Chapter 61: Family Fued Part 1!

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Chris's POV:
       I thought my anger would go down, but it didn't. I'm still extremely angry at Wyatt. Bianca walked over to me and put her hand on mine. I felt myself cool off and then I relaxed a bit. Only Bianca can do that. "Chris. Are you okay?" Bianca asked and I sighed. "No, I'm not." I replied. Bianca wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She planted a kiss on my lips and I smiled. "I love you." Bianca stated. "I love you too." I stated and she smiled.

Wyatt's POV:
     I feel burning pain in my right eye now. I slowly got up, with the help of Melinda. "What just happened?" Melinda asked. "I-I don't know." I replied and then Wyatt got out of Bianca's embrace and got in front of her protectively. "You wanted to break us up." Chris stated and I pushed my eyebrows together. "What?" Bianca and I asked in unison. "Don't act all Innocent." Chris replied and I sighed. "I'm just trying to protect you." I stated and he crossed his arms. "The only person I needed protected from is you." Chris stated. "Chris." I stated. "No, I don't want to hear it. From now on, we are not brothers." Chris stated and my eyes widend.  "Chris!" I exclaimed. "Just.... Don't talk to me." Chris stated and then he grabbed Bianca's hand and walked out.

Penelope's POV:
     I smiled when I saw all of this while everyone was confused. Melinda tried to sneak out, but Katerina stopped her and she sighed as they all started arguing again. This is good chaos. They can't save innocents when they're at each other's throats. I've made real progress. I can't wait til someone else gives me a reason to split them up even more. Then Emilie grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the attack. How dare she? She doesn't have the right to do that to me. Only I have the right to do that to people. Not the other way around. I put my hands on my hips and glared at the future kids. "What do you want?" I asked in a mean tone. "We know. About you." Emilie replied and I pushed my eyebrows together. "What do you mean?" I asked. "We're from the future, idiot. We know that you're evil." Ronald replied and I put my hands to the side as my eyes widend. "W-what are you t-talking about?" I asked. "You know exactly what we're talking about." William replied and I glared at them. "You better not say anything!" I exclaimed. "I want to, but we can't. It'll disrupt the future, and if I give one more piece of information out about the future, Emilie would probably kill me." Scarlett stated. "That's true." Emilie stated. "Good. Now keep your mouth shut." I stated and I walked back into the attack.

Melinda's POV:
   Everyone was still yelling at me and I was getting fed up. "THAT'S ENOUGH!" I yelled and everyone went quiet and looked at me. I took a deep breathe and calmed down. "Look.... If you all were in my position, you would do the same. You wouldn't have told us because you made a promise not to and you wouldn't break your promise. So, I'm done. Kat, we use to be best friends and stand up for one another. But you're still mad at me for not telling you about Ian, and I'm sorry about saying this, but that's petty. You're being petty. I wanted to tell you more then anyone, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. You won't forgive me, then I won't forgive you." I explained and then I left the attack.
     I walked down the stairs and saw Chris and Bianca talking on the couch. I stopped and just watched. I couldn't hear them, though. Chris jogged over to where I was. He was about to walk past me, when I stopped him. "I accept your relationship with Bianca. She makes you happy and she seems like a good person." I stated and he smiled at me. He gave me a hug and I hugged him back. We pulled away and we both smiled. "Thanks, that means a lot. I'm okay with you and Ian too." Chris stated and I smiled. He walked up the stairs and I walked down the rest of the stairs. I was about to walk over to Bianca, when she pulled out a necklace from under her shirt. I gasped when I saw it was an engagement ring on a chain. I walked over to her and she put the necklace back under her shirt. "I saw that." I stated. "Saw what?" Bianca nervously asked. "Your engagement ring." I replied and her eyes widend as she took a deep breathe.

Bianca's POV:
     I stood up and stepped closer to Melinda. "Okay, you caught us. We're engaged." I stated. "But.... But.... I don't know what to say." Melinda stated. "I didn't know what to say at first, either. But then I said what my heart said. Yes." I stated. "Well, like I just told Chris, I'm happy for you both.... And this doesn't change that." Melinda stated and I smiled. She's amazing and is taking this really well. "Thanks. Please don't tell anyone." I stated and she nodded. "Of course." Melinda stated and I smiled. She hugged me, which shocked me. I hugged back and then she pulled away. "What was that for?" I asked. "You're going to be family. I would really like to hang out with you. I need a new girlfriend." Melinda stated and I nodded. "I would love that." I stated and Melinda nodded. Chris came down and over to us. "Congrats, big bro." Melinda stated. "What do you mean?" Chris asked. "I know about your engagement. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Melinda replied. She gave me a wink and I giggled as she walked away.
      Chris turned to me. "I didn't tell her. She saw the ring, but don't worry. I trust her. Plus, she wants to hang out with me sometime." I explained and he smiled as he pulled me close. "That's nice. At least someone accepts us and likes you." Chris stated and I pulled him in for a passionate kiss. "I think.... I'm almost 18 and because of that we should start looking for a place together." Chris stated and I smiled at him. "I would love that. I can't wait to spend my life with you." I stated and he smiled at me and we kissed passionately again.

Penelope's POV:
      So, Chris and Bianca are engaged and Melinda knows about it. Maybe I should make everyone know this secret and then Chris can hate Melinda too and so will Bianca. Then everyone else will get mad at Melinda and Chris some more and Melinda will be mad that no one believes her. My plan is falling into place. I smirked and gave an evil laugh.

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