sister, and cousins are trying to fight an evil and I want you to come over to help." Chris replied and I sighed. "Is that a good idea?" I asked. "I want you to be apart of this family, you're going to be soon." Chris stated and I smiled as I looked at my engagement ring. Our engagement has been a secret, so I don't have my ring on my ring finger. I have it on a chain around my neck. When I'm around my mom or his family, I tuck it under my shirt. "Okay." I agreed. "Great! See you when you get here!" Chris exclaimed and he hung up as I sighed. 

Chris's POV:
     We were all in the attack. Then the doorbell rang and I smiled. "I'll get it." Kat stated as she stood up and I stood up too. "No, I'll get it." I stated and then I orbed to the front door. I opened and was happy to see Bianca. I grabbed her hand and led her inside as I closed the door. I pulled her in for a kiss and then orbed us to the attack. We pulled away from the kiss with smiles. "I realised that you guys haven't actually met my lovely girlfriend, Bianca." I stated and Bianca gave a nervous smile as she waved. I was still holding onto her. No one said anything and just starred. I looked and saw Emilie starring at Bianca. Odd. That girl really is odd. Awkward silence filled the air. "You guys can go up and greet her any moment now." I stated and she sighed. "It's okay, I kind of expected this." Bianca stated and I sighed. "I'm sure they'll come around." I whispered in her ear and she laughed. She loves when I do that. "We'll see." Bianca stated. "Maybe when we're done we can have some fun in the bedroom." I whispered in her ear and she laughed again. She playfully elbowed me in the stomach and she got out of my embrace and turned around to face me as she still had a smile on her face. "You're an idiot." Bianca stated as she laughed. "I try my best." I stated with a smirk. "You don't have to try, it comes naturally to you." Bianca stated teasingly and I faked being hurt. "That's rude." Chris stated and I laughed. "You're rude." Bianca stated. She grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at me, but I blocked it with his hands as it fell to the floor. I picked it up threw it at her, but she blocked it with her hands and it fell to the floor. She picked up as we both laughed. "Pillow!" Tamora exclaimed and the pillow orbed to her. "Let's go back to our mission." Tamora stated as Bianca and I nodded. I walked over to her and gave her a quick kiss.

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