Chapter 20: Cheating!

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Katerina's POV:
   I'm still not talking to Tamora. I was at the lunch room with Mel. I consider Mel my best friend and she considers me her best friend. We are really close. I was eating a pepperoni pizza and Mel was eating a chicken patty with ketchup and mustard. We both had chocolate milk. I had an apple and banana. Mel has an orange and salad with ranch dressing. Mel sat across from me. She was looking at her phone and she looked sad. "Are you okay?" I asked. "No." Melinda replied. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Kevin isn't answering me." Melinda replied. "I'm sure everything is okay." I reassured. "Yeah. Hopefully." Melinda agreed with a sigh.
   It is the end of the day. I went to my locker and put everything in there. Then Lucas went to his locker and my heart started racing. I closed my locker door then I put my hair in a ponytail. I turned around and leaned up against my locker and sighed. "Everything okay?" Lucas asked. "Yeah. Just waiting for two of my cousins." I replied. "Your cousins, not friends." Lucas stated. "I don't have many friends. The cousin I'm waiting for is my best friend. The other one is her brother." I replied. "You have a lot of cousins, right?" Lucas asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Are you close to all of them?" Lucas asked as he closed his locker door. Then he faced me. "Not all of them. I'm really close to Melinda, she's the one I'm waiting for. I'm pretty close to Parker and Patricia. I'm kind of close to Chris, who I'm also waiting for, and my brother, Samuel. I'm not close to Wyatt or Penelope. I'm kind of close to Christy and not close to Mason. Patty has a different dad then Penny and Parker. Then her dad had a daughter and son with another women, a family friend. Then you know my relationship with Tam. Chris is giving Mel and I a ride." I explained. "Big family." Lucas stated with a laugh and I laughed too. I saw I had a text from Mel so I texted back and I just said okay. "Yeah. You're telling me." I stated with a smile. I looked at him and we locked eyes.
  Then Tamora walked over to us, which made me look away. "Hey, baby." Tamora greeted and gave Lucas a kiss. But Lucas didn't kiss back. "Hi." Lucas greeted. Is that disappoint in his voice? No. It's probably just me. I'm being crazy. Tamora. We were having a nice talk. She really doesn't even care about me. "I'll see you later, Kat." Lucas stated. "Y-yeah." I stated and then he walked off with my stupid sister.

Lucas' POV:
     I was having a nice chat with Kat until Tamora got there. I have to break up with her. Even if Kat doesn't like me, I can't be with Tam if I don't like her. Especially since I like Kat. Tamora is a difficult person, so it'll be difficult to do. But it has to be done.

Melinda's POV:
      I closed my locker door and sighed. I'm going to meet Kat at her locker. I am going on a date with Kevin in two hours, if he'll answer my text and calls. I'm getting worried. He wasn't in 7th period. I texted Kat and told her I'll be there in a couple minutes. I had my hair in a side ponytail and some of my hair was loose on the other side. I'm wearing a blue shirt with spikes on the sleeves and skinny jeans and blue high heels. I started walking when I heard something in the janitor closet. I opened it up and gasped. Kevin was making out with Jaclyn. Looks like their having sex. She's shirtless and he's pantless. "Melinda! It's not what it looks like!" Kevin exclaimed as he put his pants on and Jaclyn put her shirt on. Tears were started to come down my face. I ran off crying the opposite way of Kat's locker.
      I ran outside and saw Chris' car. I ran in there and tried to open it but it was locked. I groaned and grabbed a hair clip from my purse and picked the lock. Then I got in the drivers seat and closed the door behind me. I'm got going to drive away, I couldn't if I wanted too. I started crying even harder. Why? Why me? How could he? I thought he was a good guy! I really liked him, and I thought he liked me! This is unfair. I-I don't understand. I got a text and saw it was from Kat. Crap! I totally forgot. Then Kevin was calling. I started breathing heavy. I declined a call and then I saw I had a text from Chris. They were both at Kat's locker and waiting for me. I put my head back and let the tears flow down. Then Chris was calling. I can't dodge them forever. I wiped my tears and took a deep breath. I answered the call. "Hey." I greeted. "Where are you?" Chris asked. "At your car." I replied. "I thought you were meeting us here, and I thought I locked it." Chris stated and I sniffed. "You did. I picked the lock. I was going to meet you guys there, but I needed a few moments by myself." I explained. "Are you okay? You don't seem okay?" Chris asked. "I'm fine. Just meet me here." I stated and hung up. I wiped my remaining tears and got into the passanger seat and waited.
      Soon Chris and Kat got here and we left. "Are you going to tell us what's wrong?" Chris asked. "Nope." I replied. "We're not going to stop bugging you about it." Chris stated. "Please." I begged. "Nope." Chris stated and I sighed. "Mel. What's wrong? Please tell us." Kat stated. My phone rang and I saw it was Kevin. I declined and took a deep breath. "Okay. I heard a noise so I opened up the janitor closet and saw Kevin having sex with Jaclyn, Tamora's best friend." I stated. "Oh, Mel. I'm so sorry." Kat apologized. "It's okay." I reassured. "He's going to pay for hurting my little sister!" Chris exclaimed. "No! You're not going to do anything." I stated and then my phone rang. I was about to decline it when Chris grabbed my phone and answered it. "Chris!" I yelled. "Leave my sister alone.... Or else!" Chris exclaimed and hung up. He handed me back and the phone and I sighed. "I can handle it, Chris. It's sweet and all, but I don't need my big brother protecting me all of the time." I stated. I looked out of the window and sighed.

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