Chapter 52: Mistake!

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Scarlett's POV:
      I had my hair over my shoulders and curly, as I often do. I was wearing a purple tank top, jean pants, and black heals. I saw Danielle walking down an alley. I took a deep breathe and walked down the alley as I watched her. Then a demon appeared behind her and I gasped. It's a scavenger demon! But she doesn't even know about demons yet! I think this is when she finds out. He made green slim go out of his hand and wrapped around Dani's waist. Oh my gosh! She screamed as he pulled her closer to her. I can't let anything happen to her! I grabbed my athame and ran over to them. I cut the green slime and they parted. Dani fell down and so did Scavenger demon. He got back up and threw the green slime at me. I used wind to keep it away from me as he kept trying to attack me with his slime. But he's a low level demon, I'm more powerful then him. I used my wind power to make his slime wrap around him, trapping him. Then I used telekinesis to make him fly away. I grabbed my athame and stabbed his head. I ran back over to Dani and helped her up. "What are you?" Dani asked. "Go to Patricia's house. She'll protect you and explain everything to you." I replied and she nodded. I levitated to the roof and ran away.

William's POV:
     "You what?" I asked. I couldn't believe she was so stupid! "I had to save her, and you know why." Scarlett stated. "I don't care. You just ruined the future. Her future. Patty's future. Your future." I stated and she looked at me confused. "What makes you think that?" Scarlett asked. "Because Patty was supposed to save her and that's when their connection grow into real friendship, which is the beginning to their whole relationship in the future." I replied. She gasped as her eyes widend. "You mean?" Scarlett asked and I nodded. "You might have jeopardized your future, and their future." I replied and she gasped.

Patricia's POV:
     I was outside of my house's door. A guy named Robert asked me out. I said yes, but I don't know why. He seems nice, but I don't know if I'm really interested. I might like someone else.... No, that's impossible. I can't believe I'll even think like that.
    I walked inside and saw my mom, dad, step-dad, step-mom, three sisters, brother, and Dani all by the couch. Dani was wrapped in blanket and had a cup of coffee. I closed the door and everyone looked at me. Dani put down the cup of coffee and stood up. When she did, the blanket fell off of her shoulders. She ran over to me and gave me a hug. I was confused, but hugged her back. She pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "What's going on?" I asked. "Apparently she was attacked by a demon. I borrowed the Book of Shadows to see if she can point it out." Mom replied. I grabbed her hand and she smiled at me. I smiled back at her. "And did she?" I asked as we walked over to the couch. I saw the look everyone gave me when I took her hand, but I just avoided everyone's gazes. I don't have time for that, I need to help Dani right now. "A scavenger demon. Your mom and I crossed one once." Cole replied. "Yeah, they're pretty nasty." Mom agreed and her and Cole gave each other lovey looks. "Then some blood women saved her." Billie stated. "I wouldn't say women. She looked like a teenager. But she.... She had powers." Dani stated. "Lets go to my room. I'll explain everything to you, so we can have some privacy." I stated and she nodded. "Good idea." Dani agreed and I beamed us to my room, which scared her. Hopefully she can handle what I am.

Paige's POV:
     I dialled Phoebe's number and waited for her to answer. "Hey, Paige." Phoebe greeted. "Have you found Prue, yet?" I asked. "No, I'm not really looking, right now." Phoebe replied. "What? Why not?" I asked. "Because some pretty big stuff is going on over here." Phoebe replied and I sighed. "Yeah, well we need to find our sister." I stated. "I know. But some teenage witch just saved Patty's friend, Dani from a Scavenger demon." Phoebe replied and my eyes widend. "Wow. That is big." I stated. "I know." Phoebe agreed and I sighed. "Okay. You deal with that, Piper and I will go and find Prue." I stated and Phoebe sighed. "Okay. I'll help as soon as I can." Phoebe staed. "Okay. I'll talk to you later. Good luck." I stated. "You too." Pheobe agreed and then she hung up as I sighed. I dialled Piper's number. "Anything?" I asked. "I think so. Meet me at the big cave in the woods ASAP." Piper replied and I nodded. "Okay. I'm on my way." I agreed. She hung up and then I orbed away.

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