Chapter 18: On The Hunt!

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Parker's POV:
    I was in my room on my bed. I pulled the covers over me and sighed. Then I heard my door open. "I let you miss a week of school. No more, you have to go." Mom stated. She pulled the covers off of my head and then opened the curtains. I grabbed the cover and pulled it over my head again. My mom grabbed the cover and tried to yank it off again but I kept a hold of it. My mom yanked hard and I, along with my cover, fell off the bed. "Ow." I stated. My mom helped me up and went my closet. She grabbed me an outfit and threw it on the bed. "Put it on. Be down in five minutes. The bus will be here in 10 minutes." Mom stated and then she left. I sighed and put on my outfit. It was a blue and black stripped shirt with short sleeves, some black slacks, and some gold sandals. Then I into the restroom. I brushed my teeth and hair and then I put my hair in a low ponytail. I went down stairs and my mom already had breakfast for me. She made bacon and eggs. I ate it slowly and then grabbed my bag and walked out. Everyone was just watching me, I hope it's not like that at school. My sisters followed me and we all went on the bus.
    At school people are watching me. Great! Note the sarcasm. I sighed as I opened my locker. I put my stuff in there and grabbed what I needed. I closed my locker door and turned around to see Tam's friends look away. I sighed and walked away as I heard them whispering. I didn't hear what they were saying, but I know it was about me and it's probably nothing good. I kept walking until I got to my first class. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I sighed and went to my seat. This is going to be a long day.

Melinda's POV:
      School is over and I'm in the underworld. I was looking for a demon to vanquish. I made sure to stay quiet. I peeked through a cornor and saw a bunch of demons. Crap! I backed away and a moment later I heard footsteps. Then a demon walked around the cornor I was in and saw me. But before he could say anything, I through one of the vanquishing potions but it didn't work. I threw three more before I found the one that worked for this demon. He screamed and I heard some footsteps so I used the potion to transport away and I appeared in the attack.
    When I get there I laughed. But then, when the smoke cleared, I saw.... Ian? "Ian? What are you doing here?" I asked. "I know you're demon hunting in secret. Do you realize how dangerous that is?" Ian asked and I laughed. Is he serious right now? "Seriously?" I asked. "I am your whitelighter." Ian replied and I sighed as I stopped laughing. "Look. I can take care of myself." I stated. "Are you sure about that?" Ian asked. "Yeah, I am. I have been." I replied. "How long have you been doing this?" Ian asked. "I don't know." I replied. "Melinda." Ian stated. "A year." I replied. "A year?" Ian asked. "A year." I replied. "And no one found out?" Ian asked. "Nope." I replied. "Impressive." Ian stated with a smirk and I smiled.    "Thanks." I stated but then he frowned. "But it's still not a good idea." Ian stated. I frowned and then sighed. "I don't need a babysitter." I stated. "Too bad. I have to tell your parents." Ian stated. "Please, don't." I pleaded. "I have no choice." Ian stated. "If I agree to stop, will you not tell them?" I asked. "Yes." Ian replied. "Okay. I'll stop." I stated. "Good." Ian stated. Then Ian orbed away and I smirked. Idiot. As if I'm going to stop.

Ian's POV:
     Melinda's not going to stop... Is she? I guess I'm going to have to watch her carefully. She's beautiful though. Ugh! Stop that! I can't think that way. She's my charge. But of course, it's not against the rules anymore. But she's a teenager and I don't think her parents would like us together. They might demand for a new whitelighter. I'll just have to keep my feelings of her to myself.

Melinda's POV:
    Ian is really sweet.... And really sure. Wait a second.... I can't think this way. He's my whitelighter. Of course it's not against the rules anymore. But my parents won't allow it and they'll probably demand for a new whitelighter. Besides, I have a boyfriend.... Kevin. He's kind of sweet and kind of cute. But he's also a little demanding. Never mind this. I grabbed some potions. Off I go to kill more demons.

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