Chapter 39: Caught!

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Melinda's POV:
    I'm wearing a white dress with black belt and black high heels. I had my hair down and wavy. I had on some makeup too. I sighed as I looked at myself in my mirror. I saw my mom through the mirror and sighed. "I hope you have fun." Mom stated and I nodded. "Yeah. Me too." I agreed. I turned around and faced her. But I walked out before she could say anything at all.

Christy's POV:
     I was writing my dream journal. I don't keep a diary, I have my dream journal. I dream everyday and I always remember it, so I write it down. I'm interested in psychology and dreams. What it means and stuff like that. It's really cool, in my perspective. "Christy!" Mom called. I shut my dream journal and locked it. Then I put it under my pillow along with the pen I always use to write in my dream journal. I sat up as my mom walked in. "Yeah?" I asked. "Why aren't you dressed yet?" Mom asked. "Should I be, it's Saturday?" I asked. "My boss is coming over for lunch today. Your dad, brother, and sister will be there." Mom replied. I sighed and nodded my head. "Okay." I agreed as I stood up. "Good." Mom stated and then she walked out and I went to my closet. I grabbed a pink dress with flowers on it and out it on. I put my hair in a side braid and put on a tiny bit of make up. I walked out and down the stairs. 
      "Where's mom?" I asked my dad. "She went to pick her boss up." Dad replied and I nodded. Then the door opened and Patty walked in. "Hey, daddy." Patty greeted. "Hi, baby girl." Patty greeted and they hugged. Then Patty walked over to me with a smile. "Hey." Patty greeted. "Hey yourself." I greeted with a smile. "I thought you were supposed to spend the night at your mom's house today?" I asked. "I am. I'm just here for lunch and may be dinner." Patty replied and I nodded. "Cool." I stated and them Patty say on the couch. J went in the living room and opened the fridge. "Hey! Get me a coke!" Patty exclaimed with a giggled and I laughed. "Okay." I agreed. I grabbed a coke and a cherry coke and I walked back in there. I threw her the coke at her but she didn't catch it. It fell next to her on the couch and we both laughed. She picked it up and I sat next to her on the couch. I opened my cherry coke and started drinking it. She waited to open her coke so it wouldn't fizz. After a moment, she opened it and drank it.
      Patty and I were laughing and having a good time when a demon shimmered in. We both jumped up at the same time. The demon shot an evergy ball at them but Patricia grabbed ny hand and she beamed us away. Then we beamed back in the same spot. I turned my head and saw scorch marks on the wall and then turned back to the demon. "Dad! Beam away!" Patty exclaimed. "No!" Dad exclaimed. "Now!" I exclaimed. He sighed and beamed out. Then Mason beamed in front of us and his back was facing the demon. "What's going on down here?" Mason asked. "Beam!" I exclaimed. "What?" Mason asked. But it was too late. The demon had conjured an athame and stabbed him in the back. Patty and I gasped as Mason fell to the floor and the demon help up the bloody athame.

Melinda's POV:
     Ian and I walked into the museum holding hands. I had a big smile on my face. "Happy?" Ian asked as he tucked a piece of my hair behind her. I giggled layed my head on his shoulder. "Couldn't be happier." I replied. I lifted my head from his hand and looked up to see him smiling down at me and I blushed. "Could I see your works?" Ian asked. "Sure." I replied nervously and we walked over to the art part of the contest. I pointed to a picture of a big boat on the water and a dock with some trees in the distance. "It's beautiful!" Ian exclaimed and I smiled. "Thank you." I stated. Then I dragged him to the photography contest. I pointed to a photography picture that showed a forest and it was pouring down rain. There was also a jaguar and several butterflies. "It's amazing, Mel!" Ian exclaimed and I blushed some more. "Thanks." I stated and we walked over to the food table.
     Ian took my hand and looked at me in the eyes. Then he kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. "Melinda Halliwell?" A female voice asked. They split apart and looked over at a girl with long blonde hair. "Hi. My name is...." The girl started. "Claire Leons." I finished with a smile and she laughed. "That's me." Claire stated and I smiled. "You're like.... My idol." I stated. "That's nice to hear. But I'll like to talk to you about your painting and picture." Claire stated. "Okay." I agreed. Ian let go of my hand, making me look over at him. "I'll be right back." Ian stated and I nodded. He walked off and I turned back to Claire. "You may continue, Mrs. Leons." I stated. "Please, call me Claire." Claire stated and I nodded with a smile. "Okay, Claire." I agreed. "So, why do you want to be my art consultant?" Claire asked and I took a deep breath. "Well, like I said, you're my idol. But, um, it's my dream. Even if it wasn't for you, my long term dream has been two things. 1. To be a photographer. 2. Be an art consultant." I replied. ""That's a very good answer. I love your art and photography." Claire stated and I grinned. "Thank you so much! That means the world coming from you!" I exclaimed and she smiled too. "Of course." Claire stated with a nod. Claire walked away as Ian walked back over to me.
     I had a drink in my hand and so did Ian. He put his down and sighed. I turned to him. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah." Ian replied. Ian grabbed my drink from my hands and put it down on the table by his drink. He put his hands on my waist and I smiled. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Having a little fun." Ian replied. I giggled at his dorkiness. I put my hands on his sholders as he smiled. I closed my eyes as he kissed my forehead. "I love you." Ian stated and my eyes widend. It was the first time he said that to me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." Ian apologized and then I smiled at him. "Don't be. I love you too." I stated and he smiled at me. I stood on my tip toes, because I'm short, and I kissed him passionately on the lips. He kissed me back. "What's going on here?" A familiar voice asked. I stood back on my feet and turned around as he looked up. "Mom?" I asked shocked. She was with dad, Chris, and Wyatt. "We came to surprise you." Mom replied and I sighed. "What's this?" Dad asked as he looked at me and then at Ian and back at me again. "N-nothing." I replied. I don't exactly know what to do or what to say.
     Then Claire walked into the center of the room and had a microphone in her hand. "Hello, consultants! I usually start with the art contest, but in this rare occasion, the art winner and photography winner are both the same person! Now I looked at every piece of amazing art and photograph and I finally came to my choice. It was a close call. But I will have to go with.... Melinda Halliwell!" Claire explained and I smiled as I gasped. Everyone was clapping. I looked at my family who was smiling at me and then I looked at Ian, who also was clapping and smiling at me. "I won?" I asked and Ian nodded. "Come here, Melinda!" Claire exclaimed. I gave Ian a kiss on the cheek and then ran off to Claire. She gave me an art award and a photography award. "Congratulations!" Claire exclaimed. "Thank you." I stated and she nodded. She moved the microphone so she can talk just to me. "Here's my number. I have your number from your application." Claire stated as she handed me her business card. "Thank you." I stated as I accepted the card and put it in my purse. We shook hands too. "We'll be in touch." Claire stated as our hands separated and I nodded. Then I turned and started walking towards Ian. "Melinda!" Mom exclaimed and I looked over at her. She urged for me to go with them and I looked back over to Ian. He nodded and I sighed. I looked over to my family and they kept urging me to go over there. I sighed and started walking over to him. I turned around to face Ian and saw he looked sad. "Melinda!" Dad exclaimed and I sighed. I turned back to my family and continued walking. But then I stopped and started thinking. Ian. My boyfriend. My family's whitelighter. He could be my first time, I'm still a virgin, but I would like that. I love him. I'm in love with him. I'm madly in love with him. My feelings for him was strong. I love him, and I won't give up on him. Ever. I turn around to face Ian and I ran to him. I jumped in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his arms around my waist. I kissed him passionately as he kissed me back.

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