Chapter 51: Future!

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Scarlett's POV:
     Emilie was by the Book of Shadows as Ronald drew a triquatra on the wall. "You can't tell them what you're doing or why you're there. If you can, then don't even let them no your there. You can only change what you're meant to change." Emilie explained to me and Willam. "Aren't you guys coming?" I asked as Ron walked over to the Book of Shadows next to Em. "We'll be going there soon. We have to rescue our other cousins first." Ronald replied. "Then maybe we can stay and help and then we can all go together." Will suggested. "No. Just in case something happens to us. Try to stay as low key as possible." Ronald stated. "Ron is right. You have to be careful. Even if you do meet them, you can't let them no who you are." Emilie stated. Will and I nodded. "Okay." Will and I agreed. "Hear these words, hear the rhyme. Heed the hope within my mind. Send me back to where I'll find, what I wish in place and time." Emilie and Ron chanted. Then the portal opened. We all hugged and then Will and I walked in.

Penelope's POV:
     I beamed into Parker's room. She had a potion in hand. She stood up shocked. "Penny? What are you doing here?" Parker asked. "To convice you to not make a mistake." I replied. "This isn't a mistake." Parker stated. "Yes, it is. But you're going to realize it too late." I stated. "You can't stop me." Parker stated and I nodded. "I know. I can't. Our parents. Our cousins. Aunt's. Uncles. They all can't stop you." I stated. "Good, at least you understand." Parker stated. "But someone can." I stated. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Really? Who?" Parker asked. "It's a surprise. She's in the attack of the Manor." I replied. "Maybe I don't want to go." Parker stated. "Just come.... And if this doesn't work, then.... You can bind your magic." I stated and she shifted. There was a moment of silence as I tried to study her. "Okay." Parker agreed. I shimmered away and so did Parker. Parker looked up and saw Dianna. Her eyes started to water as she gasped. She stepped forward as she looked at the ghost. "Dianna?" Parker asked and Dianna smiled.

Patricia's POV:
     I was walking home pretty late when I saw Dani. She was by herself and walking across the street. I wonder why she's out so late. If she saw me, she would probably think the same thing. "Dani!" I called. She looked over and smiled. She looked around the street and saw no cars coming. She ran across the street and over to me. "Hey. What are you doing out so late?" Dani asked. "Walking home from my cousins apartment." I replied. "Your cousin has his or her own apartment?" Dani asked. "Yeah. He turned 19 last month." I replied and she nodded. "Cool." I stated. "I have a cousin who is turning 18 in three months." I stated. "You do have a big family." Dani stated and I nodded. "I do." I agreed. We both laughed. "Yeah." Dani stated to fill in the awkward air. "Why are you out so late?" I asked. "Just taking a walk." Dani replied and I looked at her confused. "This late?" I asked and she sighed. "No. I was coming back from the cemetery." Dani replied. "You don't have to tell me." I stated. "But I want to. I trust you." Dani stated and I smiled. "Who died?" I asked. "My parents. When I was really young." Dani replied and I gave her a sad look. "That's why you live with your brother and his fiance." I stated. "Yeah." Dani stated. "My mom and two of her sisters lost their mom when they were really young." I stated. "Just two? Isn't there another sister?" Dani asked and I nodded. "Yeah. It's a long story." I replied and she nodded. "Well, I better get going." Dani stated and nodded. "Yeah, me too." I agreed. There was a moment of silence as we starred at each other in the eyes. Then we walked our separate ways.

Scarlett's POV:
    I watched as they walked away from one another and sighed. Then Will walked up behind me. "Don't do anything stupid." William stated. "When do you think it'll happen?" I asked. "Does Patty have her first boyfriend yet?" William asked. "I don't know." I replied. "Well, we will no when it happens when she gets her first boyfriend." William stated and she nodded. "I guess." I stated. "We have to go before some sees us. That'll be a disaster." William stated and I nodded. "You're right." I agreed. I grabbed Will's hand and I beamed us away.

Parker's POV:
     I couldn't believe it. She's here. Dianna is right here. I thought I'll never see her again. I forgot we can temporarily raise the dead. This is unbelievable. I just starred at her. Not believing what I'm seeing. "Parker." Dianna stated. "I can't believe this." I stated. "I've missed you so much." Dianna stated. "I-I have missed you too." I stated. "I would hug you, but I'll go right through you." Dianna stated and I couldn't help but laugh. Tears started falling down my face. "Don't cry. I love you, Parker. You're my best friend. You re like the sister I never had." Dianna stated and I wiped away my tears. "I feel the same away about you." I stated and she smiled. "You can't bind your magic." Dianna stated and I looked at her confused. "What?" I asked. "It's who you are and you love it. You know you do. My death is not your fault. It was my time to die, it was meant to happen. You always said that everything happens for a reason. Maybe you haven't figured out the reason yet, but you will. I believe in you. I always have." Dianna explained and I cried some more. "Okay. You're right. I never wanted to, I just felt like I had to." I stated. "Well, you don't. I have to go now." Dianna stated and I stepped closer to her. "Please. Please don't go." I stated. "I have to. But I'll always be with you. In your heart.... And if you ever want to talk to me, then just summon me." Dianna stated and I nodded. "Okay." I agreed. "Goodbye Parker. For now, at least." Dianna stated. "I'll see you later." I stated and she nodded. Then she disappeared and I fell to the floor crying and Penny consoled me.
     I was in my room and had just woken up. I was wearing a sports T-shirt and and a pair of jean shorts. "Parker! There's someone at the door for you!" Dad called. I sighed as I got up. I grabbed a hair tie and put my hair in a side braid.
    I went downstairs and my dad was by the door. There was a guy standing there that I've never seen before. "Who's this?" I asked as I walked towards the door. "You tell me." Dad replied with his arms crossed. I sighed and rolled my eyes. He's being over protective. "I'm Thomas. Dianna's cousin." Thomas stated and I gasped.

Ronald's POV:
     "Are you sure they won't mess anything up?" I asked as we walked into the Manor attack. "Of course they will. That's why we have to get there as soon as we can." Emilie replied. "We can't go there yet. Not until we save our cousins before it's too late." I stated. "I know that. I think there's a spell that Aunt Piper made when Aunt Prue, Aunt Pheobe, and Aunt Paige were endanged in order to save them from captivity and from near death." Emilie explained. "Then we have to use it." I stated. "Exactly!" Emilie exclaimed as she started looking through the Book of Shadows. "Here it is." Emilie stated. "Great!" I exclaimed. But then fire appeared. That can only mean one thing. They're here. Emilie riped out the page and put it in her pocket. Then the fire disappeared as they was here. A mother and a son. They use to be good, but now they're evil. The mother used telekinesis to fly the book to her. "How are you touching the book?" I asked. "The book still believes we're good." The mother replied. "How?" Emilie asked. "It's called a potion. I trust you used some before." The son replied with a smirk. Em clenched her first and was about to lunge at them, but I pulled her back. "We're not ready to fight them, yet." I stated and she nodded. She took a few deep breathes as she tried to cool herself down. She has anger issues. I guess that's what happens when you're part demon. "You won't win this. Good always wins." Emilie stated and they started laughing. "Oh, honey. It's not about good versus evil. It's about power, which we have." The mother stated. "You're right and wrong." Emilie stated. "Oh really?" The son asked. "Yeah. It's not about good and evil, but it's not about power either. It's about love and caring." Emilie replied and they laughed. I looked at her shocked and she smirked at me. She doesn't usually say stuff like that. "We'll be leaving with this." The mother stated as she motioned to the book. Then she flamed out. "See you in another life." The son stated and then he flamed out. We both sighed.

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