Chapter 47: Important!

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Phillip's POV:
    "You got arrested again?" Mom asked me. "Well...." I started. "Your father is in a coma! The least you can do is behave!" Mom exclaimed. She was crying and I had tears in her eyes. "Why should I behave when nothing is changing?" I asked. "What are you talking about?" Mom asked. "I'm nothing special. I never was. But when I'm with this gang.... I feel good." I replied. "Feel good? You feel good when you're acting like a criminal?" Mom asked. "You just don't get it. You never have and you never will." I stated and I stormed off.

Patricia's POV:
    I was at the bowling alley and rolling a lot of balls at the pins and knocking them down. I'm having an off day. "Patty?" Danielle asked and I turned around. "Danielle?" I asked. "Yeah." Danielle replied and I gave her a sad sigh. Danielle sat down on a chair and pulled out the chair next to her for me to sit with her. I gave her a smile and sat next to her. She was looking at me, but I was trying to avoid she contact. "What's wrong?" Danielle asked as she moved my hair out of my face. Her hand scraped past my shoulder and I miss her touch.... That sounds weird, but I do. I looked up at her and our eyes locked. I don't know why, but I feel like I can tell her everything. "My uncle is in a coma." I replied and her eyes widend as tears covered my eyes. "Oh my gosh!" Danielle exclaimed and I sighed as I looked down. She pulled me into a hug, which surprised me. I pulled away and I was lost in her eyes. "I thought you weren't much of a hugger?" I asked and she sighed. "You're just.... Different." Danielle replied and I couldn't help but blush. "That's sweet." I stated and she nodded. "Besides, I'm not much of a socialiser either. But I am around you." Danielle stated. "And why's that?" I asked. "I'm not quite sure yet." Danielle replied. I smiled and she laughed. "What?" I asked. "I love your smile." Danielle replied and I grinned even more. "Well, I love your laugh." I stated and we both smiled at each other. Then we both laughed.

Piper's POV:
     I walked back into the house and Leo walked down the stairs. "You're home." Leo stated as he walked over to me and gave me a kiss. "Yeah, I am." I stated. "How's Prue?" Leo asked. "As best as she can be in this situation." I replied and he nodded. "And Andy?" Leo asked and I sighed. "Only time can tell." I replied and he nodded. He gave me a hug and I hugged back. We pulled apart and I looked at him. "I love you." I stated. "I love you too." Leo stated and we kissed again and I smiled.
     We walked upstairs holding hands and I heard laughing come from Chris's room. Two different laughs and one sounds like a girl. We stopped in front of the door. "Do you hear that?" I asked and he looked at me and nodded. "Yeah, I do." Leo replied. I let go of Leo's hand and walked closer to the door. "Piper. I don't think that's a good idea." Leo stated. "At this point, I don't really care." I stated and he sighed. I quibble turned the door knob and opened the door. The laughing immediately stopped and they looked at me surprised. Chris and Bianca. Not her again. Chris stood up and Bianca did too. "Mom." Chris stated and my eyes widend.

Prue's POV:
     I just got home after visiting Andy in the hospital. I saw Phil on the couch watching TV. "Where are your brother?" I asked. "Vic is asleep in his room and Jack is out." Phillip replied and I nodded. "Aren't you grounded from TV?" I asked. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." Phillip replied as he turned off the TV. He headed to his room, but I stopped him. "We need to talk." I stated. He sighed and turned around to face me. "No, we don't." Phillip stated. "Sit. Now." I stated as I pointed to the couch. He rolled his eyes and sat on the couch. I sat down there and looked at him. "Why don't you feel special?" I asked and he shrugged. "I don't knowm" Phillip replied and I sighed. "That's not an answer.... Is it because you don't have powers?" I asked and shrugged. "Maybe." Phillip replied and I sighed again. "Just give me a straight answer. The truth." I stated. He finally looked at me. "So much is always going on and because I'm not magical.... It's like I'm not important." Phillip stated and I shook my head. "Phil." I stated and he shook his head as he looked away from me. "Just don't." Phillip stated. "You are important. You re important to me. You're important to your father and your brothers. You're important to your aunt's and uncles. You're important to your cousins too. Just because you don't have powers, doesn't mean you're not important to this family and the Halliwell line." I explained. He sighed and looked at me again. "I'm real sorry, mom." Phillip apologized with tears in his eyes. We both started crying and we hugged.

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