Chapter 29: Heartache!

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Penelope's POV:
       I was walking in the school halls. I saw Tam and the other cheerleaders. I walked over to them with a smile. "Hi girls." I greeted. "Hey." Tamora greeted. "What's up?" I asked. "Nothing much." Tam replied. Then Jaclyn walked over in her cheerleading uniform and her blonde hair in a ponytail. "Hey, hey, hey." Jaclyn greeted. "What's up JJ?" I asked. "Nothing. But I have my eye on a new guy." Jaclyn replied. "What happened with Kevin?" Tamora asked. "Oh, I'm done with that." Jaclyn replied. "Did you have to sleep with Kevin when he was still with Melinda?" I asked. "Of course. Do you care?" Jaclyn asked. "Well, you and Kevin hurt Mel by doing that." I replied. "You're changing, Penelope." Jaclyn statee. "I'm just not feeling well, that's all." I stated. "Oh, that makes since." Tamora stated and Jaclyn nodded. "I should go now." Jaclyn stated and then she walked off.

Jaclyn's POV:
       I was looking for my next target. Where is he? He's cute and seems sweet. I'm hot so of course he wants to be with me. Then I saw him. There he is. I wonder if he's a virgin. I wonder if he'll have sex with me. Probably wouldn't mind. It is me, after all. Everyone loves me. Cory. Cory is my next target. Penelope already used him, but he dumbed her. This time, he won't find the truth about why I'm going out with him. But I don't just want to break his heart, I want sex. Unlike the virgin cousins. I might have to lie, but, oh well. Let's see how this goes.

Tamora's POV:
      I saw Kat and Lucas talking. They were smiling and having fun. God! Why do they have to be so happy? Do they have to be together? I hate them. I hate both of them. I turned my head and saw a guy starring at me. But he quickly looked away and so did I. Some weird stocker guy, I guess. Whatever.

Cory's POV:
     I was walking with and talking to my basketball friends. Their not really my friends, I'm not like them. They just care about sex. I want a committed relationship. I actually want to fall in love and have that person be in love with me. I want my first time to be with someone I love. Right now, I'm not ready to be in a relationship. I'm still trying to get over Penelope. I did fall in love with her, but she doesn't love me. That's all clear. Yesterday I thought I saw Jaclyn starring at me, funny.
     It was lunch and I was heading to the cafeteria. Then I saw Penelope and I sighed. I was about to turn around when Jaclyn got in front of me. "Hi." Jaclyn greeted. "Hey." I greeted. "I was thinking. We should go out some time." Jaclyn stated. "No. I'm sorry. But, I'm still not over Penelope." I stated. "Who cares about her? I'm not like her. I actually like you and see a possible future with you." Jaclyn stated. I don't know if I believe her. "Really?" I asked. "Of course. You're a great guy and I really like you. I have been trying the past couple of months to get the courage to talk to you. I really like you, for a while. Now you're single. We can take it slow if you want." Jaclyn explained and I sighed. "Maybe we can see how things go, but start out...." I started but then she kissed me. She's not a bad kisser, but Penelope's a better kisser. I can't stop thinking of Penelope. She pulled away. "I was going to say lets start out as friends." I stated. "What's the fun in that?" Jaclyn asked and hugged me. I saw Penelope and she looked like she's crying. I don't want to be with Jaclyn. I want to be with Penelope, but I can't. Then she ran off and out of the school, to who knows where.

Penelope's POV:
      I was walking in the halls at lunch. I saw Cory and smiled. I need to talk to him. I started walking towards him but stopped when Jaclyn walked in front of him. They were talking. Cory kept glancing at me as I watched, but I didnt act like I wasn't watching. I don't care if he knows I'm watching right now. Jaclyn looks happy for some reason, but it's hard to read Cory. They were talking for a while. Then Jaclyn kissed Cory and he was clearly shocked and my eyes widened. I felt tears escape my eyes. Then, after the kiss, Jaclyn hugged Cory and Cory looked at me. He was shocked and I was sad. Jaclyn was probably happy. I shook my head and ran. I ran out of the school.

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