Chapter 46: Coma!

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Chris's POV:
      I was practicing basketball after school. I looked out the window and thought I saw a lock of brown hair. But it disappeared and I shrugged, I figured I just imagined it. I threw a basketball at the hoop and made it. I smiled as the coach gave me a pat on the back for a good job. We have been having a bad season and that was the first decent shot in weeks. I grabbed a water bottle and walked out.
     I was walking with my teammates when I heard a familiar voice. "Chris." Bianca stated and she gave me a nervous smile. I wonder why she's nercous. "I'll see you guys later." I stated and the team walked away as I walked over to her. "Bianca." Chris stated and Bianca gave him a shy smile. "Can we talk?" Bianca asked and Chris nodded slowly. "Yeah." Chris stated and Bianca nodded.

Prue's POV:
    I ran into the hospital as fast I can. I ran to the desk in tears. "What room is Andy Truedo in?" I asked. She started looking it up and I was tapping the desk. "Room 115." The lady replied and I just started sprinting down the hall. I ran into the room and saw a doctor over his body and Darryl was standing in the corner with tears staining his face. I walked over to him and he noticed me and he hugged me. I pulled apart and wiped my tears. "What happened?" I asked. "We were shotting at some criminals and one shot him. It nearly missed the heart." Darryl replied and I started sobbing. He held me in his hands and then the doctor walked over to us. "How is he?" I asked as I tried to calm down. But that was proven difficult. "The bullet grazed his heart and we were able to get it out. But there is still another bullet in there that is a bit more difficult." The doctor explained. If Darryl wasn't holding me up, I would have fallen to the ground. "What does that mean?" Darryl asked. Then another doctor walked over. "We got the second bullet out." The second doctor stated and the first doctor nodded. Darryl sighed in relief. "That's good, right?" Darryl asked. "Yes." The first doctor replied and I nodded. "Is he.... Will he be okay?" I asked. "He's in a coma. Only he can pull himself out right now. I guess it all just depends on his will to live." The first doctor replied. "Well, he has a strong will. He almost died once a long while ago, but survived even though the doctors told us he wouldn't make it." Darryl stated and the doctor. "Then we'll just have to wait and see." The doctor stated as he left the room.

Bianca's POV:
     I've been thinking long and hard about my relationship with Chris. I love him and I think I'm ready to be with him again. In a real relationship. I love him.... And I completely forgive him now. We were sitting on 'our' spot. Or.... Our old spot, that is. I sighed as I looked down. "What do you want to talk about?" Chris asked. I could feel his eyes on me. I looked up at him and our eyes locked. "Us." I replied. He took a deep breathe and nodded. He was obviously shocked. "Okay." I agreed. I took a deep breathe and held Chris' hand, which also shocked him. He looked so dreamy. I'm madly in love with him. "I want to be with you." I stated and his eyes widend. "What?" Chris asked. "I want to be with you.... Like a real couple again." I replied and he smiled. He moved my hair behind my ear and then he touched my face in the loving way he use to do all of the time. "Really?" Chris asked. "Yes." I replied. He removed his hand from my face and held both of my hands in his. The he leaned in and I did too. Our lips touched and we kissed passionately for a long moment.

Pheobe's POV:
    I was in the shower with Cole. I laughed at him and he laughed too. He leaned down to me and kissed me. I sighed as I let the hot water cover me. He laughed and I opened my eyes to look at him. "What?" I asked. "You look so adorable." Cole replied and I laughed. "Well, you're hot. Like, smoken hot." I stated and he smiled as he rolled his eyes. We kissed again and then I heard a knock on the door. I pulled away and sighed. "I'll get it." Cole stated and I looked up to him. "Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded. "Of course." Cole replied. He walked out of the shower and put on a robe.

Cole's POV:
     I opened the door and was shocked to see Coop. "Coop. What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm looking for Patty." Coop replied and I nodded. "She's at the library." I stated. "Which one?" Coop asked. "The main one." I replied and he nodded. "Do you mind if I ask why?" I asked. "I think she's been dodging me. She said a few things to Billy and I think she's upset about something." Coop replied. "She had been acting weird lately." I stated. "So, it's not just me who thinks that?" Coop asked. "No. I think we all noticed it." I replied and he nodded. Then Pheobe walked down wearing a towel. "Cole. Who is it?" Pheobe asked and then she noticed Coop. "Coop. Why are you here?" Pheobe asked. "Long story." I replied and she nodded. I looked at Pheobe and she grabbed her phone and she narrowed her eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I have a bunch of missed calls from Prue, Piper, and Paige." Pheobe replied. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "We're about to find out." Pheobe replied and she walked out of the room with her phone.
   I turned back to Coop. "I should go." Coop stated. "Good idea." I agreed. He sighed and left as I closed the door behind him. I turned around and sighed too. Then Pheobe walked back in with tears in her eyes and shocked look on her face. I walked up to her with concern. "What's wrong?" Cole asked. "Andy's in a coma." Pheobe replied and my eyes widend. "What?" I asked. "We have to go to the hospital.... Now." Phoebe replied and I nodded.

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